Abdul-Mumin Abdul-Quadir | (Writeous Sage) |
ALPHA – (Poem of the Month)
We lookup
Unto thee
As we set foot
Into another journey
Hope greatly
For a no beta
That is better
We pray thee
Not to be game
For gamers
in gamma
Guide us through
Let's make it mega
Before omega
Abdul-Mumin Abdul-Quadir
(Writeous Sage)
I am Alpha can be the beginning of a sentence
with different meanings
One word like many that wears different caps
Which cap will adorn this white ocean
As we navigate with one of the most powerful
Will it be the beginning of all beginnings
The dominant cap
The one that denotes excellence
We may choose as it moves us
But all are within time
Standing still
All is in motion
And yet
Time is still
As we write within its canvas
A concept eternally unchanged like eternity
Cycles spiraling and meshing into one another
Beginning of ends and end to beginnings
The daughter completing a lap round her mother
Who gave her warmth
Each his own race
We run individually but together
Writing new stories and ending others
You're the first of all things
And the last of no thing
Breaking through thick flesh
Letting blood gush out.
You're the first of all trash
And the last of no fears
Being crazy makes you norm
Piercing through the night
You're the first of all giving up
And the last of no persistence
Squeezing tightly any chest
Falling right before dawn.
You're the first of all lapses
And the last of no power
Enough reason to change time's course
And redefine true essence
Strike the shepherd
And the sheep will scatter
Not for the shepherd
Who runs at the sight of a wolf.
You're not my alpha.
Not my first, never my last.
REHTSE Thinks out
Out here
on this sombre bridge
we walk on edges
holding barns that never get full of deposit
Of this menace
we talk to spirit
casting petition
with whiskering hope
that our rendition will plunge the heart of gods
We live in partition (day & night)
rising up like apparition
in the bid to forget the nightmare of our doom
we lose count of times the spirit smiled at us
how can we bear this earth song chiming fire at
Of night and day, we scavenge in the wild
counting our bodies like pennies
that never seem to ease off our messes
the odour of the earth with its blandishment woo us
to a mime.
How shall we with this
escape the plunders of the earth
that siege us into walls
that memorize us into frames like artefact
and all we do is watch unable to react
the earth is a whore
that tame us on tongue with rancid taste of desires
Out here
on this sultry land
we walk on sand
holding barns that never get full of deposit
Of this adventure
we are whittled down into silence
peeled gradually into our own decay.
& of this body
we become flaccid
unable to survive the choke slam
& like ash
we evanescence out of earth's mirror
It starts
With the giggles and chuckles over
falling leaves
Open doors filled with reluctant feet
Offers that pour in like rain into a
Little gifts that make some eyes
squint and others swell
The messages and massages trailing
your every move
Then boom ...
The complaints about bottles and
The gate still open at past eight
Forgotten dates
Excuses about whales
No sales
No goods
Just screams and wails
Ferrero rocher
....it begins
The dangerously worded swords
Changed clothing with less wool
Third parties
Files and suits
Lies and red eyes
Pacing and Spaces
One wonders where crushed dreams
Memory lane filled with pain
Broken rose glasses see clearly
What foggy thoughts distort
Dark clouds reign
Yet after the rain
The sun shines
And one sees a rainbow
With a cool vibe and brown eyes
and a gorgeous smile...
It's a new beginning
If family comes first
Even if they treat you last;
If you can make peace your master
And not be convinced otherwise,
If you can use your gifted hands
To sculpt stars from ordinary people
And still not be a braggart;
If you can lead and serve a pack
But never be a sucker for their pain;
If you can stand firm
And not be shaken by fear
In your pursuit of a honourable life;
If you can face challenges head on
And not lie down like a log;
If you can rise and dust off yourself
Instead of hiding the dirt under a
If you can mind you business
And not be intimidated by another
person's success-
Then you're a big deal!
I am the master sculptor faithfully
known and felt
the tides took turns
eternally prostrate in reverence of me
In me
your insights are complete
to the winds blow in adoration,
songs of praises in hallelujah choruses,
appreciation of me
I am He whom your subconscious in
earnest loves
I have
listened to the sound of my prowess
caressed the babes of my youth
In the
plains of my sight,
cubs of my loins paid obeisance
to the
innocence of time
As the
youths of time pay their wages to me in full
Olumide Soyemi
Understanding the alpha,
Is the alpha of understanding.
Having the alpha knowledge that
all alpha ends
is to take life easy for nothing
lasts forever.
The end is more important than
the beginning,
But the beginning is the alpha
of all.
For this shall blow my horn to
the head,
Singing of his praise among men
For he the creator of all creatures.
I shall give attention to the
alpha of my life,
But give more focus to how I
want the omega.
For in the end, the beginning
matters less,
And what matters most is how
the alpha is metamorphosed to omega.
If the alpha of a man starts
with night,
Surely the omega might be with
bright day light.
So I shall pay attention to the
lesson alpha comes with as a gift,
But gives more focus to the end,
For hopefully I shall wine and
dine with joy sitting by my side.
The beginning is the end and
the end is the beginning
For dust is the beginning of
a man,
Dust shall he return after his
stays here on under the sun.
Akinboade Elijah Akinlolu
It is not the first and, it is never
the last
Neither the strong, nor the weak from
the past
It is standing stall amongst those that
stand high
Being deeply rooted in depths so far down,
Stretched to foundations of formidable
Venturing visionist far from voluptuary
Creating openings out of unseen
Exploiting negativity to push forth
Purpose built and resolute to the very
A player of circumstance just to suit
his role
A base of strength to those who share
the vision
Breaking through strongholds of others
With determination drowning out unseen
Leading with traits of a perceptible
It is what separates what is best from
the best
Drowned out weakness by eyeing the
Knowing what he is, what he stands
The genesis of and end resulted
Accepting the impact of impaired
Fully overwhelmed by unique power
Richard Oyibo
The first, the best,
The beginning and the end.
The first, the last,
The origin of life.
The first, the sun,
The keeper and sustainer...
The first, the blessing,
Without beginning or ending;
One without a Father,
But Fathers all and sundry;
In joy, love, peace,
In progress, prosperity keeps,
In good health and cheer...
The first I see when I awake,
The light I see and await,
The love I'll taste again, no albeit,
The one I'll see again to praise,
When I am reborn for real to stay.
Haiku Ode to Alpha,
Lucy Akata.
Started with alpha all the way to the
delta- neither Mississippi nor Niger-
and now we are sitting on the omicron
which unlike earlier incarnations does not have a crown.
And now we have the Marburg
which thankfully is not a Greek alpha
beta but
unfortunately is named after another
now to be historically lampooned town- wuhan comes
to mind!
Even the Spanish flu from Kansas
a thing which the Americans were happy
to bury under layers of copy!
This is no alpha
It isn’t the first but it’s certainly
in its implications.
Alpha male to Haggard’s Ayesha,
she who must be obeyed,
who is obeyed and who in the words of
lady B,
rules and runs the world either by
rocking the cradle or suckling the
man in the other place even if there is
no ring on it
Putting him on the seat ex cathedra and
seating there with him.
Increasingly seating there without him
Garnering most of the fleece that
certifies the possession of a brain
Andrew Whyte