Saturday, 16 June 2018



LIFE (poem of the month)

What is life, that you are mindful of dust
What is the importance of breathing dust
That you are not allergic to us
It seems we are cut short
The moment we begin to rise
Dust particles we settle back to the earth that was stirred up by your breath. 
You put eternity in our hearts,  a substance our forms cannot hold. 
We are Clay - earthen vessels hiding treasures too immeasurable to bear. 
We are like piggy banks, our end is to be broken, 
Our outsides but a token
Yet strangely in this we find hope. 
For in our brokenness, a glory shines out
We - Partakers of a beauty costlier than ours
Our life's aim is to service, 
Propelling fellowship with oars on this ocean of time. 
To fish
Hook souls in this timeline
With visions of forever
Broken vessels, made complete in hope faith and love
In a shattered world, restoring, 
The very virtue we have been stripped off
Our threadbare lives clothing
Our broken bodies healing
Fractured hearts reconciling 
Our deaths portraying  life worth living
And This is life
To glory in the destruction of our flesh
To smile at impending death
For the glory that resides in these jars of dust and spit
Would only be seen when our eyes see past the earth into eternity

Ogbe Oritsemisan


I, human, was always willing 
Willing to be reasonable 
Till they drove me to be unreasonable 
I offered olives to seize  the hands that tugged at me
But the same dug all five of his free hands into my bare chest
To claw out what is within
Now to me peace is indigestible
I told myself:
"Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things"
Knowing that the path up is always the path down
When will you raise your fists dead seeds?
Can you not foresee
what awaits you when you are truly grown? 
You will see that the door is most tight-shut when it seems most open, 
That we are condemned to dying more than to death
Nightmares can boast only if my eyes are closed and they are open
I must put off fancies
and abstractions
I am older now.

Charles Sweet

Life is for living
Though out of it comes the dying
The living is easy or at least that is what we hope for
To live in our living and not just to exist or pass through or occupy space.
That is both aspirational and inspirational.

And while on the subject of life and living, to love also, to learn and to leave a legacy, thus accomplishing the Coveyan quartet that define mission and vision. 

The living is easy especially if we understand that the law that rules is not that of the pressure cooker nor the quick fix but the law of the farm where things happen by natural process and not by enforced crisis.

The living is easy when we dwell on the other side of complexity
A place where things are only as simple as they are without being simplistic and without denuding them of needed complexity and integratedness.

Like a man loving his wife
A woman fitting in with her man inspite of "amanda"
A child honouring her parents
A parent refraining from exercabating, irritating and annoying the child.
An employer realising that the eyes of God are watching him
An employee eschewing eye service
A government serving the people
Not defenestrating their patrimony
A people subject to good governance

All simple, nothing simplistic
All working with the requisite degree of complexity, making the living easy; making it happen
Just like faith!
Andrew White

We are sieged by colonizers from the land of the dead;
Men long gone, but who through ideologies, lord over us yet.
Show me your ruler, and I'll tell you what you are, friend,
Are we really living when we are ruled by dead men?

Our ancestors were victims of a life lost and never found,
For on that day they ate of knowledge, they & death ‘came forever bound.
And out from the loins of Zombies, aren’t we at best stillborn?
Are we really living when we are born by dead men?

The land of the living may yet be anxious for our discovery,
For are we really living when we live as dead men?

Tolu Daniel
Drawn by the warrior
Ready to be used in battle
And to be stricken by a thunder
Despite false visions concerning them
And lying mysteries to come
It will be done on the battlefield
Of the strongest man in Babylon
Whose strength can’t be destroyed?
Whose power can be exchanged with?
Of the warfront
Return the sword to its crimson
In the place where no man can find it
In the land of your adversary
I will judge you
I will pour out my ruins upon you
And chase out my inner wizardry against you,
I will give your bones to the hungry dogs
The dogs that have not been fed
You will be put out for shame
Your blood will be spread across the land
You will be forgotten like waste paper
For I, the king have spoken

A sword , a sword
Drawn for the slaughter
Polished to consume
And to flash like lighting
Despite false visions sustaining you
 It will be laid on the necks
Of the wicked who are to be slain,
Whose day has come?
Whose time of punishment has reached its climax?
Return the sword to its throne
In the place where you were created
In the land of your ancestry
I will judge you
I will pour out my ruins upon you
And breathe out my fiery anger against you
I will hand over you to brutal men,
Men skilled in destruction
You will be fuel for the fire
Your blood will be shed in your land
You will be remembered no more
For I ,the king have declared
 Ubonabasi Ekpo
‘Peur de Vivre’

Raised with Hitler’s Rod and Thatcher’s words,
Birthed a hairless Samson blinded in Delilah’s deceit,
Here was a juggernaut in a snail shell,
Broken in pieces like a tortoise shell,  
Will the broken pieces be stronger than Captain America Shield?
Will there be Superman Crested Hope to anchor on?

His heart already was scorched by heat of greed and lust,
Which made is heart of dove a resting place for the Serpent,
Even the Devil was awed by the wickedness in his heart,
His breathe rages Dragons fire,
His waves were violent storms of betrayals.
His lying roars shames the Great Lion of the jungle,
His Chameleon ways are a lesson for the Snakes,
He is a beast that feeds on the weak.

I wonder what would be left of his home,
As smoke laden fear fills the air,
We are all drunk in his venomous drinks he has prepared for us,
Our breakfast was chops of deceit,
Lunch was rice of compromises and stew of terrors,
And supper was morsels of blood soup,
Yet we go on eating and drinking at his place.

You said I should write on living,
But I’m scared about him living.
He has done more harm alive than dead,
I'm ‘Peur de Vivre'.

@Akinyemi Akinmusire aka Asapen


Despair is a metaphor’s companion,
He is an ever present
Knight in six degrees of misery;
An encore would suffice for this enjambment,
On the sweet poetry of life,
Living becomes a recluse’s wan song,
Coffee and tea breakfast with endearments of serendipity,
And Living becomes an orphan child amid the
Theater of forlorn successes,
Where life has no rainbows.
© Teddy Ugonna Richard


We pray for bread and wait on flatwares of stones to quiet our cravings.
We ask for vine and thirst on wineskins of water to merry our gloom.
We hope for the sake of a future and arouse demons to keep wake on our fate.
We toil our lands in tears and reap for our sweat thorns in the flesh.

There is a heaven not grasped because we hear our silence when it speaks
And so we will not kiss dust but we inspire rancid air to the marvel of heaven's grace.
There is freedom not basked because we trade our souls when we come to bargain.
And so we beg no more than a dime but we extol lamentations to the perspicacity of freedom.

So we dine and wine from our short end of the straw with garlicky grin
And we sleep and dream from our bed of sorrows with troubled peace.
But for how long will death throes be made of our want to suspire providence' endue?
And for how long will dirges be made of our want to howl liberty's melodies?
Segun Peters
Take a breathe between time's ticking tale
Experience the nature of self in the 60 second trail
Then you will see the theory that nurtures everything is plain.
Hope is delivered of a dying promise;
 It is  the mark of every second attained.
Botheration is begotten of a plaguing idleness;
It  is the quiet of every time detained.
For time belabored is treasures gained.
And time suppressed is prospect pained.
While the clock counts 60 for the minutes of our time
We forget to count 60 breaths for the moments of our lifetime.

Ifeanyi Emmanuel
Cry the soul of the living
Where can we hide our naked mess in the open?

Aren’t we all dead already?
If the heart is so cold
Plucking seedlings blind to the agony of the branch

Do we bud?

Even if we have survived
Color! Gender! Tongue! And Creed!
When, where do we bud?

Aren’t we all victim
Dead or alive?

-Amami Henry.

But the bundle of joy keeps us apart

The cries of necessity rends our world

Yea the toothless grin of innocence shatters our happiness

We're stuck in this oven together
And in this pavilion we remain

Till the face of purity manifests
It's a season of living to leave

Being married and staying married
Are opposite sides of same coin

Fred Flows

A cloud had gathered behind my eyes
As neighbours pelt their good wishes
But my father, single-minded and set
Balanced me on that heaving sky-blue Suzuki Moblet

They don’t make them anymore, do they?
“we are leaving for a new living” he declared

Like a lamb herded to the shearer’s shed
slicing through fluffy labyrinth of time
rattling and protesting the bumpy road
my father rode this Moblet; old faithful

held together father and son. My old world and
its streets rushing past: houses, trees I had climbed,
as if running backwards is the way forward,
We arrived sooner than I expected, father and son

Welcome to St. Kizito, an indomie-painted signboard read
Suddenly, two mildly smiling boys untied my box,
hoisted it on my head and ordered me through the gates.
Then, my father left … and anguish exploded on my lips.

@Achile Enemaku Umameh


Out of the beast came the eater.
The crowned terror, of steel frame and stony heart,
Shut from the sun and the passing of time,
Laid still and moribund in perpetual darkness,
Crumbling to the nimble bites of vermin
And spineless maggots of insignificance
In the cold cryptic world of the one-room chamber.

Wrestled out of breath and glory,
The crowned terror, of intimidating clout and presence,
Sucked into the vacuum of time and nothingness,
Like a chaff blown into the wind and lost,
Towering size and height immaterial they become
When the fire upholding the spirit is flickered off,
Out of sight and into fading memories consigned.

In utter darkness and stillness,
The crowned terror, of beastly nature and predatory,
Ripped of armour and clothed with dust,
A defenceless prey to the nipping teeth of the eater
Lay invalid with no might and brute strength to call upon, 
No might and brute strength as shield and weapon
When the dark angel with his icy hands wields the scythe.
Adeoya Adetoba
Let these lives led by these lords live
Lost, in lush lust laid these lords lead
Depth’s deep dig deeper to find us
Where we are and we call it living

These lords substitute knowledge for Ideologies
The never agree on the answers but on the question “who will lead”
They think if they give us wings that we will fly too close to the sun
We give them power and they think they are meant to rule for ever
We prophesy and they say we sow fear for the future.

We thought it could never get worse because
We have hit rock bottom
Well we have discovered the edge of the abyss
Yet we will keep on living.

Oi baptizo me noi 
huperton nekron 

I was dead when I met him 
and I died a second time 
at his feet that day.
I am dead: 
To sin. To sickness. To Death. And
all the trappings 
of man's existence 
on Earth. Baptized 
as it were, for the dead. 

What you gaze upon now is
a hologram of the Prototype, 
projected by faith 
in the Sun of Righteousness 
and empowered
by the Spirit of Life.