Saturday, 21 January 2017



So I joined the queue
Jumped on the canoe
And journeyed towards the New
A change in hue
Fresh brew
Waiting for that view
From out of the blue
A new avenue
I looked at you
Every one of you who knew
It had to be true
Was it new revenue?
I had no clue
But I could feel the joy all the way from Timbuktu
I watched as winds blew
Birds flew
Grass grew
I felt the morning dew
Smelt iya Basiras stew
And yearned for that breakthrough
Change long overdue
No more taboos
No more sad news
As earth activated: Renew
Smiling at you
I beckoned you to join the queue
Jump on the canoe
And wish me what I wish you
Erhio Obodo


Once I knew a little boy
One who talked of of being a neo-scientists
As I considered the mis-use of the word
I heard him talk of re-inventing everything invented
I admired his dream
Singing from my ancient and modern
I tried to picture the little boy's imagination of the future
But it was not possible
what he saw was beyond my years

So I became a philosopher
But there is nothing to philosophize anymore
So I question everything and existing philosophies
First as a marxist
Then a neo-Marxist
Gradually becoming more less leftist
As I in debates am hardly ever right
And critiques trash the beauties that I write
Ideally becoming more realistic
Trying to succeed is becoming capitalistic
Where would I place myself in this little boy's future

Dreams are beautiful
Even more so if we dream with open eyes
I have come to realise there are no new dreams
Just new dreamers
Recycled dreams needing re-inventing
For the dreamers who are sleeping
And the many sleeping deep
Making the grave a rich dreamland for dreams that need resurrecting
But hopefully
Not the dream of this little boy's future

Then that little boy
The neo-scientists needed dreamers
To help him paint into realty
His imagination of the future
But now wat is needed is action
So says the philosopher
Who still dreams that little boy's future

Olamide Santos

She is Neo, the matrix’s Neo
She realizes that her love
Is filled with a spell of neo soul
Dipped in Africa’s honey

But the other
Who is not her love
Is afraid of words
Because his fear happens
When he meets a
New wordsmith

“He is so inclined to
New Formalism”
“He is so traditional”,
She says.

Her love
Makes her feel
That poetry gives it
Love like she does,
Calm and swift
Slow and resilient

Music gives it
love like she does,
soothing and proud
She loves it
This is why
She clings to it

To her,
It is an embodiment
of neoclassicism
Her personal Neo
Li-ra’s album

Abiola Bonuola


We wriggle through greens
Those thirsty tongues
Feeling funny
Some touchy feely Chlorophyll
Start wooing water vapors
When the Sun is gone on a night’s journey
Now leafy tongues lap dews onto our skin
The Varnished handworks of Chukwu Okike
Sculptor of lush bronze with dark sprays
Dark Varnishing
Spiritual brewing
Blood and honey and nectar

We stand
With bare torsos and bare feet
Facing the jungle
Neo jungle
Trembling goat skins cling fearfully to our waists
She stands behind me looking back
At our trail in the Soil
Footprints on fallen greens of Equatorial trees

I stand
Bow in hand
Arrow in the other
Looking forward
At the jungle of converted limestones
Rocks and glasses
Rows of adaptive Monoliths
Posing for the snapshots of our bewilderment

Hunters of wild boars and good fortune
We chance on tinsels and damsels
Donning conditioned hairs
Wearing lotioned skins and torso clothings
Falling short of measure with goat skins

She protests the keeping of my bow
What use is an arrow here Eve junior?
Of what use is it?
When my coarse hands crave the caress of new daughters of an old Eve?

Chukwuemeka “Deus” Njoku
The noise begins to crescendo
He what?
She what?
They what?
The abominable has occurred
The unthinkable has just happened
An unatonable happenstance
Voices are raised
Curses are rained
The deed is condemned by all and sundry
Masses decry the abominable deed
Young and Old
Rich and poor
Male and female
High and low
The decrying chants go on,


Deafening silence!
Silence louder than the cries.
Where did the criers go?
What happened to the wailers?
The ‘concerned’ masses,
The ‘feeling’ masses
The ‘vehement” lamenters.

Their lives went on?
Their concerns panned out?
Have they done what was ‘expected’ of them?
For you see, they have cried.
Then, their lives went on!

Nneoma Onyeukwu

The truth is hidden in plain sight
It’s hidden everywhere for all to see
To discover within
The very essence of life
In soul searching lows and highs

Shall we begin this flight
Where the earth is the runway
We will soar not like the eagle
But like light on wings
Forged by Love and Justice sheathed in purity

Shall we begin this flight
Out of the dungeons we created
Shall we begin with
One thought
One word
One deed
At a time

Shall we begin and end this
This vicious cycle
And bring an end to all lukewarmness
The ego that abhors humility will be gone

Ifeanyi Okwosha            

This is a tale of when humility went to a night club.
Humility entered the clubs’ front door looking confused,
starring like a lizard that just jumped to the ground
from a two-meter-high wall,
ready to do the evil things that men do.

Humility drank all sorts, gins, labels, nades and sys.
Humility smoked all the ‘smokables’.
Humility looked at all the ladies. Lost in stare, losing his shame.
What more didn’t he do? Humility fought even.

This is a tale of how humility went away sad.

Humility woke up the next day,
but using the water in the gutter as a mirror.
Simply put, humility woke up in a gutter.
Battered and depressed. Filled with shame and guilt.

As he walked, he remembered how he had
searched for the safest and holiest nightclubs around
using his smart phone. “I was an E-diot”.
He murmured in silence.

This is a tale of why humility became pride.

Humility refused to leave his depression.
He became angrier almost forever.
He refused to abandon his failure.
Humility found love in this four lonely walls of E-diocity.

Humility soon became thin out of ‘starvation’.
He became I,
for this is what pride is, I.
Humility really lost weight. But this weight, was the thoughts of others and his creator.

You would fall, but begin anew every day.


From being a bead to a nursery
I moved on to a special plant pot
Out of the garden to a personal space
In a warm corner I sat and bloomed
Maybe it was my duty to grow
But there was this one thing I knew
I liked the splash of water that spilled on my very firm stem
I loved the smile that came with the admiration in her eyes
I was a gift you see,
A reminder of a lover’s love
I loved that I was that to her
So every day I bloomed and bloomed
And my earthen bed was the softest there was
When the sun was up, my colour brightened
I was a gift of love and I loved it
It’s morning now and the sun is up
The curtains are still down and all I can see of the sun is the peek from the covered blinds
Patiently I wait to stretch in the sun but she doesn’t come
What could be wrong, I can’t fathom
Then I see her face, still in her PJs
Eyes puffed and with a stuffed nose
The “gifter” of me had done the worst
His heart was gone to another and her love was paused
I stretch to comfort her but by now I’m weak
Being left in the dark for more than a week
Then one day I felt the worst
From that corner I was flung to the ground
No longer a reminder of love
With my bloom gone, I was trampled upon
I wished to speak but that was it
All I am now, is a flower in a pot.

Mayree Etti

This is to those who die first
Those who don’t see death in all its colours
Those who hear of it and never lived through it
The lucky ones.

This is to those who will die first
Those whose days define their story beyond life
Those who played on the outer shadows of immorality
In the shadows of things not mentioned
Taboos too wrought to be acknowledged
Those who saw things and wish they had not seen
Those whose lives are governed by the laws of the first born

This is to those who has died first
Those gifted life but choose death
Those whose dirty conscience rots
Those dehumanized beings calling themselves human

This is for those who were mentioned first but forgotten
Those who stood in high places and laced their souls with their ancestors.
This is for those who are not to be mentioned
Those whose wounds killed them first before they died
Those on the wings of death blissfully glide
Those we knew but now look at as new

This is for them, who live here now
Let us grasp fleeing hope on its tail
And die before we let go!


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