Sunday, 17 November 2019


WE CANNOT LOVE – Poem of the month

We are charming books
With many chapters
Forget our titles
They say very little of us.

We are not capable of love
We've seen so much hate
Pain, unkindness and selfishness
We sleep in heat to gain

We are hurt in our bones
No massage can loosen these knots
We think of knives, blades
Guns and wars to fight arch enemies

We cry ourselves to sleep 
Because we are unsatisfied,
Anxiously seeking life
And it's beautiful balance

To find out how beautiful we are
We stand in restrooms for hours
Mimicking faces in mirrors
And we see nothingness

We are shoes that kick at stones
On our way out
We scream loudly
We can hear no one but ourselves

We sit calmly 
In the midst of violence
Because we know ours is
The anger of serial killers

Sometimes we have sentences of faith
Paragraph by paragraph
We have little words of hope
Love us as we are page by page
For we are not capable of Love
We can be open to it.

Biola Bonuola
The world is my oyster, I live for Africa,
North South running for West, making a well-earned nest,
Nothing without more ado, other towns love our crew,
In lucky bated breath… Nations long for her breath.
The world is my oyster, I live for Africa.

New brooms sweep clean, Africa my skin.
An Uriah Heep? Many foes we keep,
States may cross horn legs, my mothers lift legs,
New brooms sweep clean, Africa my skin.

Day bread if agege, oh my igbekere !
Tuwo of the North's dew, oh my Ofakwu !
Cape Verda shall eat chachupa, Zimbabwe will offer bichak chakalaka,
ariche of Morrocco making the stage of babute in Congo,
asida of North Africa,boerewors of South Africa.
Day bread of agege, oh my igbekere !

Oh black Africa! Hurray my sister.
My golden land, in her might breathes my stand,
To be the African joy, no change can destroy,
Hills awaig her shine,greens know we make wine,
oh black Africa ! Hurray my sister.

Butters of sun will melt, may the picture of health
Smile when heavens pour lights, may days praise our nights.
Louthodtz comes again, happiness hold what gain?
Sandy boys are Africa, my snow is Africa,
Butters of sun melt, we are the picture of health.

Little time, 
The strenuous underground construction 
Will be built not by us 
But the foes of blacks.
Each time they sow the calabash, 
It gets stronger.

Steady remarkable progress
I prophesy, we accommodate and
We are seen all over the word. 
The lower part of a ram shakes 
But never leaves its body.

To be a well-organized mind, 
Death is but the next adventure.

Let me be plain as thunder,
And my words straight as die,
Africa is the zenith and pinnacle of my pride.

Ajakaye Rashida Olamidayo
STRIDA-(Striking Ideas)

The dusk falls on another day,
 But I have yet to see its splendor.
 Birds and children laugh without fear,
 For they don’t know the zenith of pain.
My smiles have fallen beneath blind eyes,
 And my words upon closed doors.

The dusk falls on another day,
 But I have yet to see its spring.
The weakness is my heart because of the truth,
 But it refuses to listen too close.
 Sunlight awakens and brings me to life,
 Covering over the Goliath hole within.

I walk and hope to hear her voice,
But the silence screams in my ears.
Strive in my heart because of the truth,
But it refuses to listen too close.
My soul whispers gently for her attention,
Yet the night is my cold companion.

Anger and frustration rack my mind,
while my heart is wrapped in sadness.
Step by step I continue the journey,
longing only for the warmth of true love.
My soul whispers gently for her attention,
yet the night is my cold companion.

To whom do my cries find their way,
crisp air receiving their pain.
Hope dwells deep within my spirit
while her smile is burned upon the zenith.
Into the darkness I fade once again,
When true love break's, if the pieces 

Are large enough, you can fix it. 
Unfortunately sometimes things 
Don’t break, they shatter. But when 
You let the light in, shattered glass 
Will glitter. And in those moments when 
The pieces of what we were

Catch the sun, I'll remember just
How beautiful it was. 
Waiting for the light of another day,
To whom do my cries find their way, 
The zenith is filled with tears,
Fall I most but hope to remain, 
Love has never been a game in
Shadows I most wait

Lord Mitzvah

We dig deep in a bid to rise higher
We toil, sweat and walk through fire
All in a bid to achieve our desires
Manoeuvring through detours and bends
All to what end?
To grow up
Climb up
Rise up
Get to the top
Up Up Up
What height is right?
When can we say we have 'arrived'?
If your destination is not defined
You are as good as blind
You might climb all year long
Only to find out something is wrong 
How high do you wish to go?
Do you even know?
A good financial plan doesn't make one a successful man
Nor does erudition come solely through education
Ask the richest man in our land
Who works from dusk to dawn
One can continuously toil
And never still have it all
It is said that 'wants are to sand
As needs are to a new Morn'
So we will keep digging
And rising
Till we realize
That to reach the right height
We need the help of The Light


Today is the day
I make the move
To inch closer like
A skin and cause no
Pain but sweet ones.

I like you.
I like to date you
And in doing, hope you
Get to love to hate me
And hate to love me.

I won't
Promise you
The world, it's
Not mine but the
Devilish devil's.

But I can
Promise you
Beyond mere words
And the ephemerals of deeds.

I like
To go places with
You, to rock boats,
Yours, mine.

I like
To ally your fears
And lay you on the sea
And trust you will
Not drown.
At least, not alone.

I like to dine
With you, with
The moon illuminating
Our paths.

I like
To have you.
Yes, to have you
Live each day afresh,
Anew and feel butterfly again.

Is the day
I make the move
To be us.

Is the day
I ask you be mine.
Say YES,
And let's make
The zenith our beginning.

-Amami H.

You don't have to have reached
the pinnacle in any field to be too big for Zenith, Ohio except maybe you are close to Morrison's part of the state.

There can be no talk of zenith's without nadir's;
of heights without depths.

Those who have attained eminence, also encounter
and might yet encounter great depths of pain, failure and suffering.

Zenith and Nadir like two gods
of ancient cosmogony, playing
off each other and causing consternation in the constellation of poetic "stellars"!

In all our realism we come
to terms with the true location
of both zenith and nadir in the realm of imagination;
as imagined and contrived forces pulling in opposing directions on a point on the map drawn up by a mad professor in an obscure classroom In the fastnesses of Bavaria or Peoria, Illinois

The same one who gave us social classifications and stratifications- calling us millienials and generation z'

Classifications which in line with the race- consciousness have become self-fulfiling premises for a discombobulated generation.

Andrew Whyte
I have heard God speak once,
In my dreams, no I just woke up,
Right then I heard his voice,
When I was ten years old.

He said to me “son . . . ”,
I know that sounds religious
Like shall I say a christian experience
But it was not.

Well if I believe God speak to me
It might as well be a Christian experience
Well I don't really know if God
Speaks to people in other religions
The way He speaks to Christians

I don't even know if other religions
Believe God speaks to man today.
Well the thing is that I heard God
Physically speak to me in the morning.

It might not be in the morning
Like I said it was when I was
Ten years old and just woke up
Of course from sleep.

It could have been a siesta
But I remember I heard the voice clearly
Not like hearing voices in my head
That I do hear too but that's a story for another day.
Not like a feeling, you know
Like you are suddenly convinced
From within you, like really resolved
To do something.

He said to me
Make your weakness Weak
Give your strength Strength

He said to me reach to the top
Reach for the zenith
Don't look down
Your place is at the top
There is no noise there
I want to talk to you

I never heard him like then
Maybe I have not reached the top
Maybe I am still striving to reach
The zenith.
I am cryptic
I mean to say I'd rather live inside of myself than anywhere else
I am a coat of many colours that never leaves the wardrobe
Or I can say my life is a mosaic comprised of all the wrong pieces
In all of the wrong places
Or I can say we not only go blind when the lights are off 
My tongue tastes like everything except what it is supposed to taste like

I am a lost journey
I am lost on a journey
Or I can say I'm on a journey that is lost
We seek to find our hearts in our eyes
We swallowed our skin in hopes we might be able to stomach the scars

We are the stories that were not worth telling 
We are the characters who were not in the pages
We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print.
Or I can say we are flowers
Without metaphors,
Just flowers 
Ajijola Habeeb


You have passed the nadir,
Like bee you made it your storeroom. 
The celestial is your domain.

Chris N. John



Love is an ATM password
to a Zenith Bank account
now frozen;
an account 
from which the man died at each withdrawal,
from which the man died at each time
the machine spewed enviable curses.

There are mistakes we should have made,
but this was not one of them.
Who knew that cash machines had no feelings?
Who knew that cash machines do not interpret moods?
Who now will save the misunderstood lost in the waves
of balances
                               and ledger?

No one can save the misunderstood
lost in the current of balances,
                    seeking in the ledger
               credits to pay
for back street affairs.

No more curses from the machine,
the password is forgotten.
No notes on the ledger line,
failed composer, a wretch I die
drunk from my bad taste of strange music.
No flags,
No loan translations,
No amortizations for blue-collar love;
a failed bard goes home in an octave.


You know you are at the peak of your life
When you walk around with your breasts
Long and flat like a pair of slippers
Slapping against your stomach
And you have no cares for the inconvenience
Of a brassiere

Just as the clouds embrace the peak of the hills that adorn my mother’s village
So do I hug this age
I want to feel the warmth of my granddaughter’s love
To bask in the ambiance of my old lover’s
I want to walk barefooted into the morning
And return energized by the dew

You know you are at the zenith of life’s journey
When all that matters to you is the cock’s crow
As you shuffle to the bathroom
A grin playing on your lips
You know that a weak bladder is not the worst thing in the world

You are old

Kemi Bon

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