Wednesday, 16 June 2021




First Gong – (poem of the month)

(for the rebels)


against our wish, we get on a journey no one knows,  

on our tongues the bitter taste of goodbye.

i begin the sojourn a boy forced into a man

on my mind the empty swing from which I was plucked;

it still goes to and fro awaiting the child in me,

the one who is long gone, the one who will never return.


i am Ijendu, man of dust seeking to give laughter full of bubbles

for all the troubles that plague the troubadours;

but there are logs of history that the child’s mind cannot axe.

they lie to say death still has power over youth.

single slave, I, incarcerated in many prisons; remember me?

doe-eyed kid standing with his mother in your street wearing the smile of graves.


you need not ask the ritual question, the three markings on my palms are answers.

i did not write this script, fate has a twisted mind, derives pleasure from our burdens;

life. so sweet. time. no more.


there was no time for closing ceremonies, no time to ask:

do the dead go hungry too? what currency do ghosts trade in?

now the dogs and the underdogs mope in resilience,

hungry but not angry; the body keeps rumbling in its blood,

ours is the gift of tears, the statues have refused to speak.

but to the arsonist and fire-fighters in hell my message is short

and my prayers are as vindictive as they burn.


may satan be the wicked’s only companion; no light. no cameras. action!

let noxious words grow wings fly about like scalar quantities

let me be safe with mathew and mark luking at john.

nene says every wrinkle tells a story but there are stories we should never tell

like how abali ingests ohuda and how hope flies away on ubochi’s wings.

the children do not nurse wild goose ambitions anymore,

things that matter have no weight and occupy space no more.


finally, the day has come, to exploit the goldmine

beneath the terra firma of human existence,

no faith in the lines of battles drawn, no god in these lines of poetry,

but with these mere words, a new generation will make god in their own image.


Soonest Nathaniel



IT'S HAPPENING – (worthy of mention)


I remember the stories

Stories filled with warnings

Warnings our ancestors tried to give

Every proverb pregnant with meaning

Every story a vision received

Yet we have arrived

For these are 'The Times'

When a tortoise no longer considers it's shell a haven

When the fish can't trust the sea

When a slave ship seems like an escape route


The earth is enveloped in fear



And suspicion abound

Trust has been murdered

Belief crippled

Mouths proclaim faith

Yet Hearts silently quake

These are the times described in books of old

Rumours and wars are our daily news

Killings and deaths the latest cruise

Evil is such a norm 

That people no longer squirm

Instead they proclaim

"It could have been worse"

Very dangerous times

Yet resigned to our corners

We lock our doors

Switch off our TVs

And like ostriches we hide

Refusing to stand

Refusing to change

Refusing to listen

Refusing to believe

That these times are real.

Call it whatever name you like

A bad egg will always smell 

Heaven will always be far from hell

These times are shady

Yet maybe my eyes have rose colored lenses

For I can see

Smiling faces




No remorse

No regard

Yet I can't see the golden calf

So maybe my view is torn in half

Maybe nothing is wrong

With what's going on

Maybe it's just me


These times...hmmm





The clock is ticking
The hour of twelve is here
Tick, tock, tick, tock it goes
Glasses are shattering
Walls are caving in
The earth is quaking

Sorrows, panicking, fears, deaths
Uncertainty, unforeseen threats, heavy clouds everywhere
Humanity on the verge of total collapse

Tempers are rising
People seeking justice
Cry of wants
Cry of needs
We see everyday
Grateful hearts are less and less
Giant strides are gone
Replaced with anger, causes and bitterness

The land is bleeding
Rights trampled on
Shamelessness is now our face
Insatiable wants our partner
Good deeds are now laughable
Minds are filled with evil

Lift up your heads my people
Lift up your hearts
The journey to freedom comes with equity
Loneliness will remain if change is not embraced
It is a long road to freedom
Walk we must or perish we shall
Choose the best walk
Freedom or death
The clock is ticking
Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Chika Nnamani




The Family, the Man, the Pen,

Owe to fellows,

Basking in the sojourn of now,

Set for history,

Tongues manifold,

The posterity of fairness


The Man looked at the family in the face saying

“You who represent my societal nucleus

You who represent my past

As gift for the present

A candidate for a pleasant future

Have lived so long! So long!!

In the city of speculations”

“You who gave me my first innocent smile,

You who in many instances,

Gave me my first set of loved ones

Shall be the slave of hearsay no more


The Family replied the man

“You whom the Creator gave me as fruit

Divinely endowed, thou are,

Yet thou had sowed a seed not

Wallowing in the temporal safety of rumours

Had planted not in the fertile soil of reality”


The Man wielding the shield of admonishment

Looked at the Pen in the eyes


“You whose power in scribbled ink lies

Had let the temporal lines of hearsay

Become thy ephemeral copies of reality

Have you ever considered the side effects?

On the civil populace,

 on service men and service women alike?

Let the narrow path of truth be thy road”

If the Family, the Man and the Pen are fallible,

When will their perceptions be one?


Olumide Soyemi




In these days of haste 

Survival is in the genes of every living molecule

Groveling underground searching for happiness

Heaven becomes an illusion

Darkness have evaded daylight

And the air around us is thick with its scent 

As we make our future in every moment


Every grain of corn is multiplied

So is every thought 

Every word and deed

That is Nature

The nature of things

Things that changes

Indicating the constancy of change


The clarity of our blindness is amazing

We see so clearly that we are blinded

Blinded by our desired vices

We choose 

And yes we pray

And by faith we wait for the hand ever rejected


Ifeanyi Okwosha  




It doesn’t always bring comfort

What it brings is clarity

And this will bring relief


But comfort?


You find comfort in different things


It can come in the lyrics of a song

That type of song that starts to play on your car radio when you are barely listening, driving mindlessly and contemplating your heart’s content 

Until one line pulls you in and you feel some calm creeping into your bones


Comfort can come while you are standing in awe at the beach

Staring at the blue of the sky 

how it meets the blue of the shimmering ocean 

Such harmony 

how the waves caress the shore pulling in the white sand 

Over and over again


With out fail

Like a covenant


You may find comfort 

In the smile of a friend whose warmth seeps into your heart and spreads understanding love



Comfort may come to you at dawn

When your whispered prayers are answered in the quiet still voice of the spirit


You may find it in the precious lines of a book

That one you bought years ago but never got around to read 


Sometimes comfort comes in silent, sudden tears. The type that mirrors the truth of your heart’s grief, that washes down your face without shame


Closure isn’t always welcome because then you have to kiss hope goodbye



sometimes you need closure so that you don’t turn to a pillar of salt  just because you can’t help looking back. 





These are halcyon times

The best of times and the

worst of times as Dickens

would have it.


Times in which families were happy

or miserable in their varied and different



Times which are not so much lineal

but circular and morphed into waves

and particles and the smallest units

of life and existence


In these times two contradictory thoughts lounge together, wearing appropriate hats

and smoking exotic cigars 


Things like

love and hate;

fear and faith;

peace and turmoil

or peace in turmoil;

breaking and binding


And many other contrasts

that qoheleth, the ecclesiast

reflected upon.


These are times that

look like the other times,


Like there has been no cessation

of time from

1918 to 2018 and following 


Same anti maskers;

same billionaire bogeyman;

same anti science such as it is,


though then it was the aspirin,

aspiring to be a covering for the mark.


Same conspiracies.

Same theories. 


These times

Those times

Same time

So sad!




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