Saturday, 27 June 2015


A collection of poems from the most interesting poets in Nigeria who read at Loudthotz Poetry Open Reading just launched.

Independent Poets Concerns (IPC) hosts an open poetry reading called Loudthotz Poetry Open Reading (LPOR). The event holds every second Thursday of every month by 6.30pm at Orange Academy, 3b Adesoye Street Mende Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria.

The event is open to everyone. A poet who plans to read his poem at the event would send a work to and would come on the day of the event and read.

All the poems read in a year are collated and published as an anthology with every contributing poet retaining the rights to his/her work and also can claim ownership of the anthology as a published poet.

This has been done for the last 5 years!

The latest collection of poems read last year (2014) is now out, it is titled "First Gong:The Surge". Anyone can purchase this book for N4000.00 only and have it delivered to you anywhere in Nigeria. 

CALL 07064384235 NOW! for a copy of the book.

Friday, 12 June 2015



One night of bliss
Where two hearts became one
At the strike of a full moon.

One night of peace
Where streets are cold and empty
And all you could hear on trees
Are whispers from evening breeze.

One night of flavours
Where one spoon scoops ice with cream,
Two eyes gazed at one scene
As their hands graced one bag of corn
Committed in a way not yet known.

One night wrapped with kisses,
Where love captured the skies
As two glasses where raised by the stroke of champagne,
One night one stage
Where group of young lovers
Danced to the rhythm of sweet melodies.

One night shining like golden rings
As broken hearts rested on each other wings,
One night of perseverance
As tears was wiped by assurance,
One touch, one feelings
One moment that lasted forever
As one voice says “forever” to a diva.


No crown yet
Vain Sayers like owls
Hold nocturnal deliberations
Members of Parliament
A brood of serpents
Walking about standing erect
Homo sapiens
Making a home of serpents

The bottle of oil still lies there on the ground
Emptied on my head
Before they snatched the Priest
Electing their kind as King

With the remnant in the bottle
They anoint his head
Dry anointing
Their jar of oil still sits in the chamber
That unworthy place yet called hallowed
Blackened oil
From worm eaten olives
Attracting nothing
Save insane flies
Seeking for a pool to drown in

I keep the priest’s girdle
They make ring of mandrakes
Around the waist of their priest of volition
These clinking bells announce the advent of doom
When men upstage gods
The gods indulge men with drinks of delusion
Poured from their jars
Brews of ire
I stand and watch

My time shall come
When the men are drunk
From the cups of gods
When they choke from their puke
Their priest will cease to walk
And the clinking bells go quiet
And the dogs howl all night for want of care

The time is now
I emerge
My coat of colours adorned
The priests girdle in hand
I get him from the pit
In which he’s been hid
All the months he’s gone missing
The gods gird strength into him again

On a platter 
A damsel bears the crown
Refined gold and fine stones
Pure and cold
Welcome to the crowning
The unveiling of a King
Witnessed by babies
My crowning
In the parliament of gods

                                                     ©Chukwuemeka June 11, 2015


That is easy.
Easy to categorize and catalogue.
Not so easy to cauterize and cleanse.
The girls in Sambisa.
The ones we have been asking for, waiting for, looking and longing for.
We asked the Government of the day to bring them back.
Some directed their ire at Shekau.
We are still asking.
We are still waiting.
Not forgetting the boys, the men , the women.
The entire communities swallowed up- missing.
All they wanted- better equipment, better logistics, better Generals.
For their pains- missing.
Their lives, limbs, liberty and leverage.
We ask for their lives and liberty.
Bring back our boys- our soldier boys.
Loose those men and let them go with honor.
Missing monies in the black hole.
The black hole that is the alphabet soup leviathans that run our black gold.
The holes so black, so deep that  the counters have lost count.
In their confusion is conflict not of laws but of numbers.
Missing votes.
Missing pensions.
Missing windfalls and fall outs of wars- Gulf wars.
Missing dividends of democracy.
Missing husbands romancing mistresses.
Missing fathers engulfed in the rat race.
Missing women attacking the great Bastille walls of Patriarchy.
Swallowing elephants and straining at gnats.
Missing targets because setting up straw man scenarios.
Missing the point which is to live , to love, to learn and to leave a legacy.
Missing Mandela and Lee Kuan Yew.
Leaders without pettiness, without small mindedness.
Missing the mark- which is the meaning of sin.
Embroiled in peccadilloes that do not advance the cause.
Missing a sense of shame.
Missing the big picture!

Top of Form


Who said my daughter was missing?
We wouldn't find her replica... anywhere
She wasn't in school...not at her sister's creche
She wasn't there...I mean nowhere
Maybe it's nothing to ponder on anyway
We looked for her everywhere
Who saw sister's daughter?
All we found here was her teddy bear

Oh God dear!!! where is my daughter?
What do you mean you don't know?
I left her with you this morning
Could she be missing, stolen or taken
Taken to where...the unknown destination
Someone must have taken her
But to where?

My sister became caged like a bird without a beak
She couldn't cry nor laugh
Her eyes swollen like she's dead alive
As we speak...she was working slowly off us
Barefooted and with her head gear loose
Before we know it...she was on the other lane
Soliloquizing only to herself and the gods of the land

Reality knocked us all at once
Get hold of her now before ... we all chorused
As we reach out to her... her smile spoke in French
It was a language we understand not
She suddenly changed direction towards the East
It was a midnight black evening
With no sun speaking to the moon
She became a mother without a child
No one at all for her to breast-feed
No sob of a child for her to dry off

Alayande Stephen T.

Ambitions be still
Least I miss this moment
That will be lost forever
Never to be regained

Achieving material goals
I missed your first steps
Lost opportunities
Now we are strangers
If not foes

I live for work
Applauded for achievements
With every achievement
A higher goal is set today
Only to face a greater failure tomorrow
In this never ending vicious cycle

Lifeless institutions
Have taken my life
Nothing is left

A burden
A disturbance
A home for my kind

Ifeanyi Okwosha      June 2015


Like the dust misses the early rain
You made me
Leaving no drop to quench
The thirst of this purebred

You never stoop to consider
The wants of this strain
But for the love of the Most High
Yet you made me
A life apart from the purebred

With no care in the world
You took away my bloom
Leaving this miss with 
Baggage of a grown woman

Here, like the desert trogon
I await the love and care of my flesh
The unity of my soul
The noise and silence of my heart

Here, I am
Missing the seed 
That ought to be sown and ripped
Missing the name calling
Missing the name changing
Missing and missing
Yet hoping for the mystical union.



I see you in my mind's eye, the
Versace markings on your green
Feathers as you flap by, lazy 
Like Serendipity's mom

I watched you fall
                                Off the bottle neck
Through the barbed wires
And crumble into a giant meat ball
Before you became the
Green butterfly in my mind's eye
Whose green Versace feathers flapped by
Lazy like Serendipity's mom

I finally saw your face again when
You turned around, 
Pucker-faced like
A living corpse to look
At the imaginary stranger at
The Sarmakand in my mind's eye

I recognize you now my love
Your puffed eyes- as you tried
To smile at me, pucker-faced like
A living corpse. Even in death
They are wise, your eyes
I see them as you flap by like
The green Versace butterfly in
My mind's eye.

I realize I need you now
My Versace green butterfly
I need you for the magic
And I mean it. I need
You to make me a millionaire
In one minute. I need you
To watch over your niece too
My little purple butterfly, with the
White polka dotted feathers
Sprinkling her gold dusts of magic
Everywhere she went.

                                     She visited us
Briefly for a couple of weeks
A miracle in tiny pouch
We called her Serendipity,
She got angry, volatile tempered
Like her mom and left
In a dark red gust
Through her mom's thighs

I love you both my lovely butterflies
I love you just the way that
You are. Pucker-faced like
A living corpse; beautiful 
Like a dead angel. 


The sound of unending silence
A rigid cadence
The cold grip of loneliness
Bringing strange anxiousness
The crude smell of corruption
Unasked unanswered questions
Dreams washed upon a bay
Far Faraway
Feeling somewhat betrayed
Feeling alone

My vote is my voice they say
My voice like my vote don’t matter I know
My vote like my ego is priced like a thing
My voice shouting since yesterday
But still missing today
Grief demands and answer
But there is non
Do not underestimate the evil of gold
Do not over price the power of good
Loyalty sold for pennies
While integrity is still missing
Eyes red
Thoughts weird
Eyes strained
Hearts Pained
My thoughts gone too far again
A jolt brought me back to life again
Zarah calls
Time for dinner
How did we find ourselves here?
From one issue to another
Bombings from Kubwa to Baga
More than 400 days ago
More than 200 girls taken by our foe
I heard it was
A little later
The story of the stolen billions came to be told
I longed for Ibadan
A city I belonged
Shiny new roofs in a sea of brown elders
The land of my ancestors
A diaspora of sorts for now
And why not
When it takes as long to get to London
Even Accra will not take as long by air
Amala and its attendant abula
I miss a lot
To visit Abuja is now a pain
Save for if you have a bank to break
To go by road
The less expensive approach
Is to risk your life to accident or the outlaws that lie in wait to rob
Now we stay within our domain for fear
Of what may happen when we move
Now we have a man proclaiming to come with change
But with what experience has taught
His change will not come
Unless he learns why hiss all the time
He needs to learn the point
They one they always miss when they come.


Those rainy days that bring
Nostalgic scents of hot akara*
When the distant voice of
Mother telling tales by moonlight
Tickle the ears of a sleeping child
Sending him to faraway lands
Where time is measured
In fast forward
When the gutters fill up rapidly
And spew
As the cabal crumbles
And expectations high slowly
Find descent
Those days long
Spent in longing
Those days
When contentment
And joy inpenetrable
By selfish desiring
Days longed for
Wished for but lost and trampled in
Outrageous wickedness
Rainy, teary,
Ones shrouded in misery

Are the days of lives present… past

*Bean cake
Oh Child, do not cry
Yourself to Sleep
There is more love
to bread and gain
Do not think
Of the troubles of tomorrow
They are meant
To pass by as you wish
Be brave
Conquer your fears
They are empty
As chaff to grain
Hunger throbs the heart
Yours and Mine
There is something I am mixing
There in the mortar of my mind
I can feel the pestle of love
Pounding all the ingredients that fill it up.
There goes in the steaming pain
Thumping hard at my chest bone,
There goes in the affection
An ingredient more potent than a love portion
Can someone fill the jars with the tears of a damsel?
I meant one who had been tutored by humility,
I need those to fill what I am mixing?

I am mixing you
Even when I still hide under the shade of pun
I am mixing you
Even when I am still to know you.

Just bring me Joy,
Bring me chunks of determination,
Do not forget the tooth of perseverance
And the hair of wealth.
I am mixing something in the mortar of my mind,
I won’t forget to add the leaves of love.
I am mixing you
Even when I hide under the shade of pun.


He says…

Your milky smile completes
your chocolate attire;
just the portrait of your mean visage
wakes my slumbering pen

Missing from your temple so long
So longing for the incense of your kisses
My ink matches towards your white with colorful boots
like sickles salivating for bountiful fruits

Let me pamper you
With a world beyond these carefully picked roses of words…ehm ehm

Please continue
O, fondler of lyrics
Caress me with the palms of your stanzas
So I can fill what is missing…

She said.
Ehmm…he says.