Friday, 12 September 2014


See how they come
With opinions way taller than their kwashiorkored IQ’s
Knowing the price of everything
While value eludes the phantom medulla, nothing
There, yet spilling it everywhere
Overflow of zero
Outpouring of nil
Emphasizing zilch
With so much panache 
Elegantly passing on
Nauseating legacies
See, can’t you see?
How they come.

They come in a convoy
Convoluting simplicity
Questioning clear marks
Too full of themselves to stop
Deliberately poking at sense
Common!!!  They say: Sense doesn’t make sense
Why should it produce after its kind?
Let’s rip off the S from sense
Lets put in a F, so we build a Fence to fence you out
F for F*** the rules
F for we are too fussy to reason with sense
Common!!! Sense. We don’t want you here!!
We don’t make you here!!!
We only make placards with no sense
We look for anything Sense-less and stand for it!!!!
We fight for it
We Get touchy about it….
Hear them, see them… how they come

They come wearing their groundless pride
Like a coat
A coat of many colors, you see
Matching it with glasses; rose colored
Tainted with all shades of obscure desires
Opaque, impairing clear view …
Yet they gracefully grope in that view
Sophisticatedly fumble in that view
In fact they crown it king
“Hallowed!!! be this messed up view!”
They come, from every corner they come
Recruiting the gullible
Enlisting naiveté
Soliciting foolishness
Courting irrationality
Sightless yet leading
To a place
They have no clue about…
Oyindamola Fakile
I’ve felt the power of the abductor
And the ransom’s weight,
Dragging down my purse
Heavy still, when I opted for cashless grief.

Order me some tears
Give me an invoice on quality grief
From a page in the diary of the abducted
For I cannot afford an ounce of sympathy

Step me into your shoe
Lest I’d have no clue
For power proves me a strong anti-pain
Even against your agony

Winning is a need,
A need greater than your misery
Its walls are shock proof
Cocooning me in trauma-less comfort

Until your thumb stings my ticket of need
Then, my grief will openly pour
no longer the need for you
To order me some tears
Forgive Me a Flaw
Pass me the cup
Leave for me its contents
Hand it over with a smile
I can still see you, flesh and soul, absent of pride
Staring at the stars all night long
Hasn’t made them to offer words
I am down here sprawled
I could scribble, draw or scrawl
What I need said to me
Seems to have been said before I came
I met them written
I met men seething
My kith and kin in stripes
Coats of different colors and to me that’s fine
Pass me the cup
Right after you gulped
And witnessed you belched
My intoxication begins after you start
Yours begin right after you fart
That thing is a whistle with a smell
Both sides of the ring, threaten your goodness with hell
My pictures are sown not taken
Perceptions are seeds and we become its seedlings
Haul your words don’t hoard them
Most of the time, it doesn’t, but silence should hurt men
Forgive me a flaw
These your unwritten laws
Don’t tell me who not to love
Don’t force me into confessions or affections
Pass the cup no more
Not one more gulp
That leads into lifetime leaning and yearning
I’ll read by myself and lead my learning
Forgive my flaw or banish me into hell
And I might just hear you ended there…

Akeem Adetayo Oyalowo
March 8, 2013
I need room
I need more space to bloom
Surrounded by so much gloom and doom
I need to escape this constricting womb
I need to inhale fresh fumes of happiness
To turn up the volume of my boldness
To assume my cloak of righteousness
To turn this vacuum called hopelessness
Into a storeroom of greatness and lushness
I need space
Away from this weird race
Who have nothing good to showcase
But auction disgrace in the marketplace
I need to feel the joy of living in my nest
To move freely without ever feeling like a guest
Or ever becoming someone else’s conquest
I need to feel blessed not oppressed
Caressed not molested or suppressed
I need liberty
I need to have my own dynasty
Free from tragedy
Free from treachery
 I need room
I need space
I need some new perfume
            and the latest Swiss lace.

September 2014

> I say its a curse,
> to never see her graduate,
> to never walk her down the aisle;
> you tell me the war will never be over,
> till we see the need to hear
> silence;
> your courage is my fear,
> so i listen now to statues.
> I ask,
> does losing my grip mean letting go.
> I should have danced
> with her,
> why didn't I dance
> with her;
> she could hear the playing guitar,
> now i hear it too from afar,
> the sweet melody of the softly fiddled viola.
> I seek to pluck of Apolo's harp,
> but you say i'll play a cord of mishap.
> so i ask,
> is discord not a unifying principle.
> O! Sugar,
> in losing you, i've found need for myself
> to hate for love's sake,
> love for enemies
> who long me see another sun's wake;
> still, wake for friends
> who long eat of my death-day cake.
> Tell me sweet
> even now,
> how being right is a mistake.
> O! Sugar,
> in losing you i've found my need for God;
> theirs, who honours above his name his word.
> I've asked some questions,
> but he doesn't promise an explanation,
> he only leaves me a hard choice;
> either to be angry for the time i won't have you,
> or be grateful for the times i did.
> Tell me sweet
> even now,
> when is it right for the man left behind to lead.
> I don't want to be angry,
> I just want to heal,
> to feel again the warmth of a daughter
> on the skin of a freezing father;
> in my heart a kindled ember,
> in my spirit a raging fire
> and in my soul a burning desire.
> O! Earthened pot,
> where is your cold water,
> why is heaven so hot.
> Sugar,
> now i see the need
> to run those five miles,
> so i've gotten myself a new pair
> of running shoes;
> they say we are all running nowhere,
> but i tell them sweet
> even now
> i tell them
> that 'nowhere' is the new direction.


Brown calabash with white eggs neatly juxtaposed,
My gaze fell upon the neatly scattered notes
And the white eko* creamed or creased with palm-oil,
Broken kola nuts and some faced-out coin
All waiting sheepishly to appease the acclaimed gods.

There by the footpath on the highway
It was placed where all could cast a lustful eye
And salivate at such huge feast placed before the invisible
While we the visible scurry through the day on empty stomach

But must their gods feed on the highway
And pride itself in this modern day of being fetish
And not in some place among chirping birds
And in a jungle where three footpath leads to the unknown
Or in the thickest of forest filled with beasts and bats. 

Just three snaps of the finger above the head
And three spits of saliva to the earth
And some childish incantations we learnt as kids;
Ebo e lebo pada l’eyin mi, ebo e lebo pada l’eyin mi
Ti o ba pada l’eyin mi, ma da omi gbona si e lara,
Ti o ba pada l’eyin mi ma da omi tutu si e lara …
Eni ti o ba di eru ni ki o fi ori ara e gbe.

But the gods don’t come to eat their meals
They must have turned to flies hovering around the stench
While the notes must have been stolen by some miscreants
The fortunate gods in their own unfortunate ways.

More calabashes of varied sizes
Wrapped with white apparels and adorned with sea shells
And great recipe to cast great spells
Kola nuts, palm oil, bird feathers, boiled eggs,
White and red clothes, sea shells, dark powders all fit for the cauldron
Ebo e lebo pada l’eyin mi, ebo e lebo pada l’eyin mi
Ti o ba pada l’eyin mi, ma da omi gbona si e lara,
Ti o ba pada l’eyin mi ma da omi tutu si e lara …
Eni ti o ba di eru ni ki o fi ori ara e gbe.

It is a common sight these days
Turn left or right there would be one in a conspicuous corner
Or by the pavement just like the one by Obalende bridge
Waiting for alighting commuters to have a smell of its stench
And have a glimpse of dark concoctions that lay within
Ebo e lebo pada l’eyin mi, ebo e lebo pada l’eyin mi
Ti o ba pada l’eyin mi, ma da omi gbona si e lara,
Ti o ba pada l’eyin mi ma da omi tutu si e lara …
Eni ti o ba di eru ni ki o fi ori ara e gbe.

No doubt evil lurks in the dark
And it is not strange to see their marks at daylight
Along the streets and on our highways,
Even though the world is changing,
But this old fetish custom still has its place among men.

I believe those spirits
Should be tired of wraps of eko and palm oil
Now that foreign dishes grace our tables
Since they can’t talk,
How would you know if they crave
For salad and sausage
Or burger and burritos?

The pressure is on
So I have to get my cupid on
Wake him from his lazy sleep
Arm him with his famous bow
And hope for sure this time around
He gets me my prize for sure
I guess this is not the time for ummmm
Been there done that but . . . ummmmm
I guess I have not done this
Let my ego fold like the tail of a coward dog
Barge through my fears like a wild hog
Look at me now as I bow to this pressure
The kind of pressure diamonds are made from
Stronger than a pythons pressure for sure
This pressure that leaves me assured
That this time around I’m won
Try hard to be the one that wins
The heart of the one that wears
That fabled golden crown
That legends are forged from
That great women are crowned with
That humility is grown from
And pray to God that the rib I find
Is the one from my side is taken from

Why don't I want to dig me up?
I was buried deep within,
Smothering and gasping for light
My servant now enthroned as my master
Showing me the way like a blind man

For without me he is dead
Yes dead without life
I give him life
Yet I allow him whom I gave life
The dead one to lead me
Where else will he lead?
He without life,
Cannot give life
To death will he lead

I need to dig me up
And lead my ship
My servant, thanks but no thanks
I allowed you bury me

All the dead is awake to live its self out
You too
You that is dead
Will take your place
I gave you life

I need to dig me up
I the captain of my ship
Once more to lead my crew
Towards life

IFEANYI OKWOSHA        September 2014
The whole of Creation was founded on the premise of LOVE
And Isolation is a notion absurd
Cause, People need People
People die without People
People gain from other People
People loose to other People
People hurt for no reason 
cause their People couldn't LOVE
As they too have been hurt 
And they no longer know LOVE
People kill People
Feel guilt and Kill themselves
Cause you only treat People 
As well as you treat yourself
People Die
People Live
People, Joy
People Grief
Everything happening is cause of some People's deed
We are all connected, People
Cannot Do without People
We were made to relate
And isolation kills People
Never go to battle all alone
Without your own People
God never wanted man alone folks
Adesola fakile
So much pressure
Amidst all these pleasure
Life’s line can be hard to tow
Silently we wallow in the pains of our supposed leisure
Playing away time
And lying senselessly
Most of the time
The lust for pleasure
Keeping us always coming back
And we forget all that we lack
The other night I was all alone
Typing away on my phone
Truth be told
I was not aware of what I was doing
But it turned out really useful
Life’s major issues became the center point
Pointing me in all directions
First it was me pallying all sorts of characters
And marrying all tribes in the name of National eminence
Things may seem to be working my way right now
But from my note from last night
I am not sure it is always going to be a bed of roses
My need for relevance
Remains my reason for always running round
The need for self-aggrandizement
The need to remain in the scheme of things
This same need to keep sucking on the honey
Is always the reason for the fly’s journey to an early grave
That was the phrase
That played in her mind’s eye
When she was served
The beginning of the end
Was never anticipated when
She got served the forever plate
In the middle of that June day when
Blood and water
Spilled from beneath her and
Life spluttered for-ward
She was not a seer
And even if she could
She couldn’t’ have
The look given
When the cries
Rent the air
And the silent sighs too
Gave away the disappointment of yet
Another appointment
It was the need to satisfy tradition
That drove the wheels now
She was soon to find that the
Metal that binds never contemplates
The strong bond of familial ties
And the heart that pleads forgets
The seeds of promises sown
Yes, the end came within that
Moment and there was
No stronger feeling
No greater need
Than to call her

Kemi bon

Give me a Pen and a piece of Paper,

here at the banks of the Niger River;

and I shall re-write the history of all the earth,

And give Eden a desired rebirth.

Give me a Pen and a piece of Paper,

for I am pregnant and soon to deliver;

the message of the messiahs plan to redeem the entire planet

and seal up the abyss of death.

Give me a Pen and a piece of Paper,

that I might quicken verbs dead at this hour;

to wrought wonders with the alphabets

and heal the deadly sores of all the earth.

All I need is a Pen and a Piece of paper,

to pour out my heart that does now bleed;

as I shed this creed

like a starved lover, severely hungered,

needing affection, his soul to feed.


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