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THE COMPASS – (poem of the month)
I was born with a
'Follow true north,' they
And my way I will find.
But I knew not where to
Or what will become.
Is there a way to know
end before I journey,
Or to reveal this man
before he discovers?
Oh tarry not!
Doom embraces him that
doubts from the rising east
Purpose extols him that
search in faith to the setting west.
I was born with a compass
And hence, my destiny
besets at the tip of a needle.
I have lived by the
'All is good,' they say,
And the 'path of
righteous' I have found.
But as the final lights
smolder in embers
I realised age reversed
till I became as empty as of birth.
Is this journey ending in
an impasse forced by neglected ideas
Or the revelation is of a
discovery of troves of regret?
Oh what folly!
The compass taunted till
I came to where north was true
And I met there the only
'true' was a soul I no longer recognised as mine.
I have lived by the
And hence, my eternity is
chained to doubts still lingering.
Too late! I die today
their good man
Denied in a freedom of
paths and twists and turns I never ventured.
Regrets! Better could'a
the soul departed
Had I sojourned yesterday
without their fixation on what should be my good.
I die by the compass
But I never got to live.
Segun Peters
NAKED DAWN –(worthy of mention)
The creeping smell of newness invades me
A graceful nudity of Goodness it bore
In all colours of outlandish promises
I sunk into the muse, it took all of me
Let me bare this darkness once and not be judged
Let me spill my nakedness and not be vulnerable
Let me embrace this fear cause I wanna live and love
Let my crown of shame ripple ten thousand Joys
Let this naked dawn weave cords of Goodness
Priceless, Priceless, Priceless!
-Amar Basil
The creeping smell of newness invades me
A graceful nudity of Goodness it bore
In all colours of outlandish promises
I sunk into the muse, it took all of me
Let me bare this darkness once and not be judged
Let me spill my nakedness and not be vulnerable
Let me embrace this fear cause I wanna live and love
Let my crown of shame ripple ten thousand Joys
Let this naked dawn weave cords of Goodness
Priceless, Priceless, Priceless!
-Amar Basil
Good-A Theater of Absurdity called Life
Stanza ONE
Good comes in
Good is an eloquent
testament to
The parody of niceness.
Both are cheap allegories
Of dead values,
Drunk by men stoned on
The eureka of weed,
Good is a corruption of
Many are deluded into its
Welcoming darkness,
You are either a saint or
The devil’s advocate,
A Good thing is an
abstract aberration,
Just as people are
neither good or bad,
Poetry is either good or
Its flavor determined by
Flourish of its artist,
Lost in his utopia of
Being Good is a moral
You are drawn to its
embalming embrace,
But its Judas is its
Lack of judgment,
A judgment mired in the
Tombstone of humanity’s inglorious
Don’t be good,
It’s a derision sung by
Dead poets for the lost
Of a race completely
By the theater of
Called Life.
©Teddy Ugonna Richard
The silent night holds
Like a little boy holds
his cotton candy
At a park where he feels
Even in the midst of his
Nobody notices his
presence, not even when the music ends.
Tonight in the
silence of this house of dreams,
A distant voice whispers,
It says: ‘you can’t have
my promises’;
It says: ‘sometimes bad
things happen for good’,
It says: ‘the principle
of pleasure is pain’.
Earlier today, the world
gave me a rapturous applause,
So tonight I
have returned to the mirror,
I have come to stare into
its eyes
And let the man within
the glass
Lay on me his rebuke or
grant me his pass.
He doesn’t seem to
remember me,
He says there are songs I
cannot sing anymore,
He says I will never be
I show him where the sun
lays buried in the horizon of my smiles,
But he says even makeup
won’t work their miracles.
I say our love was born
on the open water,
He says every love was
born to die,
I say we took an oath
before the silent witness,
He says we love to
rehearse minor tragedy
As comedy for our comic
I say all my pathways
lead to you,
he says it is foolish to
walk barefooted on broken glass.
I say let’s go to the
fields and catch the light,
he says the sun doesn’t
shine anymore
even on Sunday.
They say all good things
will come,
but nobody said how long
we would wait in the storm.
In this lonely hour, all
I hear is the hiss of the night rain,
the voice in my head
continues to chant it’s infernal refrain,
and I want to ask him:
‘can I have your life?’
Good is something
Who doesn’t desire;
good dresses,
good job,
good mate,
good music,
good meal,
good friend,
good heart,
Yes, good love?
No wonder we cherish
Good news,
Good manners,
Good looks,
Good Poems,
Good things
All in all we want what
is good, don’t we?
However what good is;
religion mixed with
love filled with lies and
hardwork amidst penury?
What good exist in;
broken promises?
children turn tyrants?
leaders exploiting
long queues at the
Is there any good still
yet to be desired?
As our souls are exchange
for beef and milk,
We are fed with mischief,
hate and deceit,
We get drunk with
violence and killings,
We lose our voices to
cries on blind ears,
Deaf eyes fail to see the
good in our silence,
Dumb voices echo screams
of despair,
Yet we hope for the good
yet to come,
“All men are created
equals but some are more equals than others”
Is that why our hearts
should continually pump blood on empty stomachs?
It is said if the
desirable is not available, then the available becomes desirable,
But nothing is even
If we shoot bullets from
our pen,
Will it hit the target?
Will our words give birth
to the good we desire?
Or will it just vanishes
into thin air?
No matter what happens,
We will continually
search for the good we all desire!
Akinyemi Akinmusire
She is this omnipotent, omnipresent goodness
She is the soul of greatness
But she is used and abused
Her goodwill misused
In the churches, homes and streets
I can hear her weep
She gives hope
She reminds me to love
She reminds me of her
But gives a long rope
She knows the road to her core is tough
She births passion's fire
Now, mixed with two other words
She has become vain
She weeps like rain
Not for herself, but us
We who have forgotten her
And ignored her goodness
To her I raise this toast
Celebrating her mystery
She is more than a feeling
She is more than a virtue
A phenomenon or blessing
She is the very essence of life
My goodness! I write in your name
Yet you are farthest from me
As the sun is to pluto
So pulling petals of flower
I childishly gamble on you
She love me, she love me not
She is this omnipotent, omnipresent goodness
She is the soul of greatness
But she is used and abused
Her goodwill misused
In the churches, homes and streets
I can hear her weep
She gives hope
She reminds me to love
She reminds me of her
But gives a long rope
She knows the road to her core is tough
She births passion's fire
Now, mixed with two other words
She has become vain
She weeps like rain
Not for herself, but us
We who have forgotten her
And ignored her goodness
To her I raise this toast
Celebrating her mystery
She is more than a feeling
She is more than a virtue
A phenomenon or blessing
She is the very essence of life
My goodness! I write in your name
Yet you are farthest from me
As the sun is to pluto
So pulling petals of flower
I childishly gamble on you
She love me, she love me not
Where is the good
Where is true love and
Where is empathy for
While it is easy for you
and I
To point fingers at the
insensitivity of our
Political, faith and
traditional leaders
And like them, pay lip
service to the ills of the society
We fail to make life any
easy or bearable
To our neighbours even
when we have the chance
We fail to sweep our
corners clean
It is so embarrassing
We don’t like ourselves
We all have stations
where we play ‘god’ in the lives of others
We use our position to
manipulate people
Just to satisfy our egos
and selfish desires
We take advantage of
To make cruel gains even
in their pains, grief
And sorrow and still
pretend to be doing them a favour!
Where is the good in us?
When we are so
Our concern is ‘I, me and
myself’ only
We get irritated by the
genuine progress of
Our Colleagues, Friends
and Family
We see nothing good in
And criticize anything
that does not gratify our curious pleasures
We talk down our
And choke them with our
puffed egos
We front humility before
our superiors
Only to backbite them
And we are so humble,
very humble
When we get into trouble
Desperately seeking
favour when things are beyond us
Some of us are so
So extreme, we frustrate
and violet the right of the ‘helpless’ that they question their very existence
I nod away in shame
When I see people play
god in the life of others
Shame for myself for
being unable to help
Shame for the helpless
And a bigger shame for
the vandal
Who should know that the
sun will shine on everything we DO!
-Amami H.
What's really the best
thing in life?
Some think it's when you find a good wife
While some feel that causes more strife
A few think it has to do with your assets or financial might
A few others have learnt that just reduces your sleep at night
Feeling content with your current spiritual path?
Well Revelations may just change your heart
Some think it's when they find happiness each day
But happiness is found in different ways
Some ways cause others despair and pain
Is that happiness still good again?
So what's really the best thing for us?
Becoming our own boss?
Never experiencing loss?
Overcoming and learning?
Becoming wise and discerning?
Or just living comfortably to a ripe old age
Alongside your partner being an added advantage
Its like asking why carrots don't grow on trees
Or if there are birds that sneeze
Are our fingerprints related to our hair?
Maybe if we know why we are here
We could have an idea how we fare
Maybe by knowing why the sun goes east and not north
We'll be able to judge our life's worth
Do we merely exist?
Is it good as is?
Could we be better than this?
Or is this the best there is?
Let's hope you don't wait till the end of the race
Before you find out what's good or else...
Some think it's when you find a good wife
While some feel that causes more strife
A few think it has to do with your assets or financial might
A few others have learnt that just reduces your sleep at night
Feeling content with your current spiritual path?
Well Revelations may just change your heart
Some think it's when they find happiness each day
But happiness is found in different ways
Some ways cause others despair and pain
Is that happiness still good again?
So what's really the best thing for us?
Becoming our own boss?
Never experiencing loss?
Overcoming and learning?
Becoming wise and discerning?
Or just living comfortably to a ripe old age
Alongside your partner being an added advantage
Its like asking why carrots don't grow on trees
Or if there are birds that sneeze
Are our fingerprints related to our hair?
Maybe if we know why we are here
We could have an idea how we fare
Maybe by knowing why the sun goes east and not north
We'll be able to judge our life's worth
Do we merely exist?
Is it good as is?
Could we be better than this?
Or is this the best there is?
Let's hope you don't wait till the end of the race
Before you find out what's good or else...
A tiny
particle that becomes a beautiful piece
birth to infant
Infant to Teenager
Teenager to Adult
Adult to Old age
Like one
of them said they serve as strength,
you have them around.
moment you spend with them
out the best in you…..
good life
good bones
Good to
have them.
Rumour has it that I
don't write happy Poems
Rumour has it that whenever I pick up my pen to write
It is always about the sword, war, or blood
Well, I don't know how true these rumours are
But today, I'm going to be writing a happy poem
Because when you look around you
there are so many things to be happy about
So today I'm going to be writing a happy poem
Like hell I'm not writing shit
It takes a happy mind to appreciate a happy poem
How many smiling faces you see for here wey dey smile
I look around me and the only things I see are dead bodies
People who wake up every morning and die
Walking around with coffins in their mind
They said education is the key
But almost all our first class graduates
now have an additional MSc
Master of Short Cuts
In the course of trekking from one futile job interview to the other
They said education is the key
But the best graduating student in my class is now the PA to a Yahoo boy
They said education is the key
obviously someone changed the locks behind our backs
Ehm wait, but this is supposed to be an happy
Happy Poem?
You can call this whatever you choose to call it
But don't be deceived by the smile on my face
Or the lack of conviction in my voice
The pen that wrote this poem is not a happy pen
It bled so hard for 30 days and 30 nights
on an even angrier piece of paper
That it literarily destroyed the word
The mind that conceived it is not a happy one
This piece is not here to play with you
This piece is here to disturb your peace
I'm pissed
I'm filled with so much rage I sometimes forget my age
I'm so damn angry that with my BSc and MSc my survival is still at
other people's mercy
I'm annoyed that all the wealth in this nation is holed up in some
people's pocket
And I'm left to fight and struggle for crumbs alongside 180 million others
I'm pissed that I can't get a job if I don't know someone in authority
I'm so damn annoyed that I have 3 minutes to do this poem
While I have 3 decades worth of anger bottled up inside of me
I'm annoyed about life that whenever I think about it, the thing goes
skrrrrr in my head
I'm annoyed that comedians earn so much more that university professor
I'm pissed that Davido and Olamide are our society's measure of success
I'm pissed that Bobrisky is some people's role model
It's not as if I'm hating
But well, I'm annoyed
I will write a happy poem
When we remember, what it feels like to be human again
I will write a happy poem
When our mosques and churches
Aren't just tax free multi million dollar businesses
I will write a happy poem when we can live and let live
I will write a happy poem
When missing daughters and burnt fathers
Mean more to us than election rallies
But with everything that I have said
Rumour has it that whenever I pick up my pen to write
It is always about the sword, war, or blood
Well, I don't know how true these rumours are
But today, I'm going to be writing a happy poem
Because when you look around you
there are so many things to be happy about
So today I'm going to be writing a happy poem
Like hell I'm not writing shit
It takes a happy mind to appreciate a happy poem
How many smiling faces you see for here wey dey smile
I look around me and the only things I see are dead bodies
People who wake up every morning and die
Walking around with coffins in their mind
They said education is the key
But almost all our first class graduates
now have an additional MSc
Master of Short Cuts
In the course of trekking from one futile job interview to the other
They said education is the key
But the best graduating student in my class is now the PA to a Yahoo boy
They said education is the key
obviously someone changed the locks behind our backs
Ehm wait, but this is supposed to be an happy
Happy Poem?
You can call this whatever you choose to call it
But don't be deceived by the smile on my face
Or the lack of conviction in my voice
The pen that wrote this poem is not a happy pen
It bled so hard for 30 days and 30 nights
on an even angrier piece of paper
That it literarily destroyed the word
The mind that conceived it is not a happy one
This piece is not here to play with you
This piece is here to disturb your peace
I'm pissed
I'm filled with so much rage I sometimes forget my age
I'm so damn angry that with my BSc and MSc my survival is still at
other people's mercy
I'm annoyed that all the wealth in this nation is holed up in some
people's pocket
And I'm left to fight and struggle for crumbs alongside 180 million others
I'm pissed that I can't get a job if I don't know someone in authority
I'm so damn annoyed that I have 3 minutes to do this poem
While I have 3 decades worth of anger bottled up inside of me
I'm annoyed about life that whenever I think about it, the thing goes
skrrrrr in my head
I'm annoyed that comedians earn so much more that university professor
I'm pissed that Davido and Olamide are our society's measure of success
I'm pissed that Bobrisky is some people's role model
It's not as if I'm hating
But well, I'm annoyed
I will write a happy poem
When we remember, what it feels like to be human again
I will write a happy poem
When our mosques and churches
Aren't just tax free multi million dollar businesses
I will write a happy poem when we can live and let live
I will write a happy poem
When missing daughters and burnt fathers
Mean more to us than election rallies
But with everything that I have said
Ajijola Habeeb
You'll know everything
good will come
In time
When you sight half of
the yellow sun
You'll turn to your
daughter whose eyes are freshly washed with tears
You'll murmur "weep
Weep not.
Yes good should come out
of this
The memories of a decade
of mourning
Will rush to shore like
angry waves
And pull you into bitter
You never learnt the art
of war
So all you did was
protect her
The one who you bore the
pain for
Or so you thought
Good will come from death
His death
At your hands
So as you murmur
"weep not, child"
You know
That when the fear
And the regret descends
Like a body lowered six
feet under
Your song will rise like
sweet smelling perfume
And silence the ones who
made you stay with that good man
On Monday,
I was pissed with various
text messages
As I opened it for a few
It was my little
beautiful girl
Who told me that I was a
On Tuesday,
As I got back from work
My phone started peeping
“merry Christmas to you
in this season “
“merry Christmas to you
loved ones”
Come home, brother for
On Wednesday,
When I got to the bus
stop around my area
I saw a wearing my
mother’s cloth
As I ran towards her spot
in the area
A bike crossed in between
my laps
As if I was a giant
On Thursday
Rain began to wet my
inner mind
As though nothing
initiated my part
When I tried to avoid
drizzling in the rain
An umbrella came to
shelter my comfort
Immediately the rain ran
to another place without a single trace of water droplet
On Friday ,
Morning and evening just
cliffed together
As though, they where
rounding up minutes
making the minutes to
hours without blame
Then ,I asked myself what
did I achieve
Suddenly ,an angel
appeared to me in a dream
‘’Don’t let your dreams
carry you away’’
On Saturday ,
Morning when I wanted to
wash my clothes
Immediately, I remembered
my old friends
Who never called my cell
phone number
But they were always my
tight friends
Then I had to cut them
off my line
After a while, the phone
began to beep
On Sunday ,
At the church, I was
pronounced a pastor
Not knowing that I was
about to control the congregation
Something came into my
innermost being
Telling me to forsake the
assembles of unbelievers and hypocrites that will bring wealth to your disposal
But I tried to avoid them
, instead they kept coming back to my corridor for help
Next day, I woke up in
another mood, it was saint valentine on this month of February.
Goody two shoes
A black kettle rose
With its bottom glued
To a cushion
Into a field of maize
To hit a stalk.
The butterflies flew
To the sky
Missing the kettle
As it rushed past
The garden of roses.
The moon looked like the
And goody two shoes
crawled out
From the kettle to stare
At the world.
He was meant to be in a
But he cheated death
Stood at ease
And looked like a teacher
To new borns.
Good two shoes went
In search of shoes
Unlike Batman who
For Batwoman’s identity
And met three strong
He is a boss baby, a do
He fell into many taking
hands yet
He lacked nothing but
This is me
I am beautiful
I give bread to the poor
I am a correct
application of knowledge and wisdom
I am a rod of correction
Word of truth, diligence,
that’s me
Fear of God,
understanding, wise counsel, honey comb, obedient ear……., you are referring to
I’m a part
I’m a whole
Pursue me, find me,
include me all round, then you’ve found meaning
Check in the mirror, do
you see me?
Signs and symbols no
longer signifies or points to me
I’m not a side attraction
that helps you to reality
I’m reality
What is the difference
between me and the opposite?
Find it and forget about
the dual
I’m neither a duplication
nor imitation
What I’m calling for, is
for you to substitute signs and symbols of me for me
Forget about gigantic
simulacrum, clashes of ideology, more information and less meaning
Hnmnmn, they are
beautiful nonsense and can never be exchanged for me but for others
You barely know the
difference between simulacrum and I
Stockpile whatever you’ve
being through in a plain view
Stop fabricating me
It makes you belong to
the realm of simulation
My name is good
The die is cast
I am called in fast
As a cast
In a movie
Title; last act.
As an advocate
I”m asked to reach out
To a king
In need of the knowing
Of things that exist
When existence exits
Then my lip dance
If you do good kingdom
O o o o
O o o o
Kingdom's waiting for you
The song stops
Dancers stop
The king roars
His prey prays
For the kingdom come.
The dove is far
From a green snake
In a green grass
With a crown to bait
My king is in a rage
His mind in a cage.
I try to engage
He renegades
So I ask
What kingdom awaits
What kingdom exits
That my king has not
That makes him fearfully
quiver and shiver
Of his expected exit?
There is a kingdom beyond
the clouds
It accommodates the sheep
and the goats
Its entry visa
Your passport of deeds
Be good
do good!
Do good
Is this all the gods
needs to undo my wrongs
Did my wrongs caused my
coconut to break while twas been plucked
The future of the kingdom
remains uncharted
I shall rise at the dawn
of the day
And do good till my eyes close in sleep.
Emmanuel 'DeMaverick'
Betrayers come with
Home-wreckers come with striptease
Brutus stabbing from behind
A big smile, veiling vile
Thoughts, emotions and motives
Intentions like locomotives
Moving gradually
Slowly evolving
Natura non falcit suntum
Home-wreckers come with striptease
Brutus stabbing from behind
A big smile, veiling vile
Thoughts, emotions and motives
Intentions like locomotives
Moving gradually
Slowly evolving
Natura non falcit suntum
Evil human nature truly
doesn’t jump
"No man is good!"
I speak not as a feminist
A statement from a Man is what I repeat
For when Jesus said “no man is good"
Did He mean that He isn't good?
Or, that He isn't a man;
For to be good is to be loving
But Love is not an action, it's a Person
And no such person is a man
Therefore, Love is probably a woman
But not just any woman
Love is the woman you cheat on
And beat on in your
all-week-sad drunkenness
Who has no iota of desire to stab you in your drunk-sleep-stark- naked mess
Who has no iota of desire to stab you in your drunk-sleep-stark- naked mess
Such love is not all
And not all women are
that loving
Thus, I chew once again
the cud of my words
Love can also be a man
Love is the man who died
for his bride right before the wedding night
So, what gender is Love?
Maybe Hermaphrodite!
Love is the Person that suffers long and suffers wrong
Without claiming damages in federal court
A person that evil prods and daily pokes
But still remains calm, collected and unprovoked
A person who bears all things, in joy unyeilding
Knowing it's just another political smooth-talk, but keeps believing
Love is not that blind lady groping around reading your deceptive braille lyrics
She sees your faults, she just ignores, and sees a better you beyond the gimmicks
Love is the beauty that
fell in love with a beast in these guys
Love is the Man Jesus who
died for a world that refused to be His wife
He stood against the seemingly good men of His region
Men who covered their own sins in long robes of religion,
Long prayers and selfish empty good deeds
Men whose hands are quick to cast stones at women caught in acts of adultery.
Hang your stones for a while, look and you will see
That the man whom she did 'it' with is roaming free
Justice belongs not in the hands of men such as this
Men who excuse the man in the mirror but accuse the woman on the T.V screen
Perverted men can never execute true justice
For they can only see through perverted lenses
He stood against the seemingly good men of His region
Men who covered their own sins in long robes of religion,
Long prayers and selfish empty good deeds
Men whose hands are quick to cast stones at women caught in acts of adultery.
Hang your stones for a while, look and you will see
That the man whom she did 'it' with is roaming free
Justice belongs not in the hands of men such as this
Men who excuse the man in the mirror but accuse the woman on the T.V screen
Perverted men can never execute true justice
For they can only see through perverted lenses
So, Love is neither a man
nor a woman,
Love is God
But not just any 'God’
Love is the God that is
too righteous to ignore sins
Yet too merciful to
punish the sinners
That kind of God revealed
to us in the Man Jesus
“For vengeance is Mine”
says the Lord
But when it was time to
take vengeance
He took it upon Himself
and no one else
Yes, to be good is to
love, like the Man we call God
Yet, not a religious God-
The one you can
manipulate, twist and turn with your seemingly good deeds
For Love looks into the
heart, beyond your acts, down to your motives.
An activist once gave his
body to be burnt for the people
We idolize him unaware he
was just trying to be a hero
What if the condemned
robber did it just to feed his starving family?
What if Jack died for
Rose just so he could star in Titanic's story?
What if the terrorist was
simply protecting his homeland from imperialists?
So, next time you judge,
don’t be so quick to conclude,
There is more to being
good than just doing good
Tolu Daniel ©