Friday, 13 March 2015


Cometh the hour, cometh the man
By popular demand
I have come to you with war
It’s a simple word
Which happens when friendship changes color
And often innocent men are charged with acts of terror
It is not just about blood
Or the leadership of bloodhounds
It is not just of unleashed running dogs
Or the brutality of human greyhounds
It is just about stuff
Real life effects of things, when they get rough
War is error in response
And no matter what, a victim must respond
War is what we caress when we are angry
It is our gnashing of teeth while we are battling
War is the aftermath of our memories
When we conclude that laughter and joy is such boring harmony
It is a rush of adrenalin defined as glory
War is a rationalization of necessary evil
The beginning of the end of everything civil
War is the happiness of the historian
He has a job now, and only victors become Victorian
Check the records
The archduke was murdered in error
And Helen was wrong to kiss him
Odysseus was wrong with his feelings
And if Emeka were to come back to life
We would still tell him, his killings
Started this
To respect the memory of the dead
We would never become friends
We are the thoroughbreds
And you, your kind who were once known to be lacking bread
Seem now to have lost the thread
And have started thinking we could both trend
Using platforms that are similar
I hope what follows to you is familiar
Because believe me it is only for apt for me never to believe you
Your truth says you are the victim
Mine says you lack reason and should be struck dead or tortured in prison
My heart burns at the way look
You are enslaved but your brains have been cooked
In reply she said, my truth is yours
I hoped you would wear more and cover more
But it seems to me you do not know how to be feel shame anymore
Perhaps war will help
In cracking what words cannot resolve
If you cannot win the argument and cannot walk away
War will come in with polished shoes and make someone pay
And there are some who do wish for sooner their ends to come
They have tried to stop breathing but reluctantly gave up and have carried on…
Don’t talk to me about women and children, we are all humans
Have our loving wives concluded dangling rods to be inhuman
Do they in their hearts, think of us now as pets
Who must be pampered and sex now is like being treated at the vets?
Tell me, are ordinary men less inclined to live
Just because war is all their kings worship
When a face can launch a thousand ships
Kings prove anything they can give is utterly cheap
But it’s not a cake you want to bake
How irreplaceable the things they can take
Please gaze into my mind and do not misconstrue
War often is like dreams come true
Like turning water taps on and discovering it pours oil
Like discovering yams and plantain, to hence study the make of the soil
Like entering the city of sheba, to discover a beautiful queen
All is fair in love and war, and all women have a chance of giving birth to twins
War is simple
It’s a word often used by those gleaming with dimples
It is done in the name of the people
And if millions starve and hundreds of thousands fall, only he with the flag and eagle
Enters the books
War lets us know what has been cooked
Like the tale of the north falling to the guns of only six hundred
And that all Paris wanted from Helen was for her to undress
War often is the unlearning of facts
And if you experience it, your liege is without tact
War is a prayer point
I want all my enemies loosened at the joints
War for me is like going to work
Every day from eight to four
War is all about winning her heart and winning over the parents
Owning the product and distributing the patent
War is when finally I succumb
That the state believes I am better off with crumbs
War is democracy in the making
And armies exist to make you behave
When you are looking forward to fulfilled promises and is patiently waiting…

Akeem Adetayo Oyalowo
March 2 2015.

Boom! Crash! Blood!
Pain and Flood
A cloud of judgement
In a plough

Calmly confused
What had transpired
Flowed in thoughts
Before he met his guardian

A few seconds back
No pain just dreams
Rushing to the next stop
Valentine saw the smile

Wait was the word
Patience was the deed
Self was the goal
It was a road

Self became flood
Rush had no hurry
Time did not stand still
Memory did

Road runner stops
To look at the wolf
It was not race track
Not catnip nor krypton

Regret tells the story
No longer visible
He stood
Starring at his decisions

Oluwemimo Bonuola

Amidst this waging war
Buzzing flames
Consuming the courage of men
Fresh blood
Making memorable artworks on canvas of snow
Smoke souring into the air
Birthing dark clouds
With no hopes of rain

Swords clanking
Everyman fighting
All that matters is living
Amidst this waging war
Two dying souls
Laid side by side
Telling tales of making love in caves
Oblivious of the extant chaos
The red blood
Painted season of love
The flames,
Burnt passion beyond death
This imminent death
Can't stop me from kissing you one last time

With a sword through my heart
Blood gushing from my mouth
Flanked on both sides by war
Extending to the seashore
And raising the desert sands up north
With death's incense putting me to sleep
Still I'll find time
To fall in love, again.


Resurrecting what was buried
In the sands of time
As the cycle closes
All that is dead is awakened
To pass through the mills

The war is fought within
There, where it is won or lost
Where beauty or the beast lives
Lies gloom or paradise

Choices are free
Free choices
A process
Not free
When mature

In the island of hope
I sow my trust
In the river of Love
I shall swim
As I experience Justice

My war is within
Babe,babe,yes you babe.
Look me for eye i wan talk to u.
I wan reason mata with u.
Shebi u go love me the Nigerian way?.
Me i wan be ur noun
Anything you name i go buy.
I wan be your verb.
Babe me na action man.
Na only action full my bodi.
Babe my love for you be like Nsu.
God forbid,e no go ever expire.
My love for you be like Nigerian fuel price.
Babim na up up the love dey go.
I love u pass as tonto dikeh love bleaching cream.
Roses,dandelions,lillies and hibiscus i no fit buy.
But for you i go measure Egusi,buy Ugu and waterleaf.
Sisi I know say dem be your favourite flowers.

Babe ur luv dey do me like Peppersoup.
E dey bring water to my eyes.
But na tears of Joy you dey bring.
Babe ur love dey do me like Army man slap.
The thing dey restore factory setting.
Babe my love for you be like poetry.
Sisi the thing dey jam packed with powerful emotion.

Babe abeg i wan make you carry me for mind.
That part of ur mind wey you keep ur goals,aspirations and dreams.
Involve me for ur plans.
Make me and You together
Become conjuction
Make we build our Nigerian Love story.


Let’s just call death ‘beautiful’
Tonight, let’s improvise
Let’s fix him a chair free of dirt
Let’s clean the foot mat off the grains of earth
Let’s set him a dining and wish him safe on his journey of burden
If death won’t come… if he won’t come tonight
Let him resist sending any of his relatives
Who will only sit by the window shed
And whistle away the silence of night
Or that, who will only hover the roof like dark sky
and deny the warm earth its cold tears
This poem is to strike you dead and bring you alive
With the deceitfulness of flesh and truthfulness of bone
… the faithfulness of bone
I have been to the seven dens of sin
and find death host no feast
of all that I have known of beauty
innocence is prime
and death, having gone as swift as he has come
leaves innocence permanently on the face of a life
so let’s just call death beautiful
tonight, let’s improvise.

The sun is rising
But I shiver in spite of it
In the memory of trekkers I have pass through
To be feverish in the shadow days of childhood
Days of darkness, days of ignorance
The nightmare of market days
Still alive in my eternal memory

Those strange days
Which smother sweet dreams
Within the crowd of the market
Under the canter of our mothers
Safeguarding the four angles
With old stinking wrappers

Those strange days
Tyrannized dreams we should have had
With lustful zeal of being the father
And a girl-child being the mother
Then, we had full length drama
Drama that burnt unconscious dreams

The sun is rising these days
With jacks of guilt upon my conscience
Generations had lost behind me
And new ones are having same nightmares
I cannot go without waking them
They must be conscious of their golden dreams

I offer them a thousand screams
Screams of graveyard, screams of vulture
Screams that wake the long sleeping dead
To wake them from their unconsciousness
They have long gone in their nightmare
Like a moon abandoned in the wilderness

Nobody really plans to start a war
It’s like having to do an unwanted chore
An endless cycle of ‘hate’ ‘defense’ ‘folly’ ‘pride’
‘shortsightedness’  or ‘revenge’ …you decide.
Everybody loses in the end
There’s no need to pretend
As friends turn on friends
Backstage playing harps
Are blood thirsty political sharks
Handicapped by their cravings and blinded by their lust
They play while destiny’s are simultaneously crushed
Nobody really plans to start a war
But it only ever ends….moments before.


Play that tape again
If we that have ears
Have refused to hear
Play it for the deaf
Maybe they can hear
What disaster that draws near.

Play that tape again
Let's hear the profaine
Let the tape roll their insanity
Maybe we can deduce sanity
From the syllable of profanity.

Play us that part
Where the laborers
Spoke about 'rig'
Or was it 'bed ridge"
That my ears heard?
And let's hear those voices
Of traitors who have been making noises

Play that tape again
Let it roll in the stereo of our mind
One which we shall not forget
For years to come
We shall tell our kids of it
How men sold their dignity
At the detriment of our unity.

Do not hide it
It has been leaked
And if you burn it
Our minds shall make duplicates of it
Through our tongues
And it shall implore our hands
To write of it again
and the pen shall dance steps of letters
To show the world we lived to see this.

Yes we lived to see
Our feets step on defecations
And our bodies bathed with shame.
We lived to see polluted power
We lived to see merited madness
And the nation's treasury become personal kolo*

Play that tape again
Let it play us to warning
Of how men in lust for power
Would love to joggle one's destiny
And threaten to send men to the gallows
For refusing to drink from the same tea cup.

Play that tape again
Let it play our brains to rethink
Of what beholds this sinking nation.
Let it be a forewarner
Before we raise a banner
Beguiled as transformation but deformation.
War like a hymen when broken cannot easily be forgotten
War the ravager of women, children and also men
Men ask for war like a stubborn child ask for a snake
Men speak of war but when war speaks  . . .mmgh
When war speaks those who speak of war melt
War speaks with a loud voice and the next generation hears
But it’s soon forgotten like a mist that lasts only the morning
War make sorrows common and joy a fable
War performs prolific fates’ script
And we must bow to our fate no matter the cost
When darkness comes and fear sets in war is the nightmare it brings
It is said that when chi calls men and they don’t listen war is what it brings
A man’s chi most times leave him when war comes
Men threaten war hahahaha war laughs
At these finite naĂ¯ve infant beings who don’t know
Where were they when the heavenlies shook
Where were they when angels were cast down
War laughs for when he comes
Heads will be served for dinner.
Dance in the stadia of life
With thankful gesture                                     
The dance of warriors                                 
That I may demonstrate with every motion
The act which christen' me Victor

Let me!
Let my tongue speak effusively ;
The eloquence which endears
The listening of mankind amidst life' malady
The truth which cuts across the slums And dark corridors of hierarchy,
Set upon the blood and tears of the Frail;
Walls decorated with deceit and treachery

Let me!
Stand; a sign post yet alone
Across the divides of truth and modern philosophy,
Born of apostacy and spherical fantasies
That with my arm held forth,
I may hold the torch which blaze the path of repentance and eternity

Let me !
Live full of his glory
That I may die, empty a sacrifice consumed on the alter of service
Let me live!
Oh let me!

You asked the gods
If spiders sweat,
If water could be held in a basket;
Daughter you struck some wrong chords
And now you must dance to the rhythm of ants beneath your skirt.

You dared me to rhyme,
To make for Esau a stew with curry and thyme,
To make an old friend,
To begin from the end;
To stitch the temples veil, that which the lambs bleating did rend.

Too easy a task,
Even toddlers know
Masquerades are mere men behind an awful mask;
Of course every arrow needs a bow,
Rhyming is summer, in it the birds must bask.

Too bad you only just knew
Of rhyme sugar in rhythm tea served in imagery’s cup,
C’mon that was last served at the Lord’s sup;
The gentiles did not betray the cool Jew,
Funny when he left the piano, only the blind boy knew.

Of course
Powerful words paint potent pictures,
But old Bartimaeus and new Steves different dimensions captures;
Beware the salvation you seek in the scriptures,
Look up, there’s a brazen serpent on the cross.

Every line that rhymes holds a lie,
Rags for one is regal in another’s eye,
How sad that not all flowers possess teeth;
Imagine the sculptor’s joy when the statue first kicks its feet,
O! Daughter Shakespeare is dead in peace; in piece please let him die.

The anatomy of war.     
Sun Tzus art of war.       
The 48 laws of power.     
50 cents 50th law.                       
 Learning the uses of power in the prosecution of war.     
The hammerhead.         
The mailed fist.       
Frederick Forsyth and the Dogs of war.               
The war to end all wars.   
The second war.           
The two Koreas.       
Biafra and its half of the yellow sun.               
Kenya and the parboiled Mau Mau wars.                                                                         
Samaria and Judea
Georgia on my mind.         
First the Crimea and now Ukraine.         
The two Sudans.       
The psychology of disagreement
The physiology of quarrelling.   
The physics of disenchantment.                 
The biology of dissimulation.   
The dissection of battle.     
The delineation of conflict.   
The management of disillusionment.             
The marketing of vitriol.         
The bottling of bitterness.   
The coagulation of choler.   
War, rumours of, clogging our psychic space.               
The reality of, disturbing the equilibrium of our earth bound lives.         
Low level internecine warfare.
Not formulaic ground movement of troops in lineal formulation.       
Ghouls weaving through the equatorial density of multiplied Sambisas.           
Hard to hit.     
Slippery as whirling dervishes.         
Peace by other means.           
Making war in order to find peace.                       

Not turning the National other cheek. 
Refusing to go the extra mile. 
Taking it to the mat.         
Canonical just wars for the preservation of territorial integrity.                       
Anything goes.             
Inspite of human rights and wrongs
In the climate of the time and times
Explanations, justifications, clarification and sometimes disinformation.               
This is war
Where the casualties, the first of which is truth, multiply and die.

We fight a war within ourselves
This war began even before we were born
And will be fought after we are long gone
Our fore fathers were not left
And those before them had their fair share
We fight this war sometimes alone
Sometimes the war is fought for us
Without regard for our free will
If we could but once observe
That no one cares
This way or that
That our hat is askew or
Our skirts do sweep the streets
If we could but once realize
That the sky will not fall to the ground
Neither will the moon cease to shine
If we do not have a law degree
Or a thousand dollars in a bank account
So what if my shoes are red
After all even the judge forgot to bow!


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