Friday, 13 April 2018




When the tracks of the rat race shatters apart
It won't really matter which rat was the fittest,
So, let us break free from our 3-dimensional world
Let us think outside of this global spherical box;
But first, we must let go of what is & reach out to what will be
For we aren't ready to dream ‘til we've closed eyes to things seen.

This world is led by pregnant men,
Not politicians with pot-bellies;
People who birth new habitats for the future,
And new worlds for their realities.
Therefore, mark these words:
Only such pregnant men will survive this world.

Tolu Daniel

 “It’s an instinct”
Life begins as a race, you age with grace,
Boots are lace with pace, while you struggle to be at ace,
Our space in our place is void and empty, shallow in hope but deep with despair,
Nightmares are tales on walking faces,
Ideas baked in beautiful thoughts, served as empty dishes,
Dreams blown away by the brutality of reality harsh winds,
Feet swollen with trays of merchandise on Sun-baked brains,
Schools and Institutions drill gruesome pipes into depths of empty pockets,
Being broke is actually not funny.

It’s a survival of the fittest… But what if I ain’t really fit?
Don’t worry all hope is not lost; survival is the instinct code we live by,
It’s an instinct i have found in all.
@Akinyemi Akinmusire

Again and again, memories of yesterday flashes my mind
Series of lashes and punches
Landed in coma, then passed on
I don’t know if this is for love or personal reason?

I’ve being surviving since then and will survive after then
So, I’m wondering why you want to follow the same road
You know I’ll survive with or without you
I can see you’ve made up your mind

Here is my little penny
If this is for love, please don’t do it cos I’ll survive
But if it’s personal, good luck
As for me, I’ll survive

The Survivors
The Survivors
They say those who answer missed calls
shall be lost in a flash,
but we crossed the liquid mirror
and turned back into the future,
just to affirm that seeing is not believing.

There were casualties at the peace march,
so they buried the survivors in graves of dogmas
and camped the victims in sacred sepulchers of excuses,
somewhere on the wrong side of time.

Our earth is dying of thirst, but there is water on the moon,
tonight all we hear are the howling trains and the barking dogs,

Do not die

The dry tree
whose expected fall
defied all dreams
The leafless tree
whose seed outlived its stem
with nuts knocked into the drain 

Do not step on it’s tail
the cobra is only dead without a tail 

Do not die, no not yet
death is lived in life
and will certainly suffice for 'survive'. 

Chris ' n' John
Silence is golden; yet no more
Silence birth thoughts; thoughts that tortures the soul
Dark cloud looms; the sigh of death lingers
Shall I survive?

Tick says the clock; but death says the time
Hell freezes as I spit words of a bled heart
Shadows lurking like ghost of damnation
There is only this path before me; a choice made by the heavens
Can I survive?

Time draws to a close ; As the curtains falls on a lifetime.
My breath shall return to the nile
And the river of life shall flow in the faces of men
Then the streams of their mind shall listen to the deafening echos of my still breath
Saying, I am home in my mansion; I have survived it all
To die and to have embraced eternity is to have survived death

Emmanuel Ifeanyi
How short is Life?
Death is now a distant memory
For those who are dead
The life they live, we will find out when we join them
But not yet
I will survive here
Where we fall and learn from our failures
Being among the living not the dead who are living
I will die a thousand times not to die this one death
I will wear the mantle of hope in my heart
Love and then hope the sun rises in the souls of men
“Life is short”, they say
Be alive, survive

Ifeanyi Okwosha
What could little Favour have done
In the choice of birth
Place and to whom?
Time and circumstances?
9 years old
Mothered 3
Victim of life.
If truly this whole existence makes sense
What could have been the sin of a 9year old?
Plagued by illness
Bereaved at dawn, dusk came too early.
-Amami H.
Survivor Sonnet
Blighted wounds
Stolen arrows,
Bleeding suns,
Tearful moons,
Crying tempests,
We all die in our treacheries
Our nights yawn
For weeping dawns
And memories of perfidy
Continue to assail
Our wretched mortalities
We grieve,we groan,
Yet a survivor
Breaks dead hymens of sinful saints
Teddy Ugonna Richard
The Edge
One last step at the edge, A man stands to fall.
At the brinks of moribund hopes he summons arousal of infernal replete.
He will taunt his sorrows in fated uncertainty, and laud his declension to lucifers lair.

One last step at the edge, A man falls to dust.
He flirts the silent dark and hopes exultation in the embrace of agony.
He will not fear the espousal of the soulless, neither the peace where bones rest.

One last step at the edge, A man dusts to triumph.
Though earth may rumble with repressed cries of despair, his faith will contest mortal thorns.
And as he becomes subdued by the tentacles of his fallible will he breaths, still.

One last step at the edge, A man triumphs to glory.
Night has befallen the heavens and the gates of damnation flood with this promise and a hope.
Like sunrise, virtue begets him from the shallow pits of the Forgotten to tell his story and a beginning.

From fall to triumph, and dust to glory A man is as he scripts.
Until A man dusks will he dawn; when his tale thus begin... I survived.
Segun Peters
Are you defined by your skin
Or by what lies within?
Do life's stones cause your fall?
Or do you use them to build a wall
Or as stepping stones till you stand tall
Most smooth stones have survived beating
Sharp swords severe heating
So when your success story is told
There's likely been heat, knocks & even cold
Cats and rats may laugh at you
Snakes and wolves may try to get at you
But when riding a phoenix flames don't burn you
Sausage Roll
Not even the blisters can stop
The still strict sting on top
My tender skin
Pinned to a napkin

This matter
Is beyond 'go to the ants'
Even the ants need a wrapper
From this ferocious tyrant

That's how it rolls
Without sausage no sausage roll
To reach your goal
There must be loop holes
Tobi Best
I don't know about days anymore,
They all seem same.
I watch the world slowly each passing day, 
Through small circles of iron panes.

The dark has become so bright,
My rock of serenity.
My eyes no longer flash fear,
They got accustomed.

Times have become elusive,
They exist only in fractured spaces.
Here, I await my verdict!
My only crime- my faith!
The blue looked upon the earth with disdain
As dead muddy faces glided on hope drained.
Many men survived the treacherous war
We mourn and set this cradle to the grave
Conquered in victory yet Found and Brave.
The center cannot hold they sing
Bleeding through eyes that see nothing
Pure black soul of rage and beauty.
We survived the Imposter after the rain
And a dreamy dance dawns, what a gain!
Raise these mending walls pure black soul
In your hearts where the sidewalk ends.
- Amar Basil

Just Like Jesus
I walked on the Mediterranean
To reach You, dear greener pasture
From Libya to Italy,
I became a prisoner of freedom
Just to see you, dear Liberty statue

Now that I am an “eternally” displaced person
I can concentrate on a Jewish identity in this camp
Maybe, Just Like Jesus I'd rise again
After all my dry bones had survived hell on Earth.
So this poem is for you, my frenemy,
Who coated life in the color of the rose
These words are an insurrection towards you,
Who never let me feel the gap between birthing and dying.
                    Lolade Oye
Who will tell them that it is not yet over?
Who will tell them that they could still crossover?
Who will stand in the gap and soak hope for them?
Who will tell them they could still see in the night?
Tell them in dirt we still find gems
In foolishness we still find wisdom
Tell them not to give up
Tell them dying is easy
Tell them they must survive
The big Sur
Free standing body of water
Lengthy coastline affixed to and totally unafilliated
Surnames- the name that comes after the conclusion of the matter- declaring paternal 
or familial identity
The name that comes after.
Like sur-viva!
The prefix before life
The life that comes after life happens
The happenings of life are a completely 
forgone conclusion
But those that live the life after life are 
those who are able to get out of life alive
Those who turn lemon into ice cold lemonade mingled with something abrading the throat, 
to make an aperitif!
 Andrew White