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KemiBon Winner Poet of the month July 2016 |
give me 21 days
To forgive everyone
For everything
Or the book of forgiving
So I can find the fourfold path
For healing myself and the world
I see you really detest my black magic
So I’ll teach you how to forgive
You can begin by breaking free of the
Myopic views that blind you
So that next time you feel
Like reaching out for melanin
You can remember to resist
The ugly thoughts that delude you into
Thinking you are superior and
Embrace the richness of the
Diversity in
The philanderer caught in the very act
The woman accused alone
The man unaccompanied by the sirens of
The men in age order slinking away at
the recounting
Not knowing that even then it was
In delible sand
The second thief on the elevated tree
Those who in ignorance took an oath
upon themselves
Swearing to their own eternal hurt,
But for the certainties of Eternal Life.
They should have refused the invitation
To swear on the second mountain.
Forgiven by the resonant act
With multiple reverberations through
Seven billion big ones
After the war that came after the war
To end all wars
Reconstruction, rehabilitation, renewal
Not the liberte, fraternite, egalite
Of the extant and untelevised
But not too far off in scope
Debt clubs gathered to forgive debts
To Shavian deserving if not deserved
Deserving but not deserved,
As the mountains grew again
Not the famed groundnut pyramids
Or the Butter mountains of the Union
Before the exits- Br or Gr
The mountains grew again and exceeded
the marks
Previously set
Hupaballoo- the exceeding of marks
Doing a Usain Bolt on a Johnson
Except that the return is not
All round but commiseration and
But what is it to be forgiven again but
The enjoyment of the grace that has no
And trumps and triumphs over Karma.
The grace that erases all marks
And pulls down all walls
Even the one’s in Frost’s poem
Walls that lock in and also lock out
Forgiven again by grace notes that all
can read.
Bread was the only thing left to eat
From where I lay on the bed
Struggling for breathe
As I sucked on my inhaler
Stealthily, he came along
Lean and lame
With a mean look for effect
Obviously hungry from weeks
Of lack
Or Possibly a hobby to rob
I love to fight him off
But all I had was my inhaler
Which would spell disaster
Yes, disaster for both the robber and
his prospect
But even more for me, the prospect
If the bread went and I save my breathe
The disaster of hunger will linger
But with life, they say there is hope
Being a lone ranger
As created by the system in
"Igida" has made us
Every man is now a rat
Sneaking in and feeding off the sweats
of others
Gudugbe has done it yet again again
Robbing me of not only my sweat
But that of my entire family
I am not happy with Gudugbe
But I cannot act for fear of losing
Together we planned to stage a campaign
or is it proper to call it a protest
But the 'Olofofos' were quicker in
their campaign
We talk, we shout, we cry
And still walk in the face of the pains
Gudugbe cannot hear our cries
The cry of the praisers and pilot sirens
have overshadowed our lots
What baffles me of all
Is how he manages to swing these acts in
the face of anit-graft players
One wonders what rules they play by
Or are they simply playing us as fools
Like they always did?
Some say it will get better
We cannot say
How can one say
Even as the impunity persist
I insist!
We must dialogue!
We must get a change to say our piece or
do we remain in the shadows
Penning our pains away as we wallow in
I insist we get out from the shadows and
make our voices heard!
Ilupeju Adebayo
When she is losing that special one
Because deception brought out a gun
And ignorance won
Causing an implosion
Of misconstrued information
Compressed emotion
Silence became a deadly potion
The path then chosen
Boiled the ocean
Causing a division
Which dissolved all acts of contrition
Into worthless missions
Please listen!!
For this tension
Is at the last station
The one where she lets go
And holds on to snow
Where loves fire becomes frozen
'Cos no one bothered with her version
Only true love can understand
The antics of a woman
Towards a lost man
True wisdom knows the solution
Is in an explanation
Hoping he still has a heart
And not an onion with many parts
Hoping he realizes that instead of forgiving
He is the one that needs to be forgiven
She just needs to start living
So even though he is the special one
She's done being the sober one
I hear her approaching a new sun!
July 2016
When she is losing that special one
Because deception brought out a gun
And ignorance won
Causing an implosion
Of misconstrued information
Compressed emotion
Silence became a deadly potion
The path then chosen
Boiled the ocean
Causing a division
Which dissolved all acts of contrition
Into worthless missions
Please listen!!
For this tension
Is at the last station
The one where she lets go
And holds on to snow
Where loves fire becomes frozen
'Cos no one bothered with her version
Only true love can understand
The antics of a woman
Towards a lost man
True wisdom knows the solution
Is in an explanation
Hoping he still has a heart
And not an onion with many parts
Hoping he realizes that instead of forgiving
He is the one that needs to be forgiven
She just needs to start living
So even though he is the special one
She's done being the sober one
I hear her approaching a new sun!
July 2016
We are harvests of the soil
Collected into this earthenware
Made for the earth
Yet the earth
In the courtroom of our conscience
We swear our innocence
Calling the fly to the witness box
That survivor
The life of it our alibi
A proof that we cannot hurt a fly
Morality bears us witness
As amputees of its clipping program
Yet these tongues
Lacking limbs
Lacking the skills of Kung Fu
Somehow unsheathe the Samurai’s sword
Daily warring
The ears
The mind
Building up offence like fences
Wailing walls
Destination of lamentations
Yet these tongues
Hand out band aids
To wrap stunned ears
Gestures of Pardon and reconciliation
Yet the scar insistently refuse a cover
And we prevail upon it
With overlooking eyes
Enforcing the creed
That out of sight is out of mind
We preach to it
Like the Uterus grants the sterile
Which travels down to the Ovary
Bearing false hope
Like tribesmen pardon herdsmen
Constantly slitting the throats of
their kinsmen
Tasting again the beef they swore to
touch no more
But swearing never to forgive the
Breathing down their necks
In palpable silence.
Chukwuemeka July 14, 2016
THERE ARE THINGS (editor’s title)
There are
things they will do to you
Just for
being a girl
Swollen flesh
below the nipples
And the front
and back stuffs down below
May make them
think you are feeble
So your case
is always on the gist menu
We can loudly
discuss, there’s no need for a special venue
Was the
treatment special
When throats
were slit, soon as he entered
Was it
because they were boys
Women to them
are better toys
Something a
shelf could be used to display
with a price tag,
Something you
could call drummers for
And be
paraded around town, because she’s getting too old
yearning to play
She’s willing
to be yours, even if you are earning lesser pay
The things we
would do
Just because
she’s a girl
The list we
would give
Just because she
dared to love
And must be
blessed before she’s sent on her way
Someone needs
And bottles
of spirits
Someone needs
For the
grandchildren of the clan’s elderly woman
Who lives in
a district the bride has never been to
There must be
wines, there must be beer
She doesn’t
drink and she hates the smell
That’s even
why, they said she was the right choice
But she must
also been seen and never be heard
Because no
one quite cares, whether or not she has a voice
request silence
And silence
begets acceptance
She’s often
told she needs a ring and must seek the lord for repentance
They often
ask me to bring forth a child, and I do desire a daughter
But these
grounds are a preparation for slaughter
We love being
the cock, chasing after the hen
We promised
her sweet love and lured her into a den
The rules
have changed because she’s a woman
Just because
he has male organs, he is thinking he’s a man
A ward
bearing his name has never seen his check
The paths he
is forced to follow isn’t from his deck
A child has
learnt to love from her mother’s bosom
Wiping sweat
from her brows, she’s determined her flowers must blossom
Diamonds are
a girl’s best friend
You may call
them mothers, if they have to hawk almonds for bread
Walking for
miles to earn half his night’s expenses on beer
Going home to
bed, the burdens of the smell she has to bear
And the
things she must teach her child
That there’s
no justice in the syllabus often drives me wild
They call it
I maintain we
are not all vultures
They praise
her for having the patience to bear all these
And the
wedding sermon is for her to be like her and discover bliss
They say he’s
the crown on her head
They say his
food must quickly be ready, and he must be well fed
They say she
must contribute her quota
Women these
days are conscientious workers
They say she
must never raise her voice because he deserves respect
She’s surely
heading to prison, and she’s taking the express…
Akeem Adetayo
April 23,
The gate is chained and locked
The key to rights
Held by each inmate
We step out
The cool fresh air a fleeting
In a few minutes
And it is time to go back to the cell
of rights
The right to hate
The right to kill
The right to wickedness
The right to jealousy
The right to sadness
The right to racism
The right to terrorize
The right to hope
The right to happiness
The right to peace
The right to give
The right to forgive
The right to freedom
And the right to love
Who gave us the right?
The right to right our wrong
Prisoners by choice
Choices made by right
Rights we know is our right
You don’t have the right
You know you do
The right to choose
And the consequences
I really do not know
If truly my heart has
Healed from the pains you brought it,
And the tears that wet the earth
Still refuses to sink beneath.
I pray you do not come again
In the guise of innocence
To take of what is left in pretence
This heart still aches
That mark you left yesterday
Refuses to heal today
So please do not come again.
So many promises you made
But none you could hardly fulfil
And even when all that I beg of you
Is to walk with me through this path,
You never looked back while you depart.
I have fore-given
Before you pulled your hatred on me
I have fore-given you
As I wish you that you wish me
I have fore-given you
Even though this pain refuses to heal.
A glance at the walls reveal
lines from colored pencils,
Color marks spiraling on and on,
Vivid marks that cannot be ignored.
Livid, the punisher calls out the
Due punishment to be meted out!
The ankle-biter approaches quietly
With a rueful look on her face.
In a tiny voice, she pleads guilty
With head turned down in self-pity,
Eyebrows slightly pulled together in
the middle,
Mouth turned down at the corners.
The Little fellow appears even smaller
in her misery.
Slowly, ever so slowly she lifts her
head to gaze timidly
Into the eyes of her supposed punisher.
The look on her face dissolves the
angry look
On the would-be punisher.
The look reaches into the heart of the
The look melts the heart of the
The punisher feels her heart swell.
This time, however
Her heart
swells up in forgiveness!
The moppet has
been forgiven!
----------------------------------------------------- NNEOMA ONYEUKWU
If we would remember
That night, dark and cold in winter
When the messiah laid in no cradle but
a manger
Shared the fate of a stranger
As given by the ones he came to deliver
To Calvary’ cross he journeyed
My sins upon his shoulder he carried
With no guilt yet like a lamb he
My salvific work to accomplish
Winning for me a crown of glory
A life, a gift….Eternity
Now I live!
A life full and wholly given
Broken from hiddenness’ obscurity
Crimson’ filth and grim for covering
Light, my feet is set in dance unending
Ring out with joyful song!
For man once exiled is reconciled
No more shall envy be birthed by strife
Nor death and fright govern the mind
No more shall sadness latch onto the
darkness of lonely nights
For the festival of beaming lights puts
to flight
The presence of eerie nights
Forgiveness is missing
In a forgiven world
In the environment given
Walking, talking, playing on a ground given
Learning, sitting, sleeping on a ground given.
Forgiveness is missing
In a forgiven world
In the environment given
Walking, talking, playing on a ground given
Learning, sitting, sleeping on a ground given.
Found in the
environment of given
Everyone was afraid of given to forgiven
It became a scarce chances to be given
Forgiven was scarce in a forgiven world.
Everyone was afraid of given to forgiven
It became a scarce chances to be given
Forgiven was scarce in a forgiven world.
Running to be
Forgiven refuse to be given
Unknown reason to be forgiven
Running for every reason known to the personnel
Whenever we hear he is coming
We run from the hills to our sanctuary
Under a mountain to take any available space
Even when it doesn't belong to us,
It was given.
Forgiven refuse to be given
Unknown reason to be forgiven
Running for every reason known to the personnel
Whenever we hear he is coming
We run from the hills to our sanctuary
Under a mountain to take any available space
Even when it doesn't belong to us,
It was given.
rushing through the hills to their holes
Running from three monsters behind forgiven
Gentle fellow fell into the
Immunity given to forgiven,
It was unfortunate
Running from three monsters behind forgiven
Gentle fellow fell into the
Immunity given to forgiven,
It was unfortunate
He fell down,
panting silently and looking pitiable
Hoping for some mercy to be forgiven
Forgiven was too expensive now! To be given!
You can guess the end
Reminisce of given to be forgiven.
Hoping for some mercy to be forgiven
Forgiven was too expensive now! To be given!
You can guess the end
Reminisce of given to be forgiven.
I wish(editor’s
I wish I
could tell you that it is not for you.
But it had to be said.
But it had to be said.
Stones reside
not in hearts.
Neither the other way round
Neither the other way round
must it be
The heart to weather what comes
The heart to weather what comes
Where is the
sailor and his boat
Where is the laddy and his kite
Where is the laddy and his kite
Boy, your
mother calls
Wrapper dance-like sways
Wrapper dance-like sways
Toss a coin
in the air
Lo, a third side shows
Lo, a third side shows
T'was not
foretold that it would end like this
And yet, t'was foretold
And yet, t'was foretold
The ambush,
dark and weighty
Swiftly artillery come rushing through
Swiftly artillery come rushing through
your heart stops
A pause of your every nerve
A pause of your every nerve
The Sun veils
Her face in mourning
Tears that lack in mercy
Tears that lack in mercy
the pummel unassuages
Then it's heard
Then it's heard
Whispers of a
name long forgotten
Teasing, mischievous and coy
Teasing, mischievous and coy
Time is
the wave constantly washing our crimes
From the
shores of our memories
reminding us to forget
that sins
forgotten are not sins forgiven
sins sinned
and forgotten
sins unsinned
yet un-forgiven
Apologies for
the sins I’ve sinned
For I’m not
even sure of my sins
Apologies to
life for treating you with so little care
Even when I
know I’m void of a spare
From the
earth I seek forgiveness
Apologies for
rashly trampling upon your patience
Apologies to
the sky for being so high
Never to be
looked down upon except by the most high
With the
falling rain I’m guilt ridden
Apologies for
running to take cover every time you come visiting
To the
burning sun I’m conscience stricken
for having to
bear with my constant nagging
Oh dear
faith! Hold no grudge against me
Apologies for
embracing you only when it suits me
My dear lord,
before you I bow
Forgive me,
for only remembering you when I’m down
O happiness!
You can call me an ingrate outright
Apologies for
treating you like you were my birthright
Sadness even
to you I’m sorry
for not being able to cause the world any more than worry
For so many
mistakes I was never made to pay
Apologies for
not seeing how much you’ve cleared my way
My love, weep
not for not all hope are lost
Apologies for
not being there when you needed me the most
On the slate
in which I write
Forgive me
for tainting your white
With my pen
every reason to be outraged
Apologies for
spilling your blood just to fill my page
Vultures hear the sound of death
Vultures feast on bodies taken by death
So does the heart of the brave hear
The sound of Ekpe and feast on fear
We have kept faith with destiny
We have been kept by fate
So we won’t be late
When the time comes we will be
We sing these songs on birth days
So we won’t be taken by surprise of the
last days
But if by chance you forgot
Then know you are already forgiven
We the elders of Oruku have forgiven
For death is often forgotten
Though men should know it is a given.