Friday, 10 July 2015


Let my noiselessness be the only victory song you hear 
Let no red wine recompense
The thicker red of my kin’s flowing blood
Let no loud music further hasten the journey
Of these souls to the depth of hades

This war victorious
Yet there would be no feast and no song
Though triumphant,
Our dead piles beyond the count of grief
Even in victory the taste of defeat
Blunt my taste senses

War leaves everyone dead
The killed and the killer
The healer and the witness
War leaves all dead
Whether beneath the earth
Or way deeper crushing beneath the memories
Of a hundred thousand or so souls
Ours was not a cold coming.
And we went quietly, not into the good night but into the flashing lights.
Coming into our own.
Coming of age.
And other National- Notional rites of passage.
Eating a bowl of salt grain by grainy grain.
Eating my cornflakes and being happy.
The breaking of the Hymen.
The cutting of the foreskin.
Going walkabout in the Australian outback.
Two men tied together with leather thongs
Slashing each other to bits with rawhide.
Coming to the mat
Proving manhood.
Satisfying the female.
Ann Moody Coming of Age in Mississippi
Moody by name, moody by nature
Berating the Kingly dreamer for his dreams.
Coming to the understanding that life is plastic.
Coming to America- the movie of neo colonialistic pretensions.
To America, their America
the book of unveiling of one man coming to himself
In thinking about a country.
The Gadarene swine coming to their porcine senses.
The Decapolitical mad man freed of his Diamonion.
All together now!

I saw, Mary Slessor killing twins
Margaret Thatcher picking beans
So, I asked..." is this hell? "
" No", they replied, "this is heaven"
But, how can you tell
So, they pointed at Mother Teresa
She was baking bread, without an oven
"How is that possible? ", I said
"Is that the bread of life?"
"Shh, silent your thoughts!", they said
As though I might wake the dead.
"let's call a spade...a shovel
let's dig this grave... with vowels
Please, let's empty this casket
Before, we bury this hatchet "
that was Carlos Castaneda officiating
at the mock funeral for consonants
Pall bearers were a dozen soldier ants
and there was the coffin
a book in an unmarked grave. 
I saw Tupac with that fella, Fela
rolled up joint, humming acapella
"By the rivers of Babylon
there we twerked,
when we remembered Zion"
It was a dark alley,
The only torch hanging out
Lies in the mouth of Bob Marley
As he attempted to speak,
A firmament of white clouds bellowed
"what's good for the booze,
Is good for the ganja"
"Is this hell?", I asked again
"No", they chorused, "this is heaven"
"But, how can you tell? "
They pointed to Che Guevara
draped on a cross, " Patria o Muerte"
I shouted," Am I dead"
"No", they replied,
"but if you die now, we will kill you "
I saw,  I see, I saw... Nothing
That’s the work of memories
To provide tongue
To find new meanings for songs
To remember
To dismember the moment
And remake the pollen
Often done when lonely
Often we find our lone selves
Loaned a breather
Only for us to reverse the weather
If it’s hot
We turn on the heat
As if it’s been too cold,
If it’s cold
We shut down
And snuggle up to pillows
As if we are widows
Man loves the house
But cannot see his window
Air won’t be let in
Odors won’t be let out
A crying child with folded tummy
Was given tissue for wiping tears
We love to bribe the present
And forget sowing seeds, is life’s best present
Worry not about harvests
Find a farm, then you’ll be worried about a field and its pests
Or water to prevent dryness
And then the future will bear witness
And stand as evidence to your investment
Give me bread for my two pence
Money pricing the product
Values are priceless but were cheaply sold off
Two hundred girls were taken
Thousands more travel daily, with their parents’ blessings
 A loan is a sale, with a contract binding a future return
A price has been paid, formations become abused, and those who left aren’t same when returned
We are forever young
We are seen dancing, we love singing songs
We tuck in our worries and bid our mouths to talk proudly
At dawn, we’ll be seen prancing
Later to be seen panting
As if all along we have been practicing
Running with feet faster than an athlete’s
Sprinting with ease, at the pace of a trembling heartbeat
It was just a siren, but there were men
Seconds ago, the scene was serene but some lions escaped the den
They bared fangs, they roared
We heard noises, we ran
All that was left of me before then were constant yawns
And a belief in miracles but surely not one which saves me from servant-lions
Crayon for the child to learn painting
Colors are for the eves to complement their faces
Beatings are for men who have to be forced to learn their places
Purple thumbs are for everyone certified by law as able to choose
Even if values are on the loose
We are a hyper-nation
With potentials for greatness but stuck in hibernation
Some men stood by the river and saw a storm coming
Children kicked a ball around, so were already used to running
Till they became targets
Till their shooters talked, bereft of regrets
Till we rationalized their deaths having been fed by prejudice
If he is man, then he is imperfect, even if you name him Hercules
Brush found blood, couldn’t hence continue portrait
We all thirsted for change
Now that they have theirs, seem ours will be delayed…


I was born in the slums
I grew up on crumbs
Through poverty I swum
My father lived on rum
The true hero was my mum
She beat the war drums
Sometimes my dad would hum
I just sucked my thumb
Eventually poverty went numb
We changed Kingdoms
My dad changed symptoms
The TV held him to ransom
My mum built a crayfish mansion
I ate from the tree of wisdom
We climbed higher up the stratum
Poverty’s funeral was awesome
Life became handsome
But the society remained irksome
So I entered the political gymnasium
It turned out to be a deadly aquarium
 I was born in the hustling millennium
So I made it to the top of the podium
Then I got struck by terrorists’ egotism
And foolishly I drank the Cabals valium
That was the end of my heroism
All that was left was sarcasm
Never ending torrents of verbal baptisms
But somewhere in historical curriculum
It has been recorded…despite the outcome
That I…did come!

World I'm coming out of burden for real burning
And my poetry goes far as warning
Cos dark night is fast rising for morning
Lagos come watch me present my poem at loudthotz poetry
Here I come as you all waiting


Like as it was spoken in Winterfell
Words are coming
They are coming
Words that leave men clueless
Give them sweet misery
Makes some lock the world out
Make them . . .
Say things they do not know
Realities too secret for finite mind.

Truths hid in the dark recesses of mystery
And they make a mockery of it . . .
Because they do not know
They do not know when words are formed
They do not understand the chemistry
That calls the things that are not as if they are
And make them become
They do not understand words spoken
Like fire from the bowels of the earth
All consuming all encompassing
Omniscient a “re-maker” of things that be
They do not understand of words
Possessed by the spirit
Voiced by the subconscious
Unfashionable in the conscious senses
Of finite beings . . . 
Because meanings have not been assigned to them yet
Just results.

Powers that can only be released by the
Right combinations of yet to be formed words
Meanings prematurely conveyed by the stammering
Of words from men’s spirit
Words! Words! Words!
That are coming and
That will always come

Excuse me dear friend, I would like for you to meet someone,
A meeting certainly you don’t want to miss;
Come! Come closer; follow my cue as I introduce you to her majestic influence.

Before you meet her, sit down and hear my tale of her;
First of all she is not for sale, so don’t offer her money.
She is constantly on display at the market square of life,
but you should know that by now, or can't you guess?

You can find her in the mirror at the absence of a frown,
You can see her face if you stop scowling at me right now,
She is present when the right couple says ‘I do’ at the aisle
Stay with me, as I spin you more yarn about her.

She will visit you on pay day, ready to walk you home,
She simply seeks a permanent relationship with you, can’t you guess?
She just wants to lay in your arms forever, please don’t say no to her,
 an easy catch she is yet her sustenance is your choice.

If you want to meet her, you must wash your garment with joy soap
for her palace rejects them who are clothed in worries,
your slippers must be crafted by Harmony the smiling cobbler,
Your scarf must be sewn by Bliss the cheerful seamstress,

Meeting her is like eating roasted yam with fresh palm oil and peppered sauce,
As the smile across her face reflects in her eyes.
If she could, she would scream and jump for joy when she sees you.

Knowing her is like the taste of Moi Moi with 5 lives wrapped in its native Ankara leaves.
Beware! for she is highly infectious, she is addictive!
She will con you into falling in love with her, even when you’re not ready
She will inflict you with the contagious virus called joy,
but please don’t try to resist her.

If she sings, forgive her, for she sings of your true self,
a voice she hears from your heart,
Listening to her song, feels like a sip of iced Zobo drink during the NYSC endurance trek

Please pack a full bag; she will want you so badly to stay with her, for she has a cure for Sadness and loneliness,
she is the antidote, she is the healer,
she is a phenomenon of grace, Happiness is the name they call her.


We are coming
From the crevice of the Mitochondrial Eve
When her water breaks
We wait for no time
That will be called our time

We are coming
Now that the Sun has gone down
And the creatures have gone to rest
Hidden from the light
So we can slip out hugged by the night stealing the Sun

We are coming
From this woman
Swearing she never knew Adam
Claiming we were planted in her
Like the mysterious water in the Coconut

We are coming
To take the world and its allures
Precious stones cast on whitened beach shores
By the gods that caused the rocks to boil
A liquid red and fluid from the mountains near

We are coming
From the one whose milk we plan to scorn
Those breasts shall feed the thirsty earth
With their white lubricants
And after, it will get thirstier

We are coming
Feet first
To proclaim a new year before dawn
A new Sun rises casting a new light
Holding no heat

We are coming
Transparent people
With light bulbs for heads
Absorbing light
Conducting light
Emitting light
Burning bright
Igniting light
Casting no shadows

We are coming
Here we are!

We are headed to the third market
to buy time.
We go to meet with the space merchants.
We go to trade our knowledge for their immortality.

We are headed to the blue earth
to purchase some anti-heptants.
We go to meet with Methuselah's children.
We know they have the cure to this plague called age.

We are headed to space,
for a honeymoon.
We go as guests of the dream master, winners of the solar lottery.
We go to witness metal giants and the worlds of tomorrow.

We are headed for the galaxy
to dethrone the emperor of stars.
We go to unseat the mechanical monarch.
We go as god-makers to remove the mote in God's eyes.

We are headed for the living machine
with the Calcutta-chromosome.  
We go to meet Darwin's children,
We go to find an artificial womb for the daughters of earth.

We are headed for the lost garden
to eat butcher plant.
We go to drink the blood of the moon.
We go as misfits of an imperial earth seeking our human blend.

We headed out of the dark
to the rainbow's end.
We go as exiles of the stratosphere
We go in search of brave new worlds and habitable planets.

"Come in
Come in please
Whoever is knocking
This is the time
To come in"
It was her cracking voice

It all run through her mind
Could it be her he
That she awaits for so long
Could it be her far-away love
That promised her an altar call
Only when he returns
Who could be at the door?

It was "another he"
The one her folks smiles at
The one that kept knocking
The chained door of her heart
Chained and but open to her first he

She waits for her he
Her very first love
When the heart was without form
Her he that sojourns
Across the border to the white land
Years rolled over
Moon counting was lost on her
But still waiting for her he
"He is still coming", she murmured silently

Her friend laugh her off
Her mummy scold her
Her younger ones only
Invites her to their weddings
She helps nurture their babies
Yet she waits on her he
When is he coming?
When is he gonna come in?
When will he break
Through this chained heart of hers?

Maybe this time
Just this time
She could think aloud
And listen to her folks

Maybe this time
Just this time
She could allow the "another he"
A chance to lurk around more
Pierce through the abandoned
Window of her heart

Maybe this time
Just this time
She should accept that her
Long awaited he is no longer coming

Maybe this time
Just this time
She should open her heart
For the other "another he"
To come in


A journey beyond space and time
Through space and time,
As decisive spots in the experiencing toward perfection
I walk alone
With friends and foes
Surrounded by my web of fortunes and misfortunes

Mother earth is in need of extreme makeover
Being alive and hopeless is death for the living
I walk alone in the midst of angels and demons
My choice
My responsibility
My creation

The war to save the world is ‘not’ my responsibility
The war to save my soul
I choose every day,
As I walk alone
Among friends and foes,
Angels and demons

I will come home one day at a time
As I walk through this desert filled with
Immorality more than the sand in the desert
With bright spots like oasis

I walk alone
Not alone
Angels and demons beside me
My choice
My responsibility
My creation


Nesting in a foreign land
Made her an outcast
With a bond so magical
Bearing its fruit of pain and joy
Like dew of blessings

The fruit became a bundle of joy
Grew amidst shortcomings
Flourished with every step
and every stage
Your foreplay rapturing into climax
You called me heaven, no, rapture on earth.

Things happened
Announcing your coming,
And like the nations polity
You are still coming into your grace
Coming into your place
Subtly sweeping me off my feet

You don’t love me
So don’t pretend you do
Keep your demons to yourself
I want none of their fear
Take your prayers too
Along with the fever
You put in them
And since you have
The answers to questions
I never asked
Take those too
My ways are not yours
They will never be
Here’s the best part of
My advice
My will is mine to do as I will
Will you stop coming in
Where my will does not admit?

Art is tic-ing in me like time, 
bombs exploding into thoughts, 
tongue releasing words, 
painting pictures with vivid colors, 
light and dark shades, 
gradients exposing depth 
making a mess of sight as known - the illusion ever bold, 
holding men captive to the senses of 5, 
betraying the 6th, 
within which art survives, 
so this Art must blow, 
like blood, those words must flow, 
ceaselessly painting the streets with the colors of freedom, 
Music! fill the air, 
diffuse the scent of fear, 
for here is the hour to disenchant despair, 
lay ambush in every corner, 
let the souls of men harbor them, 
ticking every second, 
consciousness lending instructive knowledge to the body
we advance to our foes terrain
Armed with devastating weapons of warfare
thoughts, words and guts
making injustice Judge its lieutenants
Corruption feast on its Children
And victory remaining our outcome
The hour has arrived

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