Tuesday, 14 June 2022





 - (Poem of the month)


Home is not always a place, but a moment built

brick by brick, breath by breath, into a house


of memory. Where affection calls and there is one

to love. Home is where there is one to love us back.


Home is not always a roof, a room, and a bed but

a place to roam, where the heart blooms and stays.


Home is not always a place, but meadow of laughter

There the walls are raised joy by joy, happiness by


happiness. No angry frown, no selfish wish nor cruel act.

There, there is food for the body and fire for the mind.


I have lived in enough places. Home is not always a place.

Set your house on fire. Walls are false pretexts. Be free!


Michael Achile Umameh




It is time!

Time to put money in the insurance account

Time to tell the kids things encountered in a motherless babies home

Time to get in shape for a leap off when the cannister is sighted

Time to get one’s affairs in order

Time to rehearse survival mode, in prison, exile or as guerrillas.


Its been the hour for ages now,

But you are just prepping,

Because your innocent son looked into your eyes as the machete was being pulled out of him

And then you saw the reflection of that boy

Who died waving the flag at the bridge, in his eyes.

Peace and unity he said. Because he knew yours will be taken away soon.


When the neighbors were gunned down because a chief’s path was blocked,

It was time.

When odi was crying and we unlooked, it was time

When zaki biam was razed and we were deaf to the inferno, it was time.

when herders herded lives into penury, and we snoozed our action for political correctness it was time

When Lekki toll gate was red with human wastes, we unlooked.



Ololade Ajayi





 Isn't it strange that we've been searching for change 

But over the ages nothing really changes 

E go better

E go better

The recurring mantra

We've made it to 2022

But it seems like Change hid in Timbuktu

For everything is still the same

The never ending blame game







We're stuck in the mud

Watching our flag drown in a red flood



Believing lies

Hoping Justice will fly

But Justice Truth and Peace ran away with Change


Went in search of Change

Let's deceive ourselves again

Maybe it will reduce this pain

Change will arrive

Peace will thrive

There'll be no more lies

No real horror stories

Just progressive victories

Are you with me?

Are you really with me?

I've left that dream

Tired of sleeping?

Tired of weeping?

Before the land is submerged in greed

Before the apples grow without seeds 

Before 2023 beats it's drum

I'll be long gone

A change in location

Is my current destination

Not all calls start with the word 'Hello'

Same way oranges are mostly green and yellow

Are you with me?

Are you still with me?

Focus on the changes

That keep changing

But never really change.



Erhio Obodo




Again and again it comes clearer than a glass of water

with  the same  harmless and deceptive cloak.


Again and again it gradually raises its head to oppose glory

throughout ancient times  and even now in modern times


Again and again it brings up nothing entirely good

as the aftermath of the sins of Eve are still evident.


Again and again,  to intentionally refuse to listen to any news

is a means to at least retain some level of sanity. 


Again and again even in trying to mind personal businesses

the average believer, the simple hearted, and everyone should know


Again and again it's okay to  reminded 

that the times we live in are simply full of peril and it might not change


Esther Okekwuo



Upward or downward,

The road leads yonder,

Left or right,

High upper or Low under!


For some,

Chicken soup for breakfast slowly,

Has become;

Frozen fish for dinner only.


Many smile,

At the upward movement of prices,

As stock even decreases,

Others cry for low income;

Take home pay,

That no longer takes them home!



Changes I see,

Changes in economy,

Changes in weather,

Changes in society,

Changes sprouting everywhere,

In every sphere!


The only permanent thing,

In the life of man I see,

Changes everywhere,

And in everything I see!


Akata I. Lucy.





What you receive after paying more than the amount demanded.


What the calculator driven tithe payer, demands from the usher after dropping it of, on the plate.


What all politicians purport to stand for, apart from those who are for continuity or who had a transformation agenda; one that operates with the anaemic consistency of the transformer in my hood.


Begging the question as to, change to what, continue to where and transform into what?


At that point the waters get muddied and we are truly bogged down and hemmed in.


Not by the paralysis

of analysis, as there

is no analysis to be paralyzed by; only printed cloth and bags of rice; only stuffed envelopes awash with Petro, tax, gubernatorial and other corruptly obtained and laundered and sometimes fake dollars.


Then deflections,

ad hominems and manic claims of entitlement to some manifest destiny.


A comedy of fools;

a tragic house of horrors.


Mephistophelean flies, from out of the woodwork.

So help us God!


We want change but not from Mephistopheles, Apollyon or Abaddon; not from the grandmasters of the craft, who vociferously ask us to give them the mandate or who vehemently claim it is their right to be no more a kingmaker,

but a king.


This one, a truly pathetic Lear-like figure- the king,

not the Jet, crying betrayal, betrayal, forgetting that chickens always come home.

He should ask those who love and want good for you.


We want change

as metamorphoo- metamorphosis- transformation.


We want change

as hupaballoo,

as transcendent excellence.


Not outside-in, that's why Decree 2 did not work, could not last.


But inside out!

Root, branch and stem;

Cooked, eaten and regurgitated as the change needed by,

We the people!


Andrew Whyte




Chances are that we witness today tomorrow

So take note of the obvious and fear what it obscures


As they say “there is none so blind as those who will not see”


Take this law at heart because we may call it chance tomorrow or luck or whatever your intellect not your intelligence call it


For what we know is a pink unicorn may become may become common


Things are lost if you are not searching, you will always find when you search

The threads of fate looms steadily so what will be has been


Don’t be afraid of Changes.

