Wednesday, 20 December 2017



BASE – (poem of the month)

Refrain: Have your own way love 
               have your own way;
               thou arth real number 
               and we are the base.

1. Neo

Below the shafts of time, we distinctively treat portion of our history.
Smear the baby's face with cream containing a lanolin base,
and find another use for the sullied bath water.

2. Realm

At the sixth link, we take the sawdust out the square canvas sack
and draw a starting line for an already finished race;
who says there must be a perfect starting point to achieve a logarithmic existence.

3. Through

We go in through the out door, travelling back into the future;
we have come to make salts, 
we, free pairs of electrons donating ourselves 
merging into a covalent bond of morphemes,
into a meticulously punctuated eternity;
and let no assumptions of guilt render void the alibi of the veil.

4. Gaining

A fickle public's demand fluctuates the price of honour,
so we defy the old English law and tenants demand rents from their landlords,
beggars stretchforth their withered hands, snatch the wealth from the jaws of ferocious lions.

5. Maker

Unbelief is the religion of cowards, so they make god in their own image,
and ask angels to fall in worship, but Jesus has refused to die twice,
the wandering Jew has left the nursery bed which lay near the wine dark water where he was transplanted.

6. Sending

We drink the blue sea and eat cakes of clouds
to make a statement over the hunger in the eyes of the disappointed,
but even those who were sent to gather the bones of the people we love were charged with infidelity.

7. Thankful

They say the sayings of a nation marks its character,
so with the monocles of experience 
we have successfully carried out the alchemy of our existence,
purifying sweat and tears to become universal elixir of our own immortality.

8. Vain

We do not laugh at our own vagary
for we know that even dirt can be made holy.

9. Conscious

We too have been taught another way,
we know that fiction bears a truth that history can never comprehend.

10. Kindle

We have ventured into the unfabricated dark, there are no fireflies to light the path
but in our heart burns a lamp, its wicks are made from passion.

11. Raised

In our pockets lay our rejection fees,  stipends to have us quit dreaming, 
but we are not afraid of looking back for it is now our only way forward.
So with their rejection fees we would buy ourselves acceptance
and remind them that our mothers did not raise fools.

12. Base

And when the verdict has been read in the courts of posterity
where history must have bore witness for prophecy 
regarding the issue of our righteous apostasy,
may we the new interprets of memory 
find in that era of incarnate apoplexy
a tongue to chant this symphony:

Refrain: Have your own way love 
               have your own way;
               thou arth real number 
               and we are the base.

A nameless face
No politics, gender, religion or race
Just a person standing tall
One I do not know at all
Would we be friends when we meet?
Would I pass by or would we greet?
Do I need to know your name?
Or are all people the same?
Will political views
Affect the path we choose?
Will religious factors
Become deciding factors?
Will race or tribe
Dictate the pace or vibe?
What's the basis for a connection?
What causes acceptance or rejection?
Is it all about gut feelings?
Chemistry? Economics? Interactions or dealings?
Will the nameless face become my friend?
Or will the beginning be the end?
Is the difference between a city and town
As defined as that between a verb and noun?
Why do some smiles become a frown
When we give a pauper a crown?
Is orange a colour or botanical name?
Are all oranges then the same?
Are carrots vegetables or fruits
Or simply just roots?
What about you?
If I say my heart is blue
Would you believe it to be true?
If I say I have gold in my head
Would you believe that instead?
Do you believe all you are told
Once a person is confident, fluent and bold?
The jury and judge are around
Let's see if our friendship is time bound
Gender waits by the door
Race sits patiently on the floor
Religion tugs at its chords
Politics surprisingly seems bored
They all await the verdict
The one to be blamed for the conflict
The reason for needless goodbyes
The reason why
Hearts lie
Friendships die
And Lovers cry
The journey back to Genesis
The basis
The case
The base.
I say farewell to porn, no longer would I look at a woman with scorn, for this disordered affection left me torn. And to all my wasted seeds, you I solemnly morn for you never were given the chance to be born.
I say farewell to porn, for it was an activity which left me covered in immeasurable guilt, wrapped up in filth. Irrevocable shame I often felt as my sense of dignity a heavy blow was dealt but out of shame I have emerged. Feeling like a better man and towering over my former self as if walking on stilts. For a stubborn resolve I have now built. It’s about time for my manhood was starting to wilt.
I sing this song to life
My muse and indispensable wife
Into success I must dive
To great heights I'd love to grow
I have gone to and fro
To the east, west, north and south
Even from the ants
I have sought knowledge

Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold
So Yeats told
And this we live to behold
Like Esther dined with Ahesuerus
We all aim to be prosperous
Saying we are more than conquerors
But to ourselves remain dangerous
Seeth thou a man dilligent in his ways
Before kings he shall stand always
Mankind shall sing of his praise
And under his feet shall be mere men

What dreadful fate to befall them!!
Who can't face the Lions den
But love the title of a rare gem
And continuously proclaim
I have a dream! I have a dream!
Without a stream?
A realistic stream of consciousness?
What a beautiful dream!
That goes dim as it beams

Tick tick says the clock
What you have to do, do quick
We forget to run while we stand
So we inevitably drown
In dim dawn of dusk's depth

My people of mende!
Give this a loud thought
The ileke must vibrate while we dance
And while we dance,
Our calabash must be fixed to get DAILY DROPS


if only an Architect could gratify
   those roofs not of metals
     but a thought so unsullied

if only a mortal could decode
   a cord's code not of maternity
     but a thought decades sealed
if only Quantum understood
   those particles not an article
    conundrum wouldn't be a synonym
      to his theory

what is Human without body?
what is Universe without light?
  ' doesn't matter what you answer

unfathomable is the Base
    a "perfect thought"
     an "immortal glue"
      bond in all you can afford to see
       you and I, all of us, no exception.



'No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark'. -Warsan Shire
The Manifold Place is home, and really, what makes it home is not the pretty decor or the urban groove.

A couple of years ago or so, I walked into The Manifold Place one evening after quite a while, 
and it felt like strong arms wrapped around me 
and held me close to a warm body 
pulsing with warmth and wonderful welcome. 
Warmth is the pulse of this place, 
and love is the blood that flows through it. 
This home offers healthy nutrition:
the rich, rightly divided, undiluted word of God that causes faith to rise in your heart, uncensored, raw, hearty worship to an audience of One, love, and hope. 

Broken wings, tired eyes, crippled dreams, weary soul, 
You find that bright hope runs and spins and twirls here. 
Your soul will uncurl and open towards the Truth and Life, 
causing your eyes will sparkle once more as your dreams receive life and leap in your heart,
Baby, you will heal and rise and fly again, 
And others will see you and know how it is done.

How can you miss the beauty resident here? 
You need only look at the choicest of the choice souls for an introduction. 
Beautiful minds and souls, 
sweet spirits and beautiful faces, 
incredibly beautiful stories that have the signature of the Master Potter, 
living breathing proofs that something can be brought out of nothing. 
Oh yes!, there is beauty here. 
The smiles and laughter are not a facade, 
they are evidence that you can come out of the valley of the shadow of death with a song.

In this place, you find support. 
Synergy. Kingdom partnerships. Collaboration. Fellowship. These are not just nice-sounding words that roll off the tongue as easily as rain off a roof, oh no. 
There are hands to hold in prayer, 
in worship, 
in execution of great ideas, 
there are shoulders to lean on so you can rest, not quit, when you're tired, 
there's a strong, vibrant community to be part of, 
and it's all the better because they are of the household of faith. 
'They tell me the city sings a song, and you can't help but sing along'. Well, in this house, you'll find people who are proof that you don't have to conform. 

There is peace here. 
You can bring in the heartache, 
the disappointments that drag your shoulders down and make it nearly impossible to stand straight, 
the inner struggles that are too personal to share, 
the pain inflicted by a world gone mad, 
and lay it all down, lay yourself down with it, 
knowing you won't leave with the same burdens you came in with, 
knowing without a doubt that beyond the pastors, 
beyond the lights and the music, 
El Mekaddishkem is here to sanctify, 
El Shalom is present to soothe, to bring relief, 
El Ropheka is capable of healing, 
and El Yashib is here to restore. 
With that reassurance, we spin in a dance, then we bow our heads, 
throw out our arms, and cry, 
Aye, aye, there's peace here. 

This is a psalm, a poem, a prayer, 
And when you count your blessings for 2017, 
I hope you remember to count this home. 
Joy chime
A poem

With my lazy hands and slothful fingers
I pick up my amateurish pen.
A poem to amuse myself I had wished to write
And with it
 Hopefully, capture a soul or two
With thoughts packed in punches
Fertile lines that breed off-springs
Rhythms dancing to the tune of its own beats

If my pen would show me how
I would love to write a poem

I would love to carve words
Into thought-provoking creatures
Feed them life from spilt ink
Flowing blood,
And bottled emotions
Watch them crawl, walk then run
Watch them take up arms and go to war
I wish to start a battle to end all battles
if only I had enough blood in me

If I had the words
I would really love to write a poem

I wish I had words
For these tears that had refused to flow
I wish I could tell my stories in a different way
I wish I could write away
All these blood and tears
I wish I could exorcise the pain
You so much seek at the bottom
Of green bottles

I wish I could rewrite the pains
His punches brought
I wish I could repaint your heat
Without the scars
I wish I could write reality in reverse
Watch these broken pieces mend themselves
Watch your heart walk back into his arms
Watch stories untell themselves.
If my pen would show me how
I would really love to write a poem.
Stanza 1
Lips glistened with dried blood,
Tokens of martyrs ,
Nero contrived terrors fit
For the guillotines,
He said prayers for
Dead heroes,
Tears from Zeus
Watered his hunger thirst,
His base stood strong
Amid the howling denizens
Of Rome's pharisees,
He swore litanies,..
He would drink their cowardice,!
Stanza 2
Nero sang lullabies,
Only mad men would applaud,
His lyre bore testimony to
Cries of heretics ,
Impaled by derelict Boors,
He laughed at the inaninity of
Their devotion,
To a spectre of a Messiah,
Where was he to save these
Poor farthings?
Nero's base was unyeilding,
Bearing the wounds of hounds,
Nero 's voice was a cacophony
Of pain and misery,
Joy was an orphan,
For these hapless Christians.
Stanza 3
Nero's base took a foundling,
His empire began to unravel,
Rome's tears mitigated the wail
Of banshees,
The City of 7 hills burned
Behind him,
He couldnt care less,
His mother had cursed him,
Before he impaled her on
His saber,
She was a pitiful wench,
Mothers were like that,
Sons were gods.
He,Nero,was a god.
Gods were vicarious.
His base would hold ,
For fate would write
Eulogies on the pages
Of history.
His history.
Nero's base held ...
Lucidity became a wan song.
©teddy ugonna richard

I tried scribbled words to the ears,
It seems my mind just went blank,
It seems there are just blank spaces,
Sorry words where do you think you are going?
Well I don’t know!
Seems I need a break,

Words, you serenade souls,
Words, you usually flow endlessly,
Words, you spark light in darkness,
Words, you shape people,
Words, you bind wounded hearts,
Words, you give hope,
But now the pen you use its losing its ink.
All of a Sudden!
Well I guess is too early.
Why not refill the ink?
Where do I purchase the needed refill?
Who do I tell of the insecurities in my words?
Mr Inspiration are you still there?
Mrs Motivation won’t you come in?

I was told I needed to apply a base coat of thoughts,
So I went to the base of operation of words,
I found thoughts built on d base of solid rocks of words,
And every single officer of words, love, cherishes their base,
So I sat in my corner..
Wondering what I could do to support the base of operation,
I was given the basis…
Remember the great Dr. Ode once said..
“what good is poetry that does not save or serve?
Yes Poetry is the spice of life
So be patient,
Words would again flow endlessly,
Return to the base!!
And once again your thoughts would rekindle in your pen.

@Akinyemi Akinmusire


Up on your window
The flattering flickering flare
Bleeds a bleary blues
And hints a grotesque peace
That promises only a fair piece
But I take what's mine
On watery wave of music
On dusky broken blooms
On sounding splattered Spin
I always take what's mine
Whoever or whatever it may...
Call it base but I own today.

I set to motion a stern alluvion
To wash over this creeping reverie
That takes in a silent struck
And keeps me three steps away from gold
I kindle this base to strength
Moisten my muse to fly.

Time! Who dares to tame?
The greyness of memories stacked
Many, hoped to be forgotten
A Moving painting of dense desire
A silhouette of conquered confusion
Sculptured in feeble flames
Those were the tales...
The Lion of Judah broke the veils
So I stumped against the grain
And seized the Sun on my train
Banta banta! I step to the base
I take what's mine! With the Ace.

                                  ~Amar Basil

Let the lyrics of the nightingale's song be heard for once
Let it regale me with soothing tunes of nature's sorrow
Will the trees whisper to the owl
Or hush it's eerie call tonight? 
Can the wolf cry louder than the lion?
Drown the laughter of the hyena and tell
Of the dying brooks? 
Will singing be heard from the lips of the mocking bird?
If Alabi does not return home till dawn? 
Or can Asabi die a natural death after being struck by Magun?  
Let thunder and lightning be my witness
As I proclaim that the earth is mine to bless with the purity of my thoughts 
Yet I persist in pulling the strings of my greed
And plunging her into misery
How then can joy reside here?
Where music is pain
And lyrics are laden with
Lure me deeper
Into the cave of sorrow
I can no longer die to the call of duty.


What's heavy metal without the base guitar
What's a structure without a base
Or a pure thoughts with base intentions
What's the basis of faith
What's faith without love
What's love without a lover
What's a lover who doesnt believe
How does the plug feel
Finding a socket to connect to
And having power flow through
How does the fell tree feel
Being disconnected from its roots
Or a volcano burning its own base
Why does everything in front of a camera look happy.
Why are we alive if we can free

Life is game with conflicting rules
But in all this conflict I find solace
Knowing I have deep roots in you
In the warmth of your beauty full face
Its like another universe within your space
I discover myself more and more
We may end up being two sides of a coin
Nevertheless, the same coin
You see now, how,
You have reached down my depths
saving me from drowning myself
That's what you are
Hope that the past and the sins of yesterday
Are eclipsed with the birth of a new sun
And that dead dreams can resurect

Where there is a will theres a way
Where there is night there will be day
There is no need for light without darkness
Every building has a foundation
Maybe you are mine
My rock star, Sinabung, light and insanity
You slay when you sway
Like the pendulum of a grandpa clock
The steady, liquid, lazy flow in your stride
Feline perfection that steals my heart
I have found a three pin plug
For a two pin socket.
We were created for each other
But do not match.
I will trim my ego to fit your heart
When next we meet
Hopefully under the mistletoe
It will be plug and play
Olamide Santos

Its 31st night
And the euphoria is here again
Fill the temples, fill the mosque
Chant, chant, and chant
Tell yourself to turn a new leaf, like we don't know the circle.

January 14 beckons
And a friend is yet to see the hoax
Living in denial, mouthing a confidence
With a voice that carries no conviction
Haggard look that confirms troubled mind.

The games are on again
The odds are stacking up the bounty
Big spoils for half a penny of 90minutes.

The sane banking on the deranged
For the lucky numbers
Pick your figures
Pick your colour and
Await the draw.

Pledge a spare
And get thirtyfold harvest
Tell a friend and get even more.

Every minute check on the board
Seems the big break is finally here
Every minute, the heart beats faster
Every second too far to wait.

Boom goes the final seconds
And someone, somewhere
Is better for it
Boom goes the final seconds
And someone, everywhere
Has just been ruined
Like every story
Different sides, a particular theme –Greed!

Pitchers of mind mutters endlessly
The prophesies will soon be out
Turn right, its Gloom and doom
Turn left, its bloom and boom
Not picking blue
Not picking black
Is it bleak then? No!
It must be somewhat in between
For accurate manifestation or manipulation.

Virtue over vices we preach
Young minds inundated with platitudes of diligence
Yet, tattered are the clothing’s of the man who earned an honest living.

Tale of the returnee soldier man
Daring the scorching Sun
He erects a pulpit at one corner of the four-junction highway
Calling all to repentance
With a rosy promise of afterlife.

At the other corner
Hums the sound of the other religion
Another corner, beams the noise of the secular world
All longing for the souls of the passers-by.

On the 7th floor
Of the modern building
The observing sceptic looks on scornfully
And ask rhetorically
Would unshackle the Negro’s mind?

God of our forebears or the slave master’s
Double jeopardy for us all.

-Amami H.
A young lady once called me base
An assertion appropos of nothing
All because for a brief moment in our lives there was an intersecting of ambiguities.
A compounding of incompatibilities resulting, I imagine in the production of this base metal to which she compared me.
I took it on my tapered chin, heart breaking and lips quivering but I am nothing if not resilient
Something you cannot accuse base metal of being
That is what happens when you lose your focus and go rummaging in the somewhat clichéd scrapheap or dungheap of history.  

Speaking of metals, of foundations and establishments, of military installations, of logic and rhetoric establishing a basis or baseline for conversation.

An active engagement with your base of support, where you speak to your base, preaching to the converted, teaching the choir
Bringing comfort like that of old slippers and warm chocolate to your soul.  
Knowing all the applause points might as well be a mechanical clapper giving directions.

Fools gold converted by Alchemists
Dropouts from the study of Chemistry
Much like Astrologers and Astronomers
Prophets and Psychic fortune tellers
Base like that!

Fools gold
White noise
Black space and other imitators of reality leading us on a fool's errand declaring the Emperor clothed when his exposed skin is luminous in the sun
Baseness uncovered by the trenchant voice of a child crying, not in the wilderness, but in the marketplace, 
" the Emperor is naked."
Words that resurrects moods and feelings
Words that taps the others
Urging them to rise and follow one another
Words that is sweeter than sugar
Words which emerge to tell their own tale
But helps in telling the make of your soul
Words that the doctor says might not fit
Like that which comes from a tender voice
But intended to hurt
Words that builds walls
That says you to yours and me to mine
Words that build fortresses
Words which pulls together
And says one for all, and all for one
United we stand, divided we fall
Words that centrifrugalize
To your tents, o ye Israel
Let mothers claim their child
Let mothers learn to dive
So that they may give life, and while at it, die
Words which summon
Tears from a dried cupboard
Words which subtly tells water to walk to the face
And bring salt along
Words which prophesy
A vision came, it said you’ll be great
It demands a sacrifice
Ears to fall off a hen,
Teeth to be plucked off a lion while he sleeps in his den
You have to rise, after midnight, immediately after the body’s first stir
Long before the cock’s first crow
Madume ran, as fast as his feet could take him
Greed nurtured his dreams
Now the gods will make him scream
And they are not to be blamed
You have been warned to watch your words
To make gentleness your watchword
Words which brew war
Before the sword was forged
Words were born
Words lit fires and proceeded to leave harmony in ashes
Words that dares a tongue to analyze memory 
Words which gives up a cupboard’s skeletons
Words which refuse to queue behind wisdom
Words spoken in low tones,
Wit in disguise
Words which reveals secrets
And say there’s nothing hidden under the sky
Words which expresses regrets
A sudden realization
When we suddenly become aware that too much has been said
Words which probes a soul
And tears a solid heart into pieces
Words which hurt
Starting a journey of no return
A soul’s pains isn’t same as a bruise
Ointment can’t be prescribed
Words which lurk
That it is not spoken does not mean it does not exist
Words which opens doors
Words that pushes us to exits
Words which tells of a departure
Goodbyes are often not palatable
Words which says everything is achievable
Words scandalized by clichés
As long there is life, there is hope
Words which leads me home
There is a time for everything
Whatever has a beginning has an end,
Words do not have ends
Words take breaks
Words despises silence
And uses him to build loneliness
Words only make room for sleep and death…

Akeem Oyalowo
On the menu today is our future
Served hot and spicy on a plate of isolated hope
Garnished with historical anecdotes
That associates our greed with gullibility

Like esau, we screamed, "give me this meal or I die"
Stomach infrastructutre you call it
Aye, we respond, after all our people say:
“ ishapa lei moriki iyan
Bi sango tii mo oriki ina”
Consoling ourselves, we said
What is the use of infrastructure when we die?
And now our offsprings are left, infrastructure-less.

Youths, take back your country, they say
But here in my political base
Seventy is the new youth
Im told to choose the lesser of two evils
But my rodents extermination merchant passed by, chanting
E chop, e no chop, e go die
Aye, I respond, I never had a choice

Give me a party I plead, I want to run
Alongside the campaign funds, a god father, an army of louts,
A rally crowd and all other pre arranged rights
In this party, they say, all you have is your Miranda

I answer with a move to the volunteer party
Here I can touch base with my faculty of Mentaphors
And tap into my loud thoughts
To produce a steady beat of resistance
till together we are shouting
Give us back our Country
Give us back our Girls
Give us back our votes
Give us back our voices
Give us back our lives
Give me back my birthright. 
Lolade Oye
Where does it spring from?
The source was from an inspiration
Inspiration from freedom
Freedom from the soul
The soul was a season
Based on Art work
What really was the thought based on?
Yet reveals the condition of the heart.
Was it based on life, thoughts, emotions, inspirations, memories, mysteries?
Then what exactly is the origin?
I saw in his eyes the love within
So true and deep
As those two beautiful suns become clouded 
Threatening to over flow like an avalanche  
Emotions of paths taken
To arrive at this point
Passes through in colourful shades

We were bonded by our uncommon differences
As our goals diverged
Our love stood still
For light years separated us within this short distance
As we walk this parallel lines
That now keeps us adrift like a rudderless ship

The reality of dreams is its unusual endings
Throwing us back to reality
But the need to survive and explore keeps us dreaming
With teary eyes we said goodbye
We may meet again and again before our final goodbyes

I touch base once more
I won’t stop or go back
I …
Ifeanyi Okwosha                       
I saw you enter into the yellow box
You sat, head down, guess you were
On with your phone again. I watched
Forlornly, lost in the presence of now

In the middle of the road, I dashed back
Death! Not today. I walked across reminiscing
On my life. Friendships, finances, failures
And the future, what is the name of fear
Holding me back?

I entered my house
Greeted by the noisome wave
Of uncertainty. Where does the road
Lead to from here?

I am powerless
I am loveless
I am a stranger, even here
in my own home

I am lost to who I am
Every din in my head is filled
With the release I crave to see:
Maturing into the man in my head
The one unafraid to own every ounce of his flaws

But all I see now is the distance festering
The time running, lost on this cliff
I am drained of energy
I am drained of life itself
If you ask the lines on my face,
They will tell you the age of my soul

I crawl into this decrepit place
With no man to lean on
All I see is the freedom
In no near future

I walk around smiling like I have it all sorted out
I relish the plate of hot amala and gbegiri at mama put
With the last money to my name. I left the change
I walk across the road to the end of the bridge
I jumped into the waiting arms of freedom smiling.
Opemipo Akinsoyinu
On what grounds do we relate to each other?                                                                                               
Will it be based on our age, creed, sex, height, status , profession or what?
I have often wondered aloud what should form the basis of our relationship  with others.
 If I say we are all human beings then that may appear to be the most  reasonable reason.
Yet even in that there is a problem.
Why? Because some people  are descendants of Apes with Charles not Taylor as their protagonist while some are not.
How then can I that did not originate from Ape relate with those that evolved from Apes?
By the way I do not mean any disrespect to Apes
for they do have a great sense of intelligence and communal living which is very rare among humans now.
Apes are smart animals in whatever way they come. Exactly my point they are smart animals.         
It really doesn't matter how many circuit they race sending high pitched electricity to human hearts,
an Ape is still an animal but may be a higher animal.
Lets be careful here because some leading African Countries are redefining English vocubulary
making the English man gasp for breath.
For instance what is the meaning of high or low corruption or stealing i mean to say or padding.
Your guess is as good as mine. So we may also not be able to define who is an higher animal.
Now what exactly should be the base of our relationship?                                                                   
 If we relate base on our sex than some will say that men are chauvinistic or women are feminist.
If we do relate based on our faith then what is the fate of Atheist who have no faith in any Supreme Being.
Scientist claim man came from space or what..
so who created the spaces - gases condensed- then who made the gases- gases
came from change in atmospheric temperature- so how did the atmosphere get there.....
true science knows that there is a Supreme being.
So should we relate based on existence of this Supreme being?
How can we when our understanding of the Supreme being is so twisted.
Some say the Supreme being told them to kill, maim whoever refuse their teaching about him.
Other says He has given us freewill and a guiding light to direct our path.                                       
Some say there is only one life, one earth and no life beyond here.                                                            
Others say no life beyond here is eternal.                                                                                                
Some say He made us male and female to be co Creators ''joor''.                                                                   
Others say we can be anything- male & male; female & female; male+male+female;
groups of male and female; male & female statues;
female & robots; male & his mind wild in ecstasy;
female and her mood lost in erotic fantasy. What is the base of relationship?
Can we relate like normal beings with an intellect, conscience and shared values.
Can we smile to that two timing son of a Bee that killed the Queen bee and took away all the honey
just because she or he or ze or shehe was horny for a minute.
what exactly is the base of us relating: i think it should be because we look alike, we should be of high intellect,
we are all created by same God, we will all die some day- forget all the talk about human cloning.
A cloned being is different from the original specie.
What is the base of our existence.
Olaolu Ayeni (LUYENI)
This lazy poet
Takes this lazy pen
And scribbles these lazy words;
God is a poet
God is the Base


1 comment:

  1. I see you Soonest. I see what you did with the themes of 2017. Beautiful. Brilliant.
