Friday, 10 January 2020


Maximus Chidera Winner Poem of the Month

A couple of days ago, Mr. Khapitol East Mhaximillian wrote a poem which got me thinking. The poem which he entitled "My old old friend" I found so deep in the theology of mercy. So I have decided to give a reply to that poem with mine which I entitled "My last born"
Below are both "My old old friend" and "My last born" 


I've fallen
I've been falling
I've known the depths
I've found pleasure in pain
I've wandered in vain
I've embraced dust

He gives me a hand
He gives me a ladder to climb
I choose the depths
I lust for loss
I still lust for loss
But he still gives a hand
He still loves me
Cos' He's my Old Old Friend.


MY LAST BORN (Poem of the month)

An old old friend he calls me
 Because he thinks I am old
Older than his grand father

Hey son!! 
You are not wrong
For your mind till the last days
Would remain young enough

For you are like a dot
In the endless sheet of eternity

 Like a sailor
Trapped in the the ocean's middle
You behold nothing but water

The me behind you call past
The me around, present
And the me in front, future

But I still remain 
That one, endless ocean
That stretches beyond
 The grasp of your 'young' mind

And you, a dot
In the endless sheet of eternity

Oh son
When you fall
You fall into me
Or does a ship capsize into the air?
Do you still wonder why I forever give you a hand?

Oh son, cry more
Not that you know depths
But that you build a home in depths
Not when you sink 
But when you refuse to struggle
When you betray my up thrust, my finger
Whichever yearns for you

For salvation lies at that point
When your finger and mine knot
At the confluence where my search for you
And your search for me meet.

Maximus Chidera



My Heart skips a beat, melodious to hear,
And shivers I feel, running down my spine
Passion, never have I felt something near
This; tingling like my tongue blessed with fine wine.

On that day, my eyes first fell on your grace,
Splendour that never fails to astonish,
Elegant damsel, with the perfect face,
Craft in God's image, with flawless finish.

You are queen, royalty personified,
Your life is a royal adorn to earth,
I'm but a subject most times petrified,
In your presence my bravery runs to dearth

Just the word: "hey",  my fearful lips declare
I pray it is enough to say I care.

Bayo Aluko



You told me the future looked good,
That I should ignore all the past stories
As they are old tales and fables.

That I should forget how wild the dark
Had dimmed my radiance,
And give life a second chance.

That I should not let the fall of the winds greet me with fear this year, as some wild winds are redemption in disguise.

Yet these past days are selling your words as inauthentic,
I beg to understand them.

Listen, I know life can be well-masked by beautiful colours and hues.
That the bright embers can be dimmed by even a tiny darkness.
That straight paths can be hollowed and bedded plants can be parched from dearth.
That sometimes the pretty blue skies can turn violent with anger.

Still I know,
That there is a brighter light in you that can engulf the solid darkness.
That your morning smile can spread its fresh smell to the wind.
That there's a streak of fire in you that can keep the wolves at bay.
That this fire you have, must never be lost.

Pricillia Ahaiwe



I hear
Sounds with thrills of touch
Tinged by hues of lechery
Flamed in the sighs of desire.

I see
Sights with sedate charm
Flowered by dews of beatitude
Chanted in chorus of joyful tides.

I feel
Sensations of heart tremors
Broiling by cinders of ecstasy
Electrified in breaths between gasps.

I smell
Fragrance of epiphanic songs
Reverbed by music amongst blossoms
Sprout in the aureole of tempting lust.

I speak,
Thunders of raging words,

Boldened by flames of longings

Whispered in the ungodly of passions.

I am
Broken by a song-starved melody
Intoxicated by a muse-coaxed awe
Besotted by the thoughts to say,

Hey Beautiful,..

Segun Peters



Death shall welcome you home
As joy bids farewell
The earth shall throb
Of silent voices drenched in pool of tears

Soul gallivants ether
Destiny besets damnation
Ghosts enslaves the mind
As desperate fate bloodies peace.

Trouble longs to touch
Glory shrouds for pity
Cold as resolve bristled
Lethal as purpose foiled.

It darkens, but for a glimmer…
It’s sad, but for a smile…
It’s lost, but for a trial…
We will be fine.

Las Las.

Emmanuel Ifeanyi



It takes two to tango
I have been tagged "prophet of doom"
Cos I sought to speak truth at all times
Not out of spitefulness
I feel something not right
So much can be destroyed 
So much can be built 
Youthful exuberance 
Energy overflowing 
Walking in circles 
Creating a diversion 
Soft caressing, joined bodies a destination 
I’m high
So high in sensitivity 
Ready to knock down
Codeine, Tramadol, cocaine and knock in sensedol
Eating deep into the future 
I’m pushing 
Am pushing 
Pushing down strongholds 
Stopping them from dreaming 
Yes I said dreaming 
Free of charge
Stuck in mediocrity 
Knee deep in poverty
Youthful blood wasting daily 
Am so angry 
Pent up energy wasted in violence 
Bloodbath for power
Killing for recognition 
Jagaban, Egbon
Twale Baba
In crime, drugs, rape and murder 
Where did we go wrong
How did we lose sight of tomorrow 
Where are the future leaders
The Bill Gate's, the Warren Buffet’s, the Jack Ma’s
Who are we?
Where are we? 
Where are we going? 

Onuoma Udodiri


Wake Up

Wake up from the lofty heights of beautiful nothing
Found in fascinating procrastination,
Where dreams are everything but…

Let it remind you of the best fruit harvests,
At the prime of return
That lies in giving and giving alone.
Let this day be today.
To move forward is to live and backward evil
I have wondered why the word evil is live spelt backward
Let it remind you
That to live is to love

Let this day be the brightest,
Let it command like the best legion
The finest part of your memory,
For the sun does not set in the mind of a free spirit.

Ifeanyi Okwosha




As though I won't shift from my position
i woke under a blanket of succession
of twists, turns,
trists and returns
of feasts and fun puns
to shun beasts and stun.

I woke up to an illusion
after my sleep apnea—an allusion
to yet another visceral feelings of tumble,
but no fears, this, is Humble.

I woke up to an eve
albeit askance, I alieve,
for this eve heralds an era to achieve
even more, I b'lieve.

These days and the one after will pass, I 
won't sass my
guardian angels for I 
will pass, bye!

Olaitan Humble



The drum beat has began to fade
The drummer has fallen from the horizon
And as he tumbles down, I hear the cracking
Cry of the drum as it weakens and breaks
Its ties over my soul. Yes, the drum beat fades.

My dance in yesterday abruptly ends
With the saltless living it brought
Now rhythms of foreign tune moves me
Sweetness settled on my roof and doggedly
Sprinkled its offspring all over my yard

Hey! You who brings Joy, lighten my pillows at every waking
Hey Love, pop your blooms everywhere my scent travels
Grip me with lush hands of plenitude and lick me from crown to heel with assorted fruitfulness
Hey you who sits amidst goodness in all shades,
May your bossom fill all its tidings.

Now, let me hear the beat of a New drum.

Amar Basil



Sounds like something the 'gbe body' and 'gbese' crowd will say in lieu of 'excuse me please' or even
'I beg your pardon'.

A rude ejaculation that expresses disdain and disrespect; a thing which is the hallmark of this uncouth, churlish and graceless generation.

As they say, when the music
is too loud, you are too old.

Hey 'Yu', what you must not
say when you have a Chinese
Professor named Yu.

A probable jackpot on the scrabble counter and a major win for those special afficionados of arcane words who excel at what must
now be called an exercise in
mental gymnastics.

A thing in itself that has no correlation with the language
and form and dexterity required
for writing poems.

It is clear that I do not belong
much as it was assumed.

 A space I do not occupy generationally or synthetically.

In my space, language is urbane and polite.
Soft and sibilant, even quiet
and understated

Not raucous, not insistent,
not even boisterous.

In my place we will never say hey!

Andrew White



To the lost and broken
To those that lost their wings
To those whose beacon shine no more
To those who shout noiselessly
Hey this is a seed.

Sometimes a flower is just a flower
It symbolizes nothing
And the only thing you can do
After you admire it is to let it die,
Hey! Just let it go!

True love sometimes are like unicorns
Always seen but in fairy tales
Brightens the very essence of your being
But casts a long shadow too
Hey! let that love be.

There will be always those who hate without purpose
And your hand of peace cannot sate all their hate
Those who true words are like rare birds to them
Those that even Heaven cannot sate
Hey let them go.

Hey you need to take life easy
Sated like a well fed baby
Cooing to life like a well fed baby
Prim and proper like a well laid table


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