Sunday, 15 September 2019



How a song can… Winner Poem of the month
How a song can bring up long buried memories:
The sweet smell of roses
Presented as petals, scattered on a well laid bed
Rich, red petals
A sacrifice, an offering to love and lover

How a song can pull at a heart in solitude:
Spraying the scent of love
So intense you want to choke on remembered declarations
Intoxicating like the smell of roses, like love

How a song can mess with time induced peace:
Ripping off the carefully placed bandage
So that blood appears and pain alongside
Like a finger pricked by a rose’s thorny stem

How a song can unfurl feelings long put aside:
Awakening lost dreams
Like a moss rose awakens with dawn’s kiss
Forgotten dreams of walking life’s path together descend
The result? Panic. 

How a song can reveal that:
You are still healing
Still a crushed rose
Once beautifully in love
Once in bloom
Now crumpled
And gasping for the scent of love



You are woody!
You are perennial.
You are a woody perennial!

Not akin to a prepubescent youth perpetually at half-mast!

You are a flower!
You are a plant
You have 300 siblings
You have thousands of cousins called cultivars.
My friend, 'Wiks', told me all these about you and more.

Shakespeare thought that your sweet smell was not tied to your name.

Freud probably disagrees!

We had Diana, England's rose!
Wanjiku, Kenya's rose!

We have the cross of offence and the rosy cross!

We tend to look at things through rose-tinted spectacles.

 Our Lady's reference
A rose tint to their hair, their skins, but not their teeth. 

When men love their women, they give them roses, though not so much in these climes.

 We give other things,
As we should.
Love after all is both sharing and giving.

A Rose' is usually not sniffed at, even as the essence of rose perfume is sniffed gratefully.

Rosemary and Thyme- flavours and the name
Of a movie series.

Rosemary combining
The rose with the Mother of Jesus and naming my own mother.

A rose denuded, what kind of rose is that?

That is, of course, apart from the possible charge of indecent exposure. 

Lying on a bed of roses is a metaphor that teaches, as all metaphors do.

Teaching resilience in
The midst of beauty
And finery!


You arrived very late
Ten years of marriage
They sought you
You are that child who manipulated Daddy
Into taking another wife:
"Your mother didn't give me you on time. So, I tried another leg!”

Ten years into the marriage
Where were you for heaven's sake?
Our parents looked everywhere for you
Mummy swallowed olive oil daily
Mummy bathed with holy water at night
Daddy didn't need to
He wasn't the problem
Else, how did he get the other wife pregnant?

On the sunset of 1986
You knocked on this world's door
Mummy was in the kitchen
The neighbors brought mummy to the midwives
You made her spend two sunsets in labour
You refused to walk when humans walk
Your speech was delayed too
And you had a ton of allergies!

At 14, you had a huge swelling on your right leg,
It smelled bad
The pastor visited one sunset
And told us that you had a confession to make:
"You are an evil child!"
They stripped you naked
The pastor called Holy Ghost Fire
To burn you to confess
Mummy cried 
This happened for three sunsets

Again, the pastor declared:
"The Spirit says you will die soon!”
That sunset you collapsed
From the pains on your right leg
Quickly, they brought you to the doctors
A surgery was successfully carried out
But your spirit was destroyed already

On your last sunset
I was by your hospital bed alone
You called me, loved me in your looks
Let some tears out and pressed a weak rose flower into my palms.
Then you begged:
"Please go to the river and ask the goddess if I am her child."

Larry Onokpite

Father Ayeni Joshua, Loudthotz, 
I meekly tender my fleshly time,
My trees bow here and there,
This picture argues the toss of spiegel wars,
My ink wants a wort pen,
uffern or zion. It is no less...
' Ajakaye Speaking To Her Country. '

The land's tebel may mock syn hoes,
But look at that cup,
by imprisoning our mother ( Nigeria ),
by swallowing naked reds of apathy,
Looking pale and dead as lleuad prophecies,
The seren is our mother's perthnasau,
The zoquen of mighty heavens have spoken.

Yet... Our dreams
Make cries from within.
Her perthynas and kinsmen
Enslave her for facilities of lust.

The crown poet ' Femi Ajiboye '
Labelled you ' tide or angry waves. '
Happy runaway children,
Worshipping sickness by foreign ice
While your Sokoto loves you,
You called her a noc,
Ask the sane madness of Thomas Hardy,
Silence is wonderful to listen to.
After all the hypocrisy against mother,
This falling glass (foreign home) yo understand not,
Turns fair to war.

Let me ask you,
You run from your sea shores,
Screaming ' No Xenophobia.'
When prodigals smash their lands mercy,
They hang rusting nails
Under an absent roof.

Dry bread at home is better,
Than roast meat abroad.
The dark walls of this lust lands
Shout at your greatness,
Tumbling and tumbling till locks of death,
Driving prodigalities to ' Silent Ones. '(Death)
Be no unlucky qadesh.

Your mother (glass cup) still waits straight,
Straight as die for you,
Make the throats of nationalism,
Turn voices, mighty screams of the ' Big Man.’
Remember thunders of Soyinka by Biodun Jeyifo,
Nationalism is androgynous,
See our dreaming mother (Nigeria)
In that cup,
The moon moves slowly but by daybreak
It crosses the sky.
Life is a struggle,
Countries form continents,
So development is a struggle,
Do you love your persistent mother (Nigeria)
Go save her somebody...
I steadily own no tide
Than my drumlin weeping for nationalism.

When nationalism breathes in all pains,
We will see our roses.

Ajakaye Rashidat Olamidayo.
STRIDA- (Striking Ideas)


1.                      I heard here was a place where roses grew unhindered
A field watered by her innocent tears
The sun shines endlessly on her and her nights were as silent as the words we do not speak.

She was a garden full of colours until she met him who peeled her body open like ripe fruits
And devoured her soul like a burnt offering

She threw her name away and shifted shape 
She hid her petals and the thorns grew wild
Piercing everything that came in for fellowship

2.          I was a butterfly with a torn coat holding a promise of forever that could not be held
Wearing guilt like a second skin
Shaped in shattered shadows, finding soul mates in sojourners with saddened smiles
But they do not stay

The goodbyes that came anyway
Taking me down brick by brick
Till I am laid bare looking to the sky like one last offering
My heart heavy with knowing 
There is a river with a broken bank in my eyes
It do not stop flowing

3.          Butterfly with a torn coat saw the sun shining on a hidden rose
I fly close but I was caught in the thorn
Stories of torn petals and wings
But mine is a love that do not leave
A place you do not go back from 
This us that lives like a passing wind
Determined to dance to the tunes the gods are playing
Live a life worth dying for, Ours, a love worth fighting for
Every love we’ve found left us

4.          Now if you will remember,
I am the laughter of the birds
The whisper of the dew
The song in the rain
I am the story you read at night
The smile in your lover’s eyes
Clashes of thunder and lightening
I am one, I am two
I am many things, I am nothing

Imisioluwa Ifedayo 
A Blanket of Roses 

Give me a bough of love-filled flowers,
Those kind dancing naked near the silver-coloured seas,
The ones whose radiant shrubs
Make the hibiscus turn green with jealousy.

Give me now that my grey days are far ahead,
And I can tend tenderly to them,
Their sweet fragrances -
cleansing the world from its musty stench.

Give me a dozen bouquet of green roses
So I can shake the blossom from each bud,
As they sit peacefully on my window pane,
Enchanting and breathtaking.

Give me now!

Not standing at my gravestone,
Your gloom wrapped in black apparel,
Blank eyes filled with unshed tears.

Staring at the slab where my cold body lies
And the flowers you left the previous evening, scentless and dead.

Wishing you had given me those blanket of roses when I could smell them.

Pricilla Ahaiwe

That is what first love feels like
You want to hold on to the aura
Longer than necessary.
We both know, like roses,
Beautiful thing not nurtured,
Fades with time.

…so, you called to wail
At the dialers shop,
Dawn knocks with hushed voices
Hearts racing against time.

Yes, we walked the moon and fort
Bare footed with nights of butterfly lullaby,
Yet, like the knowing glances
Behind mother’s rebuke,
The brook has washed away our vows
Spoken with naĂŻve exuberance.

That you are bent on
Fanning the ember of lost passion,
I hope you find your asking.
But for the tinge of indulgence,
Love is not in it for me,
Not anymore,
Not with you.

There has been another.

-Amami H.


They say a poet’s first greeting is also his goodbye,
‘today I am born, today my father is gone’.
So in the new mother tongue of dead poets,
I begin to interpret memory,
let the lake at the back of the country
remember the doctrine of waters.
Let early birds learn faded songs,
for the poetry left behind
births the songs of tomorrow;
the future shrinks
when we lose our heads
in the many parts of the world.

Yesterday, I learnt the history of roses
is incomplete without the stem of thorns,
So I left full of shame,
I return today in a coffin,
the coffin is a boat sailing away from that place
where the war which ended on the battle field,
still rages in the hearts of many.
One loses the zest to die
after one watches a fellow
set himself ablaze for human rights;
I can hear the voice saying: ‘go into the streets’.

I am one who loves to celebrate others.

Last night, I was an empty sky, thirsting after peace;
I was standing at the loneliest spot in the country,
little pilgrim on the snow path,
grave digger, erecting his own cenotaph.
They say the mind’s highest state is true rest,
but what peace is availed a broken soldier
dependent on alcohol and tea?
On what protein shall the bone people feed
now that fiction has become the new fact.
I too have loved for too long,
but all those years died in an evening.
I know what is lost
and what is found in translation,
some call it peace, others call it freedom.
It is dawn again; I must walk out of my grave.
A baby’s cry has shattered the china of human impudence;
the soul of a dead poet has found home in that small body,
now the people must erect a temple for sunlight.
Let those who can no longer stand the greed of the world,
become barking dogs, let their age-long contract with silence
be annulled.

And if they ask us
why we too
long to torch our spirits
in protest,
we shall tell them,
we want our loved ones to pluck
the blossoming roses of a moment,
we want to beautify their lives
with the colour of dawn,
we want for them, a restoration of light.

The Rose

I wanted a Rose
That precious gift
That sent butterflies flying from the tummy's pit
Rising till they squeezed the heart
And made lashes drip
Yes I yearned for a Rose
And pleasing
But as I looked around
I felt my heart being squeezed
Tiny drops fell from my lashes
My tummy tightened up
But it was from pain
Like teardrops in the rain
Hiding in plain sight
I could perceive it
The emptiness
No longer will I search or yearn.
It was now my turn
I decided then
To be a Rose.



My Thorns

I was told the earth has edges
A side squared 
with teeth jabbing at all comers
Another angled
a cliff that puts you on your toes
A third rounded
a merry go round
a waste
Then the blocked
no root, no road
You are edged into a balance
a bed full of roses and thorns
I was not told that thorns birth roses
Thrust on all sides
I learnt to tend my thorns with child-like love
It is the good that buds my rose
In my thorns I bear my roses 
tender and refreshing.

Chris N. John


And she loved him with all her heart
More than a woman should love a man
He was her knight in shining armor
He was the very air that she breathed
She practiced smiling for him
In her sleep and while she is awake
He was the sun that shined in her midnight
Tall, dark, handsome and had a smile
That could make the sun shy
Then he broke her
And broke her heart
Now love seeps from the cracks
It was just a whim a thoughtless escape
Made him leave a Queen for a slave
Made him leave a soulmate for a “sell-mate”
Now the innocence is lost
Her smiles now are cold
The fire that lit up her soul is dead
She now loves by rote
What a whim can do to love
I think she still remembers
But like a soon to be forgotten dream
Like embers thought to light a fire but couldn’t
Once in a while with one or two
The spark of true love knocks
But then the doors have been shut tight
The ember stirs but his face still haunts her
She has no love to give
She just has a life to live
What a whim can do to true love

Roses Have Thorns

I remember those carefree days
We played under moonlit nights
Looking at the full moon and wandering
Why the mother is always there watching her child
When the full moon returns
The little stars sang songs
We little children heard
The little wind people danced in the air
As we filled our lungs with their merchandise
The world was slow
We couldn’t wait to get older
To do adult stuff
To become like our heroes and idols
Surely we grew older
And traded the child in and upgraded
The new version came with its challenges
The new app hardly supported the old one
We were taught and we discovered
And tasted the world
As children we were like roses in full bloom
The love most had was pure
As we grew older with zest for love
We grabbed the stem

Some did without caution
Underneath the beautiful leaves
We learnt some bittersweet lessons
And we are still learning

Ifeanyi Okwosha

I shall tell you a story
Laden with no gory
I shall tell you about Nkem
Who held a rose with Obim.
In the twilight of a darling dawn
When many a giant weren’t born
There was a winsome goddess
Whose beauty, I bore witness.
Obim was the hunter
And Nkem, his sensual banter
Both desired a Rose
And the thorn, they did froze.
The ancient drums throbbed
While nocturnal bodies rubbed
Then he made a wooing plea
Down down the udara tree.
You see, in the days of yore
Men were prudent to the core
To bend the waist of a bride
You must humble your pride.
He cupped her face at last
And reached her waist so fast
With tingling sensation
That did her a veneration.
Her virgin skin shook him high
Possession he did think nigh
For in her stood an anatomy
Eager to position in lithotomy.

“Love is a mystery
No one claims mastery
Abuse is second to misery”
So says a pupil in nursery.
Alas! The gods were on prowl
With a dancing evil owl
The ekwe went aloud
And udu was very proud.
The owl whispered their name
Its voice doesn’t echo in vain
For a harbinger of doom it is
When a man’s life basks with ease.
Gbam! The cloud went mad
The ominous grasses were sad
As Obim was dancing surugede
The dance of the spirits, igede!
Aww! He felt like urinating
A feeling of tension-relieving
Just then and then
Came a hungry hen!
Neither a fool
It was scavenging for food
And from sleep, jostled Obim to life
It was a dream of rosy strife!

 Ikechukwu Ogbu

The heart hears the distant chime
Of love,
And drum beats of joyous clime;
The head hears the strains,
Looks back
And crouches in restraint.
Head and heart
In a tug of war:
To love on the hill,
Or under the bushel?


I tripped, eyes open and sixth sense awake
Into the pit of an amour
Without protective armour,
And crawled out structured
With multiple fractures.

I loved clear as crystal,
Straight as an arrow,
But my lover was bent like a boomerang,
The offspring of an escapade
Of a chameleon and sphinx.

I was soft as sheep’s wool
And supple as water
Because my lover told tales
Of treading tortuous love trails.
Alas, I was a fool
And made an error of commission,
For my lover stabbed me in the heart
Giving verve to a waterfall of emotion

My sores are like pebbles on a beach,
But the most jarring tear
Is that in my darkest hour
I feel I should now love with restraint
In the face of human constraints;
But the sun always appears from the clouds
And I refuse to allow
Scars of a fractured love affair
Uglify the beauty of love;
So I shall not cease to love;
Because to love is to live.


Was the still-born child
Of a flowery friendship,
Fated to faint...
Born to die.

Ifewa was a still-born babe,
But she was a beautiful foetus
Nurtured by natural nursing instincts.

Ifewa died with a whimper,
Choked by the scalding cold constricted air
Of her maternal passage into the world’s fair.

Ifewa died before living.
She was dead whilst alive,
Yet lives though dead,
Because Ifewa was
A fruit of fate,
A song of grace,
A life of love.

At times
My heart wishes
Ifewa was a repentant ‘abiku’,
To be born afresh
Never again to die…
But my head advises
It is better that Ifewa
Remains in the realm of spirits…
The spirit of dreams…
The dreams of hearts…
The hearts that hurt.

My child and essence,
Verse of a broken symphony,
I miss you.
I long to hold you in my arms again,
Dance to the rhythm of your song
And sing unending lullabies in your ears.
Ifewa my unfading melody,
I miss you.

Though the music is fractured, 
The melody lingers on...
Melody such as Ifewa’s song never ends,
It resonates across the ages,
Bringing joy to all who hear and sing the song.


Ever seen the splendour of sunrise at dawn,
The grandeur of a regal rainbow gracing a glad sky?
Ever felt the freshness of early morning dew,
The uniqueness of a virgin reawakening?
Ever heard the sweet songs of chorusing birds
Heralding the birth of an infant day?
Ever thought to trap in your heart
The photons of a radiant new dawn?

This is our dawn, the dawn of shared love;
Like the melody of birds at dawn,
The beats of my heart
Resonate to the enthralling song that is you;
A song fresh as morning dew.
May our love rise
As sunrise towards noon
Under a serene sky,
For love is beautiful…
Like a rainbow;
The spice,
The essence of life.


Like sunrise at dawn,
Love had risen.
It coloured our lives
Like the royal rainbow
Clad in its coat of colours,
Gracing the serene sky.
Love lifted our hearts
Like the joy of birds singing in a new day.
Love was fresh, sweet as morning dew.
Love was beautiful, inspiring…
Like radiant sunrise at dawn.
It was the dawn of love, our shared dawn of love,
Our dawn of shared love.

But now, whilst yet still dawn,
the sun has been eclipsed,
it shines happily no more,
it ascends towards noon no more.
The rainbow fades, humbled,
Stripped naked of its beauty.
The birds lose their voice
Croaking dirges for dying love.
The sky becomes mournful,
Clouded with tears.
Love becomes stale
Like yesterday’s left-over.
Love has become hurt
To hide under a dark shade.
The radiance of love is dimmed
By human eclipses tinted dark with ironies.
Sunrise has become sunset;
Dawn has aged prematurely to dusk.
The spice, the essence has lost its flavour.
The dawn of love has raced
To the sunset of love;
Love’s sun has set at dawn.

Although love’s sun has set at dawn,
It shall surely rise again,
Because the radiant strength of love,
Sun-like, cannot ever, be forever eclipsed.
The regal rainbow shall reign again
Over a splendid serene sky.
The birds shall sing spirited songs
For a new awakening.
Love shall be fresh and sweet as morning dew.
Love shall ascend in a crescendo towards an acme.
So I shall not grieve long;
I shall not hide my heart under a dark cloak;
Love shall not be dimmed by a partial eclipse;
The spice, the essence of life shall regain its flavour;
The sun shall rise at night;
Love shall shine through today’s grey clouds;
Love shall rise again, now.

I still can’t believe it,
That you’ve gone;
That you’ve left me in the cold.

Our relationship had just begun
And it had soaring promise
Of joyful bliss; 
We were together too shortly.

When we just started out,
I hoped to make our relationship
Better than my last one
Which lasted only
Four rotations of the earth.

I told myself to make this one
Last at least twice as long.
But see, we had barely started our honeymoon
When you deserted me in the dry desert.

Who is going to comfort me now?
Who shall pacify my stomach when it is angry?
Who shall rest my legs when they are fatigued,
When you, on whom my expectations lay
Have left me so suddenly
Without warning, without thought,
Leaving me so alone and insecure.

Leave the best for last, they say….
See what the last has done today.

The irony of it all
Is that you always carried on your mind
The ocular features of your hero Ramat,
And like him, you’ve scat
Just when you were needed most.
My heart bleeds.

What hurts me sore
Is that you may be flirting
With another person who does not deserve you.
I can’t, I won’t, I shan’t….
I just can’t believe
That you could do this to me,
My dear
Twenty naira note.

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