My home is the ocean
It is a place where the wind does not blow
My heart rests there
It is a strange place
A funny place
All black, blue, dark, quiet
A place where the wind only blows on top.
Come and see
My oceanic home is a place where orders are not given
It's a moment of surprise
Two dark eyes smile wide open
It is something gentle that you don't know
It caresses your cheeks.
The ocean is a park in winter
A thin old man cramped on a park bench
A cold blue sky
It's a lonely place; a lonely space
A place where the wind does not blow.
The ocean is my home
It's somewhere far in the distance
It is a high wire tension,
dissolving the warm tenderness of love
The ocean:
It is a cage
It is timid as the eyes of a trapped beast
It is priceless; defenceless
Valuable; valueless
Most welcoming; forbidding
When in there; in the ocean, tread softly- the walls breathe
A deep, dark, black peace
In a place where the wind ruffles the surface
It is my house
I like it!
Part 2
Ocean the movie series
making money in waves
Ocean the singer creating waves and ripples of soft sibilance
Ocean the body of water incorporating it all; bursting boundaries
and borders when fancy calls or dictates.
Plumbing the depths even on coastlines where there is no
plumbing, only holes in the ground, only bore holes apart from those that make
up the termite kingdom.
Reflecting a reality where even after 50 plus years the
beautiful ones are not yet born and the gods on the anthills are still to
The wealth of the nations is still carted and plumbed In primary
fashion to the recycling reagents of the world and sent back to the consumers
whose creative aspiration is to make pencils or maybe only the lead
The wood is carted away via the various oceans.
Oceans as cinema, as mellifluous warblers, as transportation, as
metaphor, as a Jungian picture of the inner psyche- Oceans work!
Plumbing and planing the depths of the ocean within called
Super, un, sub, race, over
All loaded with stuff for consideration and contemplation like
the lake called the sea, called the ocean, called dead- the richest, densest,
most concentrated with value- place on the planet
Oceans 5 or 7 depending on who is counting!