Saturday, 11 December 2021




Poem of the Month

(A Declaration of Independence from Things Seen)



This piece is dedicated 

to the people in the Distance 

who out of the box of their minds reach 

for the unseen 

to explore and colonize 


I mean, those unafraid of nightmares

So they dare to shut our eyes to things seen;

Those of us who hear voices

crying out in the wilderness of our thoughts; 

And from the chaos of our meditations, we seek

 a new order for the world. 


So we take the plunge from the edge of reality, exploring,

laying claims on forms beyond present space and time;

We, emasculate ourselves from the obvious that we may penetrate the unseen;

We, send in resignation letters to the present that we may become shareholders of the future;

We, who are not afraid of nightmares

So we dare to shut our eyes to things seen

We, the dreamers. 



Those of us whom the world calls crazy

'cos they find us often ourselves. 


We are those who jilt society, eloping on a journey of monologues,

Then resurface as prodigals, defying the hallowed gods

of the status quo; shattering 

stone tablets of convention wherever we go 

Yes, we are the ones! 


Misunderstood and resisted 

by a system that sees us as insurgents, 

Insulted and threatened by our rebellion to conformity 

'cos we seek to turn the world upside down, 

so we experience the uproar of the wrath of gravity;

And then, we're-criminalized-and-ostracized-for-our convictions; 


The worldview challenges our visions-

Calling us deluded, brainwashed, fanatical, mad men -

by conspiracies through the megaphones of propaganda; daily

 we fight, against challenges vying for our resources and reputation 

but we press on, 


that all these opposition didn't come for our oppression

they came for our convictions! 



Because our convictions are the detonators

for a big bang 

of a brave new world:

A world where all of humanity is free

Free to think, free to speak and free to be;

A world where peace is a constant symphony 

And insecurity, an echo that no longer rings. 

A world of beauty without the burden of the Beast; 

A world where education gives birth-

to non-conformists,

Where learned men solve real problems; 

Where war does not wear religion, and love unveils oneness; 

A world where every soul is on an inspired journey

Arriving the destination as citizens of imagi-Nation, enjoying

 the fundamental rights of divinity; 

A world 

where man is not limited by false perceptions of self,

A world where Satan isn't god! 

Terrorists- we are dubbed,

for our convictions 

- are the detonators for a big bang ushering

such a brave new world!



And so the principles of this world stand poised to pull strings,

machinating against our dreams,

For our dreams are humanity's elevators 

into attitudes that reach for altitudes of greatness; 


So when the war of ideologies from our world 

lays siege against the freedom of our imaginations 

and puts a dent on the armor of our reputation

and tags us 

as an amalgam of raw straw

 and dud mud, we hold

 our identity to the light, pure and undefiled- because: 

from the furnace of adversity, 

novelty is born! 


And so we will not chicken-out or cower-in, 

We will not stay down nor give up: we stay in

And we scream, 

as we give one more push in the labor room of contrivance!

One more sleepless night in the refinery of our day-dreams!



We take one more step,

We send one more letter

Code one more programme

Teach one more student

Shoot one more video

Write one more business plan 

One more manifesto,

One more election

One more song,

Preach one more sermon 

Save one more soul 

And dream one more dream!

Again and again, we don't stop! 

This hostile world seeks to dampen the fire of our passion

but our dreaming like a phoenix rises still! 

'cos we have discovered

 that gold is tested in fire

And diamond, is cold flame.



Joseph, was betrayed for his dreams

Mother Teresa, gave everything for her dreams

Martin Luther, assassinated for his dreams

Nelson Mandela, denied freedom for his dreams

Abraham Roland was defamed for his dreams

And even Jesus, had to die, for His dreams! 

Eleanor Roosevelt it was, who said it best:

“The future belongs to those 

who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

So this piece, is dedicated to 

the people in the Distance 

who out of the box of their minds reach 

for the unseen 

to explore and colonize 


Unafraid of nightmares

So we dare to shut our eyes to things seen; 

And dreaming for more than we are offered by the status quo, we find: 

that the sky is not a limit to those who fly, 

without wings.





HE SHOULDN’T HAVE CUT THE CORD (worthy of mention)

For nine blessed months

I slept under your heart

I eavesdropped on your chats

I heard your midnight cries

I saw the world through your eyes

I breathed your own breath

I ate what you ate

I kicked when you made too much noise

I danced to the melody of your voice

Serenading me

Morning! Noon! And night

Till I longed with all my might

For the day you and I would meet

Your eyes and mine would greet!

And the peculiar distance

That kept us

Near yet far

Would come to an end

As our lives began a new trend!


But on that fateful day

From the moment the warm air hit me

After the squeezing bit me

It didn’t take me long

To know something was wrong

Even before he cut the chord

As I wriggled through gore and blood

And I heard your fading voice

Say - save her first, that is my choice!

I knew the plot had changed

My life had been rearranged

And a different type of distance

Had been created in that instant

When one left so one would stay

And one wept but couldn’t pray!

So yes, a straight line may simply be

The shortest distance between two points

But the longest distance upon the earth

Is made when a mother dies at her child's birth!


Marilyn Maduka



Don't get put off just yet
Squeeze this witch of a tit once again
this left cold leech
That won't stop at sucking life off me
Let twigs be the feather that will knock me off
I won't struggle to get up
Gently squeeze my neck
I have no use of it
Since it won't hold my head up
It won't stop me from going to where I ought not to
Squeeze it till my eyes shed blood
Till I sleep off after taking the last air in

Like a peacock my tail will spread and in glory send out poo,
Red blood, and spittle
I'll spit if you allow me
So don't allow me any breath!

Red,fine, smooth,alluring blood
On the floor and eased into a map
What glory and beauty
This will only happen if you with might and a heavy swing let a sharp machete get stuck in the divide in my skull
Send me victorious
Happy and glorious

Make your enemies fall
Me first
Then see how much honour it will bring you

You are allowed to kiss me
Make my muse dang
Routinely divide my butt cheeks with your little finger
Top to bottom the distance is not so far

Shout the Arabic scale
Across the rising of the sun
Don't waste petrol
You alone are enough

You are
Make a painting move
Make a statue cry
Make a tree bow

You won't believe
that's the distance between us


MacTaiwo Oluyomi




Saying all is well

Is like the tortoise

denying the existence of its shell

We meet

We greet

Yet it's all fake hugs

Pretentious smiles

White teeth and cold eyes

An emotional world

A twirling


Bubbling void

Texts read and ignored

Calls missed never returned

Blame the screen

Blame the phone

Blame the network

Blame the home

Just don't blame me

For the distance in-between

For the silence generated


And replicated

Conflicted friendships

Numerous situation-ships

Relationships intact

Yet detached

Diplomacy at its peak

Stronger with each new week

It's one thing to walk through those doors

Meet a crowd of three scores

Then realize the real ones are just four

No retorts or explanations

Just a babble of meaningless conversation

It is well.





Every Mile away I think of you
When temptation comes, you always call
All the hours that lie between us,

Not a virtue that willed us onboard
To a place of isolation
Such Mercy comes abundance of love
Which you didn't apply for
But a sacrifice of my love held you close,
Until we meet again
You've gone for too long
Is being a long wait since we began
I will tell you all about it
When I see you again

It's being a long day when I see you again
Who knows what will happen to you
Because we have come a long way in this relationship
Looking at the big picture

Now that we are talking about families and friends
When will I see you again
Since our Friendship have turned to Bonds
Our Bonds into eternal Relationship
Because earth will tear us from this part
Seeing you again
Tragedy tares us apart
Without limits of recognition
Those were the days we use to be together
When will I see you again soon
Because our love can't be broken
This is another part, which I can't face
Issues in our lives made us who we are
But since the moment you left me
Things never remained the same
What will I do without your physique

Your picture is a millennium miles to reach you
The things we use to do when we were young
Hope that you will remember this moment
Because I can stand it anymore
Those were the days when hardwork use to pay
Though we were bosom friends
Until marriage and integrity stud us apart
Only time and reasons will gave us satisfaction
Hold the light, everywhere you go
Because we are in a better place of fulfillment (assured)

When I see you again
I truly regret the absence of your touch
Because I can't hold onto your submission
Thinking you will be coming back to me
But I couldn't trace your footprint
I will tell you all about it
When I see you again
Now seeing you in a better place
Hoping you will (be) cope with the new reality
I can't have it anymore with you
Best of your life dreams


 Ubong Abasi




This is not about distance between people.


That kind of distance comes not by building but by atrophy;

by neglect!


This is building distance- the poem,

from disparately beautiful quotations, which as Disraeli says, contain the wisdoms of the world.


It's about poetry as poema-

a beautiful creation.


An exquisitely constructed work of art, with line upon beautiful line and precept upon elevating precept, until the story is told or the chemical equation and physical formula of the words is worked out


It is that kind of building!


Alone in the universe

Coupled with others

Knowing that alone even with God

and distant from people is not an untrammeled good.


Time, not geography makes for greater distance in the alchemy of love.

It is true is it not?


L. O. V. E. is properly spelt T. I. M. E.

or the end of that conundrum is Distance

Built distance.


As Sparks tells us in his romance,

The Notebook (and where else can we learn this but in a romance)

The scariest thing about distance

is that you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget you.


In Building distance, we must sometimes give them the sign of infinity- taking on distance and the separation it brings

in order to prove you can survive without them.


Better in my view to prove it to yourself than to show you are proving something to them!


On this singular matter you must be guided!


Distance can express as a not so Pacific ocean of silence, between parties across which a line, a white line, which is also painted on the sand and into which the parties fall and begin to practice the very simple, understated act of drowning


Distance can do that!


That said, it must further be said

that the power of love is immeasurable

That true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance.....any distance

Maraboli said that

I agree!


Distance sometimes helps you know who is worth keeping and who is worth letting go.

It is useful that way.


And our final building block in building distance is that sometimes there are things that are felt that can be best expressed over time and geographical distance


A space where words sometimes do not exist,

 only something;

something that you know;

Something beyond time,

geography, distance


Something worth keeping!


Andrew whyte




Distancing an allusion 

Created in our minds

Unknown to us yet known

Distance can be transversed

Without physical movement 

A journey undertaken within a space of time 

Covering life experiences in one minute 



A mind player 

I figured you out 

I learnt to control you 

Mind over matter 

Distance a game of mind

Orchestrated by events

Keep distance 

Maintain distance 

Build distance 

Shorten distance 

A point to distance is a catalyst of events to follow 

Fear, bold steps, happiness, adventure.

All are participants 



Counterbalance illusion with reality 

Capture the essence of it all 

Keep each at its place

Watch as it melts away 

Giving that feeling of distance 

In all distance is a mind game.


Chika Nnamani 




How much Love, from my heart to yours



As in that space between you and I

filled with lies and hopes and regrets and lost love



as in how long it took to get the truth from your lips

it was not that you didn't love me

it would only have been better in a different time

it was good enough for her

from her side to yours, 

the distance was just right



for how long my heart bled hopelessly 

torn to the core

piling up with gore


the kind that is only found in the purest forms of unwholesomeness


a mix of all the things I no longer want to do or be but cant stop imagining 



as in how long till I am able to stop regretting and hating you

no matter how many times I am stuck inside and outside this room



As in love lost with time 

and I no longer have to listen to brandy singing "Long Distance" to nurse an aching heart


the length of time until this want ends and I come to terms



until I get a new beginning and another chance






Its meaning depends on the instance.


For distance makes the hearts of lovers grow fonder,

Filled full with the hunger for another embrace.


But, distance from the truth makes the heart sink

In helpless misery, arisen by anger.



Like swallowing the truth with an inglorious white paper,

Masticating the facts, sipping full on our tears.

In the end, exuding a stinking lie.


We would march the grounds for peace,

Hoisting our voices in one accord,

If the very grounds we were to march, 

Weren’t built on our comrades’ pain



We are ready to walk, if justice would be served in this instance.


Bayo Babafemi



I see me,

Living the 'frosh life

Having no bills to pay

And  no worries to think of.


From a distance,

I see me,

Living the 'fun life

Spending this hard earned money

On enjoyment and merriment.


From a distance,

I see me,

Living the 'woke life

Forgetting my years of pain and struggles

Letting go of baggages that slow my pace.


From a distance, 

I see me,

Living the 'good life

Though not there yet

It's only a matter of time.


Esther Okekwuo




We journey through the never ending movement governed by time

Within this beautiful orb

Where day and night chase each other

With each passing season

One seem to gain the upper hand

Only to lose it again

The balancing art of Nature’ wisdom 


There is a bus station in every moment in time

Where we make our entrance and exit

At every curtain call 

We are reminded of this reality

Do not go where I cannot follow

Most times is the unspoken emotion


We experience each season within

As the seasons go by

Some may be in summer in winter 

The flourish of spring in autumn

As the tropical side of life marches on


Some experience few seasons

While others experience many seasons


While there are many possibilities 

There are some things quite impossible

Like the unbridgeable distance between parallel lines


Ifeanyi Okwosha  




The night bellowed contemptuously as it engulfed everything
I could barely see the faces as they darted by to a destination
Leaving the street with even more sanity as they slowly faded out of sight.
Bored from this incorruptible pattern of a clangorous meddling of distant chatter and the flamboyant honking by motorist and bikers as they hurried by
My mind drifted to serenity, but only for few minutes as I began to wonder why the day has become too short and frail that It can no longer betide dreams...

Amar Basil.




I think

To let my bed go

My bed and I have seen too much of each other 

His bed really

Not mine

That one who turned his face towards the sea and never turned back


Its time to let his bed go

This bed that became mine

By choice 

By marriage

The bed I inherited

When he became dead to me


Its time to put a distance between us

His bed

Now mine

But all too familiar 


I think its time to separate from this 


Back aching bed of inheritance 

This bed that has seen all of me


My deep seated sorrows

Poured out like libation

In big ugly trembling sobs



My silent tears

The ones that come unbidden

Those ones that crawl

Down the cheeks slowly

Dropping on the sheets 




I believe we must part ways

Draw the curtains on this chapter 


The time is ripe to let go

Of my bed

This bed

Keeper of all my whispered wishes 

And secrets

And thoughts 


I’m letting you go











A stretch of energy, full of detachments unknown

Locked within, withdrawn, removed or thrown

The scale of emptiness surrounds the terrain

A territory created, a missed, unseen domain


My range now rage, measured by mental divergence

Controlled by depths of uncontained variance

An extension of scope now ultimately forgotten

Personified as retreat, receded; completely ignored


An altitude unconceived, with volumes unmeasured

Imbalance attitudes locked in extended voids

Wondering within width, widening without worries

Conforming to an amplitude of ambiguity unseen


Am I, in an escaped fortress of obvious oblivion?

Repudiated by my very kind as I rise to heights below

Withdrawn to remoteness, pulled in by a vacant mind

Confined to solitude, to liberate my competence


Where am I?


Richard Oyibo



Years ago you were here to stay and pray,

Tall and strong much more so my lovely friend,

As years went by growing Ill frail and grey.


You took the vow of love and chastity,

Loving your spouse in humility true,

You became a husband to your city!


You began the journey of fatherhood,

A father to yours and them and many,

Filling in gaps that even breaks the hood!


The distance between this world and yonder,

Makes us miss your sainthood now and ponder...


Terza Rima.

Lucy Akata.



What malevolent spirit conscripted us to this?

Lured us with sweet words like sell-swords sell their prowess

We caged fear in our souls

And in the dark recesses of our minds

And prayed they don’t strangle our visions

We work the distance wielding pride like a bulwark

Like foolish people who fight other foolish people who choose to fight them for foolish causes.

Dragged our words to the jagged edges of nowhere

Cast them from the highest point of inspiration

And hope they find a fertile land

And serve as salves to troubled minds, and halve doubled pains

Build a statue of our dreams in people’s heart now and forevermore.



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