Sunday, 20 September 2015


Loudthotz Open Poetry Reading Season Six Episode Nine revolved around the theme: GIVING. The evening kicked off with a poem from the Captain of the poetic ship Chisom titled 'Never be broken' a beautiful piece that spoke of determination and resilience.

Next was a piece from our African queen Kemibon titled 'High Lifes and Low Lives' which was a first time religious
piece from the queen and questioned mans ability or inability to make use of the grace we all receive. 

Next up was a poem worthy of note by our one and only Oyindamola Fakile titled 'The one who gives', which from the very first line captivates and pulls you into its motherly warmth. 

From there we moved to Nneoma's potent piece titled 'The Call' which brought to the fore mans wanting to gain all he can by doing absolutely nothing. 

We had quite a number of first timers in the house, the first to break the ice however was Amara Ayozie whose lovely poem is titled 'She's You', a lovely message wrapped up with rhymes.

 Ayinla Muyideen Adeleke stepped forth with a piece titled 'The Candle Light Procession', telling how we superficially carry out important activities and forget them in a snap without any lessons learnt.

The baton was then passed to another first timer, the beautiful Elenora Paul whose piece is titled 'Poems!!!' a captivating message from a determined poet. 

Up next was another poem worthy of note by Opoko Pamela Ijeoma titled 'Afar Off' which spoke of a love that bordered on impossible but which is as real and as fierce as ever.

Ilupeju gave us a new perspective with his piece titled 'Giving' and yet another first timer Ifeanyi Mbah took us on a
journey through Nature with his piece titled 'The Sun veiled her Countenance'.

Next was the King of the Spoken Word stage Soonest Nathaniel with his piece 'Before you make Love', a compelling message from a father to a son on the brink of manhood. 

Oluwemimo Bonoula spun a lovely poem about repeat mistakes titled 'Recurrence' and Erhio sent out a message to the guys with her piece 'She always gives!!'. 

Next up was the poetic don himself, Akeem Oyalowo whose piece 'I am going soft' was so full of imagery and
strong verbal expressions that it inevitably was crowned the poem of the month. 

However to round up the evening Ifeanyi Okwosha rendered his poem titled 'I will dance with you' and showed us its personal side.

It was definitely a beautiful fun filled evening of poetic cheer and brilliance and all look forward to the month of October where it would be hot and BURNING!

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