Monday, 13 November 2017



RAISED, AN ATILA –(poem of the month)
Boys will be born,
They will become fathers of men,
Boys will be raised,
Look at life,
Its bitter sweet,
It causes you to cry rivers,
Ploughed by misfits,
That's my cross,
You sent an emissary,
That fought death's stare,
That eroded my joy,
And sent me into derisions
Of angsts fit for a shrew,
I gave you a boy,
I raised you a mean shadow
Of you,
You Left me adrift ,
On an island of puritans,
Who slew my chasteness,
I raised you a boy,
And I curse that day,
When my watershed broke,
And,pain's embrace soothed me,
There's no balm for your misery,
I raised you a boy,
I raised an Atila,
Who will become my death,
My recompense
For a vaginal attrition,
Yes,i raised a horror.
A golgotha for those pityful Heathens,
I raised,.
Let eternity deny me purgatories
of delight.
Teddy Ugonna


On this human body I can see INDELIGEBLE scars and LEGIBLE MARKS a STARK REMARK of a past preferred to be hidden left in the DARK. And yet your behaviour can not help but ignite a SPARK.
Suddenly the past becomes present brought into the light. It is funny how mannerisms can create a sense of hindsight, RETROSPECT. It is not hard to see that you often REFLECT, deep in your thoughts where you INTROSPECT. I cannot help but DETECT a feeling of long term NEGLECT.
Yet this ASPECT of your life is only part of the STORY, for by the way you immaculately dress reflects shades of former GLORY, years where stress was faint and not signs of trauma  or WORRY. Now I see those scars and behaviour were only an ALLEGORY used to tell your FABLE and despite it all you remain strong far from FEEBLE. Quick and witty you’re perpetually NIMBLE. I hope thorough this poem I could stich your scars with my empathetic needle, sympathetic thread and protective THIMBLE.
This is because you are a SYMNBOL for TENASITY despite the events that transpired which almost drove you into INSANITY. A condition you always evaded with Flash like ALACRTITY and Wonder Woman’s AGILITY. Both coupled together by a show of equestrienne like DEXTERITY. I truly admire your SINCERITY for it gave me the ABILITY to write this poem and through it I hope to depict a brief chronology of your REALITY like the Aztecs did on a TOTEM. Similarly, poetry is my documentary SYSTEM.
Yes your name I have chosen to remain hidden, kept ANONYMOUS but the same cannot be said for your bravery which can only be described as TREMENDOUS. And after reading this poem all shall agree so I guess it is UNANIMOUS. Simple by nature you are not one to use big words and sound AMBIGOUS. Ever striving to be better, you are simply TENATIOUS. The world could learn from you and stop being too self-CONCIOUS, people leading false lives too PRETENICOUS.
Chukwuemeka Anyiam-Osigwe.aka Cmex D Poet


How come we did not meet years ago?
When man's heart is pure and unencumbered
With bittersweet and sour experiences of life and love

If only we have met when we both have a clean slate

How come we succumbed
To the negatives of our pasts
When the future is so positive
Though with blur present

How come the very challenges
that should nurture and build us
Seems to tear us apart

The signs were there and positive
We felt it! Everyone confirmed it!
How come we let lies and deceit crept in?

How come the things we did not say
Weigh more than the things we said
And our deed betrays our utterances

Now the memory of our smiles
And good moments hurt
in the light of discoveries
and recent happenings

Even with shared dreams
And aspirations
How come the things we both want is filled with all the things we don’t want?

Ours was a natural connection
That everyone loved
Did nature deceive?
by drawing us together only to throw us farther apart?
Or we betrayed nature by altering the path set out for us?

What would you have me do?
I had plans, I took you to Mother and
Showed you my ancestral home and everyone dear to me
And everyone welcomed and loved you

What would you have me do?
When you broke my trust and repeatedly lied to my face
Even when caught red-handed, your response was
‘ko ri be se ro’
When you eventually confessed
It was my fault “I trusted too much”
“barely show it” and get “angry too easily”

How should I have ro?
When the married Engr.
You told me was ‘Aburo mummy mi’
Was actually your lover

How should I have ro?
When the Oregun Church vigils
Was actually a multiple night stand
With your former co-worker, you told me was
‘Omo aburo mummy mi’

How should I have ro?
When you told the very same person
Now your lover, I am your brother
And continue to lie about ‘lappy’

We both know
My sin is not that I lied
It is that I help the truth when I should have lied

It is that I swing my hand to your face
When I should have walked. This I regret!

I know I would not have the chance
To tell the Debo’s of this world the truth, No!
Not when you had her lied uncomfortably to my face

I know the Aunty Olaitan’s of this world
Like Ebetile, Rooney and Sister Taiwo
Would only get different version of ‘your truth’

If your various version
Is the truth and this is the end
How come everyone felt mystified and betrayed by us?
It’s because I accede to them all!

Such is the magnitude of the love and respect
I have for you.
No one, not even mother
Should think lowly of you on my account

My heart forgives
I trust yours heal and forgive one day
I just hope it won’t be too
late for me to raise and love again.

Amami H.

' came to earth
awaken every dawn
by the rumbling roar of sunrise

life previsions denied
yet my legs keep laughing
my eyes keep looting off,
every nature's beauty,
it could behold
even my hands delite,
'cause it has learned
to bake a poetry pie

upon this stage infinitum
I know,
I'm not much of a sorcerer
but I conjured Love,
and it defeated Hate
enchanted Pardon to slay Injury,
sacrificed the demi-darkness,
that it may never find its way
back to Light

I reckon
never been much of a Talker
much of a Baker
but knowing,
there's more beyond
who I am
what I have
what I can
I am raised.

Is that your mission?, Were you given the permission?
At your birth the cloud darkened, the moon turned red, the night so cold,
Great dust Raised amidst the heavy rain.

Only to Raise you, your father’s treasure gone, mother’s pain unending,
Sorrows dine with sufferings, surrounded with afflictions, perils, wails, starvation, Maltreatments.

Just because you were raised, your mates you wiped out, seniors around,
You push in abyss of oblivion, without any opinion, making yourself unequal.

Tribalistic you are, critics and press you ignore, what they labeled you;
Martinet, Autocrat, Dictator, Despot, Oppressor, dead conscience you have,
Every good policy aside you wave.

The order of the day is Blood Shed, let it gush and you are gratified, like
Hitler hitting hard in the heat, law of karma awaits you, your shadow is after you.

It now dawn on you, four corners of earth you sought for solution, yet no way,
You must face the dance, illness struck in retaliation, coma warming up to take over, death await patiently to issue certificate.

U.C. Tonie

From the very beginning of the cosmos,
We have raised hopes in heroes,
In tales, stories, legends, folklores, and in reality…
Who really were our heroes who had risen?
Did their giant strides really brought relief?
Do the tales of their rise still linger in our memories?

Even stories of legends rising still leaves questions unanswered..
Would you rather not be Romeo if Juliet had to die?
Why did the love raised in Titanic drown?
Has beauty yet found her beast in a tale as old as time?
Why should Cinderella need a glass slipper to impress the Prince?
Why should snow-white continually prick her fingers against a needle?
Why hasn’t Tom stop chasing Jerry?
What made the ring so powerful that it needed a Lord?
Aren’t the webs of spider making Peter look younger?
Would you want to serve Superman a dish of Krypton?

What yet is to be raised?…

Let’s go down memory lane…
We know iron melted when it met Thatcher,
But where is the Kingdom Churchill fought to unite?
Despite the heroics of Mandela in the south, hatred still permeates,
Did Abraham stop slavery yet for racism to be a thorn in our flesh?
The unofficial father of the nation Gandhi in his great acts of valor and patriotism,
Slept in death thru the cruel hands of hatred.
Did history not teach us a lesson with Hitler?
Aren’t we seeing another rising in the North?
Sadam left for Osama to continue from where he stopped,
Yet even that vanquish hasn’t stop the rise of terror.
Can we forget the 11th day of September?

What yet is to be raised?...

We remember the 1st of October,
We hail our heroes, who had risen,
The Zik, Awo, Tafawa, Ironsi, Gowon, Murtala, OBJ,…
But did they stop the Civil war from rising?
The bloodless and bloody coups linger as villains in our minds
Militancy excelled in the South,
Yet for Boko to rise with bombings in the North,
Still there exists hot vinegar brewing in the East,
Who knows what would be raised again in the West?
We raise guns to achieve peace,
The same guns we use to destroy peace,
Had Einstein known, he might not have unlocked atom…
May be bombs will never exists,
I still wonder whether Armstrong really put us on the moon,
As we raise time and time again different summits for the weather,
All hail! The Father of America Benjamin for independence he fought,
Still unity and harmony has been lost…

What yet is to be raised?...

From amalgamation to assassination,
Beautification to brutalization,
Colonization to civilization,
Dedication to desecration,
Elections to explosions,
Federation to fragmentation,
Inaction to inflation,
Legislation to litigation,
Motivation to mutilation,
Secession to succession,
Population to pollution,
Resolution to revolution,
Veneration to vexation

What yet is to be raised?...

We’ve raised hospitals, clinics, medical centers,..
To attend to our sickly needs,
Has variant flavors of diseases slowly ebbs us away,
If it’s not Measles it is Diabetes,
Cholera or diarrhea,
Malaria or Ebola,
Sars or Aids,
Even the poxes box us to death

We’ve institute institutions….
Religious institutions
Social institutions
Educational institutions
Political institutions
Economical Institutions
Even that raised has instituted more problems than solutions.

What yet is to be raised?...

I am a little poor child seeking eternal destruction
The pleasures of life is mine for the taking
Who can stop me except me
Who can make me not go on

I am a serial womanizer seeking some more
My eyes runs faster than my brain
My thoughts even faster than my feet
Its a virtual world of ecstacy and fantasy

Just a look at him and I could strangle him
Who does he think he is
One big fool so full of himself
He thinks he can rule my world
So he thinks he can stop me
So he thinks he can make me not go on

The floor is not for me
The abyss deep below seems more like it
Whoever says the higher you go the cooler it becomes
Has not been down here below where there is real life.
For deep below the seas is where more life is
Down to depths measured in Fathoms I cannot fathom
Its nice down here
Let the holy ones enjoy up there
Am free here to enjoy all my vice
Not even the dice can stop me from hitting thrillions
Life is like a never ending Casino
The more you look ...the less you see
                                                                                                                                                                          Who will lift me up from this world of sin?
Who will carry me from this world of shame?
Nobody dare for we are not alone
Only a battalion can defeat a battalion
I will continue in my world
TIll.. till.. till... till.......GBOWA......

What was that!
I see beautiful ladies with wings
Flying so high singing so nice
I love the party there : hugs, smile, music
and the winebibber is even there turning water to wine
Ah! I must join this feast
No need for oil in my lamp
Now MY lamps are lit with oxygen from the air
Even my eyes is brighter than all the light
I must gatecrash in this feasting:
''am on the GODWAY now , not on the broadway''.

Olaolu Ayeni
(lastline from: song by Luyeni - Olaolu Ayeni)

Gazing into the crystal ball
He saw her standing proud and tall
She had seen it all
The rise and fall
Her firm chin
Rich brown skin
Flowing green gown
Black hair cascading down
Standing in all her glory
But she was angry
He saw rising turmoil
As her blood began to boil
One by one
Her offsprings began to run
Greedy daughters and sons
She threw away the basket of praise
The poison on which they had grazed
She burnt the golden calf
Tearing everything in half
She started the fight
The time was just right
Somewhere between day and night
She took away their sight
their fake might
and served them bowls of silence
Without a whiff of violence
Who are they to empty her plate
Then decide her fate
No longer foolish and young
She became rich and strong
As she sang her new song
Victory was spun
He was dazed
He saw the beginning of a new phase
and he watched as she was raised!


With an artless soul
and uncouth eyes
but with guarded notions
I learnt not to thrill in the aftermath of a grand shower

With untrained sense
and vulnerable soul
but with restrained whims
I learnt not to elate in the radiance of a sunny day

With plain imagination
and bland savour
but untold disturbance
I learnt to endure the chilling hands of a merry season

Seasons happen to all
and clock ticks for all
but not to me
I would rather hole up, aestivating or slumbering through seasons of life 

Sometimes it takes four months and three hours before noon
to get offered a rejection fee,
a fee to have you quit dreaming,
a price to bury your passion,
a stipend for your honour.

You feel disappointed, but that's a good thing.
The hunger in the disappointed's eyes knows nothing of shame,
at least not in this city where the belly must be fed,
even if only with the honey spurn in the skull of the desecrated..

Yes, you too will feed from these skulls,
the craniums hung on poles,
poles used to mark  boundaries,
boundaries between the living and the dead;
here there are no standing spots for the living-dead,
you are either hot or cold, no god here to spew you from his mouth.

They say those who answer missed calls shall be lost in a flash,
but you are not afraid of mutation
you are not afraid to look back
if it is the only way forward.
You let your words take actions,
forge verbs into machetes
to clear your future of its macro stench and venality.

You use their rejection fee
to buy yourself an  acceptance,
life is a citadel that offers no degree,
you graduate only to matriculated again,
now they hear you mutter this refrain:
"I was raised by a woman who sits like a man".

Soonest Nathaniel 

All birds have wings
But not all can fly.
Some birds would never sing
No matter how hard they try

The day a child learns to control his tongue,
Is the day he learns to speak
But even the dumb has a tongue and wishes to sing his song
The troubles of the mind sometimes makes the eyes go weak

The bat has eyes but are always closed
Never ask the hell-keeper why he sweats a lot
Even the king's feet sometimes get cold
And the hot sun too sometimes gets hurt

Life tell tales of truth with lies
Even with our wings we sometimes fail to fly
Though we can’t keep from falling
Our faulty wings never keeps us from rising


The lion doesn’t dog its prey
It stalks and pounces
The wolf pack of six
Is not the same as a six pack wolf
Nothing is achieved without risk
To be the head of the pack
One must think outside the park

Raised to praise
I kill with words
Alphabets become swords
But they say I’m deep
Only if they knew I drown everyday
Witty wordplays and puns
Have made me an abusive god

If I raised my dead
How long will they live
Before I kill them again?
I resurrect my dead art
Pumping life into my heart
But failing I plagiarize myself
To keep up appearance

Stars stay sky high
I want to be deep
A deep star
Can I have both
I want it deep
I want to be a star
I become nothing

Olamide Santos

From the ashes
A new madness
Dawn of a new frontier
The cutting edge of insanity 
One that test our common sense
Let the rave continue
We may one day believe
That a man will father a son before his father
And spend a life time to study the possibility
Let’s find a new name for stupidity
And celebrate it
Taboos of yesterday
Are now rights
In the name of liberty
This tunnel is dark only if you look back
One day this cold winter will be over
Ushering in the spring of a new beginning

Ifeanyi Okwosha             

We were raised with our heads bowed
Our shoulders bowed with the weight of poverty
We were bred on the arms of mediocrity
We were kneaded like dough for the oven
And dough we were, see now we rise.

We rise from the heat of negative words
Flung on our souls
Raised above great potentials of sadness
We now go through the road laid by hope
Go past hopelessness on the side road where it lay
Raised our heads high by the strength of faith
And dare fate to put us down again

Raising the lid
Blasting the glass ceiling
Given a hand up
Not a handout
Giving a leg up
without legovers
Not used as a leftover
Or raised as an after thought
No quota system in place
Or reverse discrimination practiced with a veneer of civility and fairness.
Neither algebra nor calculus raising people and integers to the power of infinity.
Not given to mental flight but engaged in mental fight to raise the bar of human attainment.
Referencing frankl who in the cesspit raised himself to an elevation of meditation and imagination by the power and quality of his thinking.
Logo therapy came out of that.
A branch of knowledge raised literally from the pits.
Raising the limit of human attainment.
The one minute mile
Climbing mount Everest
and raising political questions like was Hilary first or was it the Sherpa Tensing Norgay?
Bolting below 9.5 but for showboating and the exuberance of youth.
A picture that still haunts me.
Raising hell
Raising salaries from minimum to medium
Raising the water level of the spirit's activity
Raising the dead and the ultimate resurrection!
Raising the dead by imbibing the blue for engagement in sacred delight.
Raising Cain after the murder of Abel
Raising the dead by speaking of life
Turning on the light
Jacking up the sound
Absorbing corruption by right focus
Fixating on probity and integrity
Like leaders attending their swearing-in in white cotton, attesting rightness
Raised to stand for something and not fall for anything.
Injecting life into the moribund not now by way of blue pills but by blue flashes of power in all it's manifestations.
Solar, nuclear, wind, water, clean, dirty!
Raised out of the doldrums of darkness
Into an endless tunnel where by hope we look for a light to end it!

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