Tuesday, 15 September 2020



Smith and I (poem of the month)

 I thought I‘d share a coffee with Smith

Before he died. You know, like sips

While he told me things. But we parted ways.

Smith took earths warm blankets

It should be cozy, I thought. But I don’t know,

As no one knows.

But we sure miss that last coffee.


I tried to make the bean birth warm

Conversation, for Smith had some things

To share.

In the past, coffee beans made Smith beam

With smile. I know. We sat by the café balcony

Smith and I sip-talked a lot.

A few more, he left unsaid. “Another day”

He said. Another day now locked in endless wait.


If we sat, mugs in hand. Smith had

One thing to say. But now I know not

Was it his sequenced relapse?

Well, the coffee didn’t happen.     

Now I sit by the café balcony

Sipping. Facing this Smith-vacuum.



Emmanuel Uweru Okoh


Who would save me?

A sheep to the slaughter,

bound to be killed,

with no will to resist.

So I answer, whenever it calls out to me.


I've tried fighting one too many,

each time, I've failed.

I’m a slave bound to do

his master's bidding.


I can't call for help,

cos' many will laugh at me;

they would question my faith,

We thought, you are a Christian?.


Shame is a mold that grows in the dark,

so I die in silence.

No one has to know,

I have a master,

that I pray, it frees me.


My addiction is an addition,

that needs a subtraction.

cos' it keeps getting higher

 and my destruction getting worse.

Who would save me?


Joseph Amami



The Mood Can Spell Doom


The nature of things is 

Light or dark

Right or wrong 

Everything is in between

Doom is mood spelt backwards

The mood can spell doom

So take care of the mood


To the man who has seen a glimpse of heaven

Death is a welcome idea

A ceremony of happiness 

A victory over self

But for him who feeds his vices

Death is a topic not on the list

To be avoided at all cost 

And to all others 

Everything is in between 


The ignorant is not innocent

For each will be tested

At the edges of mount doom

To yourself be true 

Joy or sorrow will aid

As we discover what wasn’t missing

Everything is in between 

Doom is mood spelt backwards

The mood can spell doom

So take care of the mood


Ifeanyi Okwosha      September 2020




Delicate O


There is a hole 

In the side of my body 

I can feel myself leaking // out of it

Every day when I sit to write 

I find the world running faster 

The door / shifting / running away from the hinge 

I see 

              This body does not want to be just a body 

       Anymore       / nothing wants to remain the same /


There is a hole 

In the middle of my abdomen // like a drill eating out a log of wood //

I want to put my mouth on it / feel the metal on my tongue / 

This must be the genesis of beautiful things 

       A hole / blood / a shriek of pain 

It is difficult to do this 

       Close my stomach 

Stop the fingers poking out 


Tell a story / tell me a story 

Tell me 

       Not to forget my own softness 

How it is soft and smooth / like a tumour / 

       Delicate just the same 

How my own body will reject me 

       On some days 

How I will reject it also 

       And maybe that will be living 


Every time I feel pain 

       I look behind it 

Check for the lessons in its backpack 

As if 

       Pain never comes alone 

As if 

       Life doesn’t just make us 



Ayomide Wes Oriolowo





                                   when a majuscular d-o-o-m

assembles under a pile of hueless cloud banks

where wails of the cumulonimbus 

grant the resonant echoes of the trumpet

ushering in the promised eternal life

of unending dolor // or bliss


miens of the virtuous & vicious 

harrowed over the cataclysmic event

signal the arrival of the ultimate trial

                       // over are days of beaming with vivacity


Olaitan Humble




A poem written To Helen Oyeyemi’s book titles


What is not yours is not yours 

Leave it alone 

Don’t go near it 

Don’t be greedy 

Drop it 

Else it turns your hand to stone 

And you crumble to dust 


W is for witching 

W is for wicked

W is for wizard

W is asking who

Who are you

You are a wizard

Wizard of lies 


Mr Fox

Cunning man 

Plotter of lies and all things cunning 

Cunningly you con 

And con that you are 

You steal and covet 

Cunning cunning 



Boy, Snow, Bird 

Boy, you are a fool 

You think Snow White will stay asleep forever

But a little bird told me 

That all it took to wake snow 

Was a sliver of truth 

And so the story goes 


The opposite House 

There was an opposite man

Who lived in an opposite house 

Every word he spoke was an opposite 

He spewed tales in confidence, He spared not a single detail 

Now his confidence is gone

and all his tales with






Are first impressions



Preconceived impressions

Or actually the right conception?


The attractive female marketer

Smooth talking market hustler

Security men that greet

Babies old enough to cut teeth

The roadside police man

Rich business woman

Prominent Politician

NEPA or LATSMA official

That lady in a short dress

A guy with long dreds

The handsome lesson teacher

Or very handsome Preacher

A northerner with a machete

Even a Pastor with a private jet

Knocked up, single and homeless

Educated, broke and jobless

The list goes on and on and on

Different tune same song


So knowing where you reside

The people you know

The car you drive

The attitude you show

Comes with its own



And Expectations.

If a monkey doesn't eat bananas

Or a cow prefers fruits to grass

They find a way to tilt the horizon

To counter the confusion

And supply excuses 

In a basket made of glass


So what's it going to be?

Discover the calm deep blue sea

Or rely on the numerous A-B-C's?

Accept the first smile

Or suspect the glint in the eye?

Go with history

Or treat it like a mystery?

Does the precedent win the day?

Will the benefit of doubt have its say?

Or will gut feelings come into play?

Are first impressions



Or the right conception?

Or are all victims

Just expected to have thicker skin?

One mistake is all it takes.







With love written in my eyeballs,

I hugged her shining my 36 behind her ears.

Her scent filling the atmosphere,

Bringing my memories to the first day we met.


With happiness punching my heart,

I kissed her plump cheek,

Her eyes searching for truth,

Observing all my moves.


With joy ringing in my brain,

I held her tiny waist,

Wrapping my fingers around her waist beads,

Creating a sensation that eludes her imagination.


Even with these,

She stood stiff 

like a Soldier ready for war.


Then,she raised her bowed head,

And I saw her eyes beaded

With tears dancing around it.

Her lips trembling to say the words;

Words that will cause my doom.



Salimon Agbeke






The cloud that brought our 

Woes is still up,

Painted into dark mural

Telling stories of sorrow,


And death.


The cloud that rained 


On our homes yesterday

Is up again today.

Our men’s Baba Regga

Is drenched of blood already,

Where else do we

Keep today’s flow.


Our women’s eyes are already

Emptied into lines

Of tales

Journalist told yesterday,

Where will they run to,

To fetch tears

That will ease the pains that

Will befall them

Before sun sets.


© Kolade Olawale Kabir Àdèlé




Opposites Attract,Or Do They?


Scientists say "opposites attract",

but does it really apply in real life?

When I first set my eyes on you

I felt a little chemistry between us.

I confused attraction for love.

I confused lust for love.

I really thought that we were made for each other..


We grew too close,we were inseparable.

It was like a negative got attracted to the positive.

It was like North got attracted to South.

We proved that scientists were right,or did we?

I know that we all have that monster,we don't want to awake.

We all have that spoiler we all try to hide..

But..I never thought that you'd be the one

who'd break my heart.


What I confused to be love,

turned out to be my own doom.

I found myself being beaten up,

As if I'm a boxing material.

What I confused to be love,

turned out to be my worst nightmare.

Why did you have to hurt me like this?

Why did you choose me?


(Jen da poet)Samkelisiwe Jenipher Mthembu






I have seen the

light of darkness and

I have seen the darkness

of light in thoughts.


I have seen the

good of evil and

I have seen the

evil of goodness in man.


I have seen the

weakness of strength and

I have seen the

strength of weakness.


I have seen the pride

of humility in doves and

I have seen the humility

of pride in peacocks.


I have seen

beautiful moments

go to ruin in semelparous animals

and I have seen beauty in ruin

when nature put forth anew.


I have dared my dread

and turned out undead.

I have been to the abyss

and feed my demons

the light of clarity.


I have embraced

the clarity of purpose.

I have embraced

the clarity of time and seasons.


So depression,

you linger here too early too late.

This soul shall not take the plunge

nor succumb to your gallous gulp.

We are too lettered to be littered by you.


No, Suicide,

you shall not be dignified,

not with my name,

not with my friends,

not with my family,

not with the weakest of man,

not with the-you reading this.


No, Suicide,

we are on the


we are purified.


-Amami H.



For Brianna – Part 2 – A Love

Doom is when you look like a happy smile

And I can’t see you for a minute

Lie to myself it’s all ok

When I know it’s not

That lie can only live for so long.



Doom is when you have a grace that requires a metaphor

And I pretend I could do without seeing you for a minute

When your very existence teaches me secrets of true love

If you could speak now and say jump I will ask how high







Pay It Forward

Fear grows as thick as weeds

in these troubling uncertainties

All seems trials, tragedies with

the countless seeds of despair.

Amidst endless news of losses.

All feels in a shipwrecked love.

No need for fear. Raise the faith

By becoming somebody’s hope

By becoming somebody’s hero.

Be somebody’s prayer answered.

Let’s become each other’s armour

Let’s become each other’s anchor

Every kindness is a dew of heaven

 Every care is a glimpse of paradise

We are stronger by lifting others up.

Be the lift. Be the little wings of God.

Be You!

Fr. Michael Achile Umameh




1 comment:

  1. I missed the reading session, I was on a journey on that day. I tried my best to join but network na mad Nigga for naija
