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PATRIACHAL (poem of the month)
In this realm
Of mental slavery
Where minds are still held captive by
The chains of patriarchy
Freedom will stretch its hands
In piety
But no man will take it
Because it serves them well
To be considered gods
When justice requests for equality
It is not a demand for sameness
But a cry for regard
Even the educated subscribe to the
Relegation of her rights
A dismissal of her rightness
Her perfectness in who
She is and can be
Freedom will peer into their souls
But no man will be stirred
Because it serves them well
To be considered gods
So surrounded by these fearful beings
Them prideful ones
She becomes subjugated
Pushed to the wall of
Society’s naiveté
And acceptance of archaic norms
She succumbs to the lies of patriarchy
Seven times seven times she forgives
His godfulness
Mercy will throw a line
But she will ignore it
Because it serves her well
To be considered crowned
In this realm
Success will drag its feet
Progress will hide its face
Because woman is not
Elevated to that place
That rightful place
Where her essence is
Her rights justified
Then glory will turn its back
Because society rejects
The gift of her
The day I was born
I died in that realm
That realm that will welcome me
The day I will die
In joyful grief
My loved ones wished me well in my quest
Knowing we will meet again
As they bid me farewell
Just like they will do
The day I set sail
Once again
The die is cast
The path is taken
Choices are made
Knotting and unknotting
What was
What is
What will be
All is given
Nothing withheld
Revelations and promises
In continuous fulfillment fulfilled
And once again
I will have my due date
If all goes well
In the ninth month
Or seventh month
Or before my first kick or knock
To make my entrance
In these realms
Where my birthday is my deathday
This is how we do it where I'm from
We wake up way ahead of sun
Creeping out before the first cock crow
Sometimes journeying to places we do not know
All in a bid to make endless ends meet
My village is called global now
There are hardly any more trees in the ground
Just an urban jungle of glass, stone and steel
And streams now flow online, virtual is the new real
And the honking of cars has become music
I live in a place were abnormal is the norm
And you are the outcast if you refuse to conform
My girlfriend has a girlfriend who used to be a man
And my best friend's boyfriend has female organs
Together we all jump around like crazy baboons
But really how did we get here
So much hate, and wars and blood shed every where
This must be an alternate universe or dimension
Some abnormal realm, this baboon nation
But how do i get back to my reality. Sanity
It seems im living a scene of planet of the apes three
And humanity has been relegated to living in trees
Warfare is now fought by gorillas
To escape ourselves we now look to the moon and mars
Becoming baboons with alien ambitions
A sphere of
where the
diktat of the protagonist
He rules
the roost like a cock of the walk
and entrancing the extant chicks by the redness and fleshiness of his
And then
Ends up as
Christmas or New Years or other celebratory dinner.
Always the
fate of all those cocky ones in recent political history
Gaddafi, Saddam and the man from the Elephant coast
Alhaji High
Chief Professor President escaped that, at least
for the
Unless of
course some Habre-like hubris chases him out of Nguema's equator and then a one
way ticket to the Hague.
Kabila has not read the runes
is dead!
Long may he
Uncle Bob and the Seven Soldier man remain his role models
But tell
him not to hold his breathe
The Spirit
of Lumumba is breathing down his neck and the Sword of Damocles is set to
these men, these cocker spaniels and rulers of the roost in these realms do not
bear rule
For thine
is the kingdom and power
Thine the
Let them
know this!
Just because I'm Ebony
You think I'm kin to a chimpanzee
Sometimes you say it openly
Teasing me publicly
Like you own the galaxy
Feeling like human royalty
Some sort of Celebrity
Forgetting skin color is hereditary
I'm shocked by your level of mental poverty
I'll just sit quietly
Watching your display of superiority
But the truth is we are part of the same big family
Something I doubt you'll accept willingly
But gradually
Even if somewhat reluctantly
You'll realize we are of the same recipe
I just have a bit more humility
I could blame my leaders for robbing me
Their lust for luxury
Made them murder honesty
They sold us to you cheaply
So it's hard for you to set us free completely
You noticed our energy
And ability
So you tried to hold us down psychologically
But you aren't different from me
We happen to be on the same journey
Each location is just a different cup of tea
Hence natures disparity
Amidst which lies equality
Understanding this is the key to unity
So stop this insanity
And take things objectively
In my realm this is poetry
And I'm Gemini
You think I'm kin to a chimpanzee
Sometimes you say it openly
Teasing me publicly
Like you own the galaxy
Feeling like human royalty
Some sort of Celebrity
Forgetting skin color is hereditary
I'm shocked by your level of mental poverty
I'll just sit quietly
Watching your display of superiority
But the truth is we are part of the same big family
Something I doubt you'll accept willingly
But gradually
Even if somewhat reluctantly
You'll realize we are of the same recipe
I just have a bit more humility
I could blame my leaders for robbing me
Their lust for luxury
Made them murder honesty
They sold us to you cheaply
So it's hard for you to set us free completely
You noticed our energy
And ability
So you tried to hold us down psychologically
But you aren't different from me
We happen to be on the same journey
Each location is just a different cup of tea
Hence natures disparity
Amidst which lies equality
Understanding this is the key to unity
So stop this insanity
And take things objectively
In my realm this is poetry
And I'm Gemini
Take here
The waters of her broken heart
Melted in the Saucepan of your abuse
How savoury it must taste
The generous serving of her mincemeat
Heated and stewed
Garnished and spiced.
Wash down the lingering parts of the broth
With the juice of her being
Feed your ego without relent
Till you belch from the surfeit of her broken self
Do not restrain
You are almost there
Soon you shall be done with this serving of the Lamb
Handed you as a leashed gift for coming-of-age
Bleating Ewes are not to be listened to
Their leash transform to gold
An inheritance of privilege
Conferred at the exchange of new age cowries
King of a modern transaction
The reigning of yourself in the realm of your folly
Haughty hands exiting a pouch
Cast ten shillings into unsuspecting palms
Clutching falsehood as the symbol of fulfillment
For a daughter sown to yield increase
By a widow in a hut lacking a window
You put out the flame of her excitement
Shillings killing feelings
This broken heart
Dripping of the blood of an anemic daughter
Carried into the realm of your alternate universe.
We were born like this
With words as fire in our bossom
Thrust into realms like Atlantis
Slaves to words not from this world
We carried this fire in our bossom till now
We are born into this our world where words
Assume physical bodies and we can glimpse them with our bodies
Born into this our world were words punishes us when we lie
Embraces us when we dream
We speak the words our minds eye tell us
Speak like prophets with words from other realms
We were born like this
We fetch words from different realms
Bound like prisoners of war
Deliver them at the ears of all
We explore worlds with our words
Move into realms only dreamed of by few
Explore wonders of worlds untold
Live the lives of prince and princesses
Deliver nations from the strong hands of tyranny
Melt hearts, bind hearts, break hearts
Give birth to untold beauties and atrocities
We are the bearers of words
It is our lovely burden
We will carry it in this realm
And other realms only we can see.