Friday, 9 June 2017



MYSTERY OF THE FIVE HOUSES (Poem of the month)
At the house of light bulb,
there is fog.
The man with the child in his eyes
has a cat which sits daily on his lap,
gazing constantly at the big sky,
searching curiously for Peter Pan.
In the warm room,
the Lord of the Reedy River sleeps.
Under the ivy,
The handsome cabin boy sips
his cappuccetto grosso.
At the house of silence,
they pose riddles
that only the dead can answer.
The grave robbers
do the dance of the dogs
before unearthing secrets.
The wolf and the raven
play the peacemakers
in a debate over greed.
No evidence against the black sheep,
the alibi pans out,
and again the tomb becomes a womb
from which the fetus of truth is aborted.
The dead pity the living,
as slaves beg for the cadavers of other slaves.
At the house of leaves,
the roads fall out of the windows.
the decomposing trees make for bridges,
bridges over the gulf of ignorance.
The children of rain
join the roots to their school,
Their chlorophylls have been extracted,
they cannot carry out the photosynthesis of their existence.
At the house of jealous lovers,
the keeper of storms
opens the floodgate,
and the rooms overflow
with the rage of angels.
The weather is an equation,
the weatherman altered the arithmetic,
and the victims of mathematics
are stranded.
There is no sailing away
on the ship within the bottle.
At the house of memory,
there is a shrine of madness.
Pieces of glass litter the floor,
there is a song on the lips
of the broken china.
The clock has lost its limbs,
no one remembers
the dance steps
to songs of the season;
the world is ill,
she suffers from future syndrome.
Dead children smile
from wind-kissed pictures.
There is a woman left brooding
upon the ledge,
it’s the gravedigger’s wife;
her lover is coming home tonight,
he is coming to attend his funeral.

EL NINO (worthy of note)
Overdose on hope
I confess to Pope
I don't ask for bicycles, when I talk to God
Forgive me, Lord!
To drive home the point, hijacked a bus
             "Sir, where are you taking us?"
            Trouble’s attention is sought
No silver lining in my cloud of thought
           Land mines in mind: sparks from plugs
To answer the question planted a slug.

Overdose on hope
Without hooks and ropes
   Suddenly, got the idea his soul is lit
      So, pilot bungee jumps from the cockpit
Seems, He is trying to swallow spit
                  With his throat slit
I am in my zone
With my legion of zombies
Way up Forbes list
        Holding on with clenched fist

Overdose on hope
Waiting down the slope
     In pews of cornrows are flocks
Of birdies with locks
   Of dread, hammer head slunk
  In pants commands respect: punk
  Likes to keep his little ducks in check
 So he deals his cards from below the deck
         Bishop, Umpire, took the hint, outfox the fox,
   A gambit: he pulled a rabbit out the box.

Overdose on hope
   Like it's some stash of dope
                Opinions sway both ways: seesaw
                                   But I've got a glass jaw,
 I can't sling rocks
   From holes in my socks
   Tiny toes on my feet talk
   White power: dot: nose tip, Chalk?
   Do we need 'i's to cross these “t's"?
             I don't floss, brother, I cut my teeth

Overdose on hope
Now it's not hard to cope
Yes, things are looking up
Cupid like a cup
If anything pops or drops,
Flip flap floors: flip-flops
Then that should be jaws
Cos, it was us they saw
In a Porsche, of-course not a bus
Is this POE- 'eM? Ouch! Windpipe bursts.

Overdose on hope
Guess, this is within our scope
He says, "Philo, Philo..."
"You've got my heart you know"
Yes, He leads her on
“…Keeps the deuces up, Son!
There is no C in love..."
So, he use no glove
On his knees he plows
On her back she howls.

Adeoya Ajibola

I AM FLY (worthy of note)

I am he that stomps the ground,
and grinds the ground,
I am fly,
I care less for niceties,
I couldn’t bother with novelties,
I am fly,
I  glimpse the sky's tears,
the earth dried off its lament,
I am fly,
stuff happens, we all sing dirges,
I bless fate and
medlies  flow,
I am fly,
I wake at the sun's yawn
and waltz through the day's page
dusk smiles sadly,
I am fly,
strangers meet
love choruses,
a new swan song births,
I am fly,
I love my life's thread,
I answer to no heathen,
my prayer's my anthem,
I am fly,
I sing lullabies
in my sleep,
suck on my thumb,
I war with babies' chants
in my sleep and
steal their innocence,
yet I am fly,
because hell will freeze
over before i give a hair's
because i am


Wisdom’s Theme
(for Akeem Adetayo Oyalowo)
Dammy Krane
A mute bird in the cage
With a saccharine-d tambourine
Hippy, lippy and nippy
What message art thou sending?

Dammy Krane
Stewing in a skewed mane
With a borrowed robe
Of fools, frauds and firebrands
For whom is your inner life pretending?

Dammy Krane
Tell the Ostrich from the Crane
Concert fired fury
Dies the death of dye.
Fanned fame- fading

Hear, and heed the rhythm
Of wisdom’s theme
“Living a life your pockets cannot afford”
is misleading life of limelight.
Stop trending! Stop sending!
Loud emptiness.

Father M.

Sending love on tour
That’s being human
Not a grenade for Grande
The shattering of grand dreams
Or dreams of grandeur's
Becoming a dangerous woman
The climax of an explosive event
Making corpses of people
If immortal glory is the goal
Become a Shintoist
And perform kanshi seppuku

Life has a value
And it is not the price of your soul
Or dream of immortality
Not shattering the dreams others
Not making Grande the explosive bombshell
The harbinger of grenades
And explosive bombshells
We are sending this message
So the world can know where we stand

Olamide J. Santos (lariostylz)


The Self
No one teaches one
how to build self
It has been
The greatest struggle
I have come to know

Kaptain Afrika
Had sent several
Books to guide
I am yet to reach
My perfection
After 24 years through
The electrical shocks of life

These thoughts
I have harboured after
I drank too many philosophies
And ate too many stories
I stagger through thoughts
having unnecessary injuries
In my head
Forgetting to watch self

Zapiro’s Zuma
Called out to me
I glanced at him
And immediately
picked a good run
Hoping I would get
Home soon enough

But then I think
what would I do
At home
If I do not face Zuma now
After all I, like Moana
have fought to
Declare that I am Art
Yet with my “prendas”
I have not gotten
The gol

I stopped, turned
Ran back to urge Zuma
So others after me
would urge him on
though no one truly likes a man
With a shower on his head

My justification?
The books to guide say
What is the point of self
If we do not stop judging
and urge the other through
To the land of love
Abiola Bonuola June 2017


I have seen two men
Brutal with diablos
Meek with personas
Graceful in dealing
Building faith
Showcasing wonder
Refracting glory
Like sun 
Like rain!
The one burns with the word
Making good the son's work
Abolishing death
Messaging life!
The other cools! 
Cool with words of grace
Making good the son's work
Banishing death, failure and lack
Chris 'n' John

Many are called
Few answer
Some are sent
Others just went
Without seal, imprimatur
Without superscription

He was a man under authority
Not a scion of the living dead
Not operating as a Tonton Macoute

He was sent
He went
He sends and others go
A virtuous/vicious/virtual circle/cycle!
Depending on who sends, who goes, what is done in execution

Execution of building designs sent out to commissioning agents without guarantees
Expending, spending energy

Posts returned by the general
not backed up by the gatekeepers
of the super highway in this neo-tech age where subliminal messages generating mass hysteria can be sent out to the hoi polloi
Making more impact than IL Duce, the Fuhrer and Pol Pot
Not forgetting Bokassa, the Amin and Leopold of Belgium

Sent as a two edged sword
Cutting both ways
depending always on the sent and spent forces centripetal and centrifugal

Forces for good
for evil
for the never morally neutral.

Many answer
Some went
messages are sent!


The Sun smiled at the clouds
Shedding a few tears
As the colourful children of nature
Hug each other on the western shores
Capping the setting Sun
As we move on with our elliptical dance
Round the golden orb 
As it bows out of sight 
On third mainland bridge
We are caught in between,
As day hands over to night
A romance of two halves   
Honking symphonies of impatient herds
Making music in different keys
That kiss given from behind from a driver on the phone
Another dance drama begins
We are slowed down to give our ratings
Sometimes it’s more than a kiss
And for some that will be their curtain call
As we go back to what we left
To meet it in fear or joy
For some a delayed unavoidable battle awaits
So they gym up, wrestling a few bottles
As Mama Amaka waits for Papa Amaka’s return
To give him the news
Mummy Bukky with that scintillating smile, Ore mi kaabo
Daddy waiting to surprise Mummy   
Children waiting for their hero’s return
Others a night in chains and misery
Freedom comes when night hands over the baton
No wonder roses have thorns
The birth of a new day
Bringing with it a new page
I am sending you this message
As we write into history
What will be our story?
What will we write?
What if today is…

Ifeanyi Okwosha


I once had butter but no bread
A soft pillow but no bed
I wrote poetry in my head
cos I had no pen
That was then
Now I'm being offered dry bread
An empty bed
and paper when there's nothing in my head
Now is not then
There's no how
Or way to return to when
So somehow
I have to figure out how
To butter my bread
Make my bed
and sort out my head

So I leave my nest
and head West
A beehive of captivity
Poverty and insincerity 
I look East
all I see is trouble mixed with yeast
Confused though slightly amused
I look at the Northern sun
Glory looooong since gone
All that's left is a smelly sore
from a rotten core
The South looked lost in a greed war
A complete eye sore 
I could look no more

Yet as I closed my eyes 
I felt raindrops from the sky
I also felt the sun
Nature always won
I saw a picture in my head
I knew where to lay my bed
It’s not exactly buttered bread
No! instead
I'm changing my shoes
and I'm sending this to you
You know exactly what to do.
its time for something new.



Eyes opened to an undefined gaze
Stained with deafening shadow;
This quietness glowed undisturbed.
Gracefully, the feeble air walked
It touched all over me
Like whiff of distant hum.
Engulfed in that little sweetness,
I moaned...I burned...

Could I embalm these tides?
Should I savour nature’s Kiss?
Like one that ended before
The touch of a lover’s lips.
My moments glided into muse,
Helplessly wooed to sensitivity
And I couldn’t help the gush
Of smudgy laugh, reverberating deceit

Such conspiracy of smothering silence
Submerged in sunken dreamlessness 
Enlaced in the Blues’ kingly hues
I yearned slavishly for dawn.
‘Twelve fifty!’ The tardy arrows pointed
The night still riding at ease-
It mocked at my yellow
Rubbing its back on my window.

Twelve fifty five...

                                       Amar Basil

You speak into a hollow
You speak the reverberating sound of a barrel thundering down a vacuum only travelled by echoes that tumble in protest against the orphaned trip to the deep
You speak to mortals clattering like expended bullet-cases on the granite floor of a death cell
Your words,
Mumbled sounds to yourselves
But jarring yells in the ears preferring the silence of the grave
You speak liquid words
Words drawn from bottles that smell of smoked ice

Harvested cells transform to cold raging words
They yell
Now the nonchalant syringe fails to mediate a tango between dead muscles and expunged cells
Recalcitrant spines refuse to embrace acids arriving from alien lands
You assemble your team and brush them queer
Bold strokes of confusion
They travel through routes winding in the slithers of still waters
Waddling through watery graves
Persuading relatives who have to kiss reluctance to lose their tooth of suspicion whilst chewing on the thought of sending cadavers to a god appropriating desperate powers to itself

Chukwuemeka “Deus” Njoku
Dear child
I send you these words so mild
I send you these words like a king that was promised
I send you these words because
They will never hear you when you call
They will always laugh when you fall
I know the fright in your eyes
I see the flight in your heart
But stop!
I hear your heart beat
I am sending you these words to calm your heart
Take them to the bank they will always have your back
Like dough put them in fire and they will come out whole
Hang these words around your tongue
And they will keep you.




Father, greet your cherubim and seraphim
Clothed in white shining golden crystals
Send them to us as guardian angels
We are in dear need of your heavenly charms
Which will protect us from spiritual doctrines?
That is not in accordance to your grace
We are ready to receive your spiritual emblem
Don’t leave us to overwhelming sufferings
We don’t know your spiritual existence
God speaks”I am that I am in mighty furnace
I speak in the burning bush of unquenchable
I am always with you even in earth
Just call upon my sweetest venom
Which is the name above any other name?
Mightier and stronger before mere kings
He is the bright and morning star
Sparkling in the atmosphere of beauty
He remained the same, yesterday and today
Even forever, he is unchangeable

 Father God, please forgive us of sins
We are innocent vessels of honor in you
The enemy “the devil” enslaves us to adultery
Send us a purging and contrite spirit
Cast me not away from your beautiful throne
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation
And renew a right spirit within me
Because we are heir of your inheritance
We are joint heirs with thy son
We are children of thy kingdom
We are family, we are one
To you, we give all the praise
Bless my life in due for your glory
To you, I give all the praise

Father, we are singing unto your name
Singing hallelujah in your throne
We are not better than your perfection
But we are more than conqueror
In the beauty of your holiness
We are ancestors of your doctrine
Which can never be denied nor erased
To you, we give all the praise
Let my life be used for your glory
Join us together in love and harmony
In noonday and night
When the thief cometh not to us
But in reconciliation of peace
Between good and evil
Where destinies can’t be denied